Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
10/26/2001 from USA Today and The New York Times:
http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20011026/3572171s.htm Missile-defense tests altered to stay within treaty Ship-based radars won't be used as U.S., Russia pursue 'breakthrough' By Andrea Stone, USA TODAY WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration, in a major policy shift, said Thursday that it will delay parts of two missile-defense tests that would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and provoke sharp protests from Russia. ... Rumsfeld said the two tests were to have used sophisticated ship-based Aegis radars for the first time to track long-range ballistic missiles. Now the tests will be conducted without the Aegis system. That's because Pentagon lawyers have concluded that tests using Aegis radars, which Navy cruisers and destroyers now use to track aircraft and short-range missiles, would violate the ABM Treaty. ...
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/26/international/26MISS.html U.S., Awaiting Putin, Delays Missile Tests By THOM SHANKER and DAVID E. SANGER
10/27/2001 Published Saturday, Oct. 27, 2001, in the San Jose Mercury News http://www0.mercurycenter.com/premium/nation/docs/missiles27.htm U.S. affirms commitment to missile plan BY JIM PUZZANGHERA Mercury News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON -- The announcement of a decision to delay missile-defense tests this week has led to speculation that the Bush administration is backing off from its plan to quickly build a national missile shield. But senior administration officials insist that they still intend to scrap the treaty with Russia that prohibits such a shield. ...
10/27/2001 from MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/631870.asp Armed Pakistanis head for "jihad" At least 5,000 bound for Afghan border on Saturday MSNBC NEWS SERVICES TEMERGARAH, Pakistan, Oct. 27 - In buses and trucks, pickups and vans, more than 5,000 people rolled out of a northeastern Pakistan village Saturday morning, bound for the Afghan border and vowing to fight a "holy war" against the United States. Meanwhile, a call from hard-line Pakistani Islamic groups for a "million man march" in Karachi to protest U.S. raids on Afghanistan failed to materialize on Friday as about 15,000 supporters showed up. THE PAKISTANI MEN who headed for Afghanistan Saturday had massed in Temergarah on Friday night with assault rifles, machine guns, even rocket launchers. A few even carried axes and swords. Their mission, they said: to enter Afghanistan's Kunar province and help the country's ruling Taliban defend against any ground incursions by American troops. ... Organizers said similar-sized groups were massing in other towns across North West Frontier province, an
enclave of ethnic Pashtuns with deep ties to neighboring Afghanistan. ...
10/28/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/28/international/28MISS.html Bush Adviser Says Russia Is Warming to U.S. ABM Tests By DAVID E. SANGER and THOM SHANKER October 28, 2001 WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 - President Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, says Russia's leaders are becoming persuaded that the administration's plans to test a missile defense system are "not actually a threat" to Moscow. ...
10/30/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011029/wl/russia_us_5.html Russia Hints at Missile Talks Monday October 29 6:06 PM ET MOSCOW (AP) - Russia hinted again on Monday it might be ready to discuss changes in the key Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty which bans the Bush administration's plans to build a defense shield against incoming missiles. .. ``The situation in the world is changing, and our relations with the United States are changing. In the framework of these changes we are ready to discuss new parameters of strategic cooperation,'' Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov as saying late Monday night. ... ``While this discussion is happening, we believe that the ABM treaty should continue fulfilling the important mission that it has been fulfilling until now,'' the ITAR-Tass and Interfax agencies quoted him as saying after a meeting with Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique. ... Ivanov's remarks came after U.S. defense officials said Thursday they were delaying three missile tracking tests that might have been interpreted as violating the treaty, the first time Washington has allowed concerns about the accord to slow its missile defense project. ...
11/4/2001 at the Salt Lake Tribune: http://www.sltrib.com/11042001/nation_w/145940.htm Russian Agrees ABM Pact Is 'Relic of the Cold War' BY DAVE MONTGOMERY KNIGHT RIDDER NEWS SERVICE MOSCOW -- Russia displayed flexibility toward the United States' position on missile defense Saturday as Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov acknowledged that the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty is a "relic of the Cold War." ... Rumsfeld and the Russian officials said they were not ready to announce a pre-summit agreement. But Ivanov said for the first time that Russia finds some common ground with the United States in viewing the treaty as
obsolete. "We often hear that the treaty is hopelessly outdated, a relic of the Cold War. Partially -- I stress partially -- I agree," Ivanov said. "All the fundamental Russian or Soviet-U.S. accords are relics, to some extent." Ivanov also said NATO is "in many ways, a relic." "Russia and the United States now have mutual understanding and the desire to look to the future together," he said. But he added the two countries must "create something different" before scrapping the ABM treaty. Russia has maintained the treaty is the cornerstone of nuclear stability. "Since we are no longer enemies but partners, we should trust each other," Ivanov said. "There are good prospects -- we can move forward faster in such issues as the struggle against terrorism and the reduction of weapons of mass destruction." ...
11/4/2001 from AP at the Lincoln Journal Star: http://www.journalstar.com/nation?story_id=6525&date=20011104&past U.S., Russia hint at arms deal BY JUDITH INGRAM The Associated Press MOSCOW - Top U.S. and Russian defense officials indicated progress Saturday in one area of their talks on arms control - weapons reductions - but signaled no breakthrough on U.S. plans to build a new missile shield. With 10 days to go before a key U.S.-Russian presidential summit, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld met in Moscow with his counterpart Sergei Ivanov and also conferred with President Vladimir Putin. Although a deal on the missile issue appears unlikely, the two ministers stressed the points they have in common and tried to gloss over lingering differences. "Neither Russia nor the United States wants to put too much emphasis on the contradictions between them, and are trying to work where there is agreement," Ivanov told reporters in the Kremlin. ... "The United States wants to move beyond the ABM treaty and establish a new framework for the 21st century," Rumsfeld said. "We had good discussions as to how we go about doing that." ... "Russia and the United States both understand that we should look into the future together," Ivanov said. While Russia recognizes the United States' right to drop out of the agreement, he said, "we believe it is better to do so when something new is already in place." ... "Today's talks with Putin and Rumsfeld showed we have . . . good prospects here to move forward quickly," Ivanov said. Neither he nor Rumsfeld offered any specifics. However, a senior White House official told The Associated Press earlier that an agreement providing arms cuts of about two-thirds of the arsenal was on the negotiating table, with each country limiting itself to no more than 1,750 to 2,250 warheads. Rumsfeld expressed U.S. gratitude for Russia's "fine cooperation" in the anti-terrorism campaign following the Sept. 11 attacks. Ivanov said that he and Rumsfeld had discussed additional, "concrete forms of assistance." ...
11/4/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/03/international/europe/03RUSS.html Russian Seems to Rule Out Chance of Arms Pact at Summit Talks By MICHAEL WINES MOSCOW, Nov. 2 - Russia's foreign minister appeared to rule out today the prospect that President Bush and President Vladimir V. Putin would sign a major arms-control agreement when they meet this month at Mr.
Bush's ranch in Texas. ... "There are still many questions which have to be resolved, so at the present moment, it would be premature to say that any accords have been reached," Mr. Ivanov said. "Things have not yet reached the point of concluding agreements, wide-ranging, large-scale agreements in this sphere." ... Foreign Minister Ivanov, who was in Washington this week, said on Wednesday that arms-control discussions with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had been "full of content," and that Russia was satisfied with American responses to its suggestions for cuts in nuclear arsenals. ...
11/6/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011106/wl/arms_russia_usa_dc_1.html Putin Says Russia Flexible on ABM Treaty Tuesday November 6 7:46 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said in an interview released on Tuesday that cutting a deal with the United States on the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty would require tough talks but Russia's position was flexible. His comments, due to be broadcast by ABC News on Wednesday, were the latest sign the former Cold War foes could be nearing a historic compromise over U.S. plans for a missile defense and Russian support for the ABM pact that stands in its way. Putin was asked about the ABM treaty, which barred a missile defense on grounds it could stimulate the arms race, as he prepared for a summit with President Bush in the United States Nov. 13-15. ``Well, it's somewhat difficult for me to talk about this with certainty, but I should say the compromise can only be found as a result of very intense negotiations,'' Putin said when asked about the ABM treaty during an interview on ABC's ''20/20'' program. His remarks were translated into English by a Russian interpreter and distributed by ABC. ``Anyway, our position in this is quite flexible. We believe that the ABM Treaty of 1972 is important, essential, effective and useful, but we have a negotiating platform starting from which we could reach agreements. At least I hope so.'' ...
11/6/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011106/wl/attack_germany_military_dc_4.html Germany Prepares 3,900 Troops for Afghan Campaign By David Crossland Tuesday November 6 2:19 PM ET BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany signaled its ambition to play a more prominent role in world affairs on Tuesday by agreeing to mobilize up to 3,900 troops to support the U.S-led Afghan campaign. The decision, called historic by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, could lead to the first deployment of German troops in a fighting role outside Europe since World War Two. ... ``The government plans to accede to the request from the United States,'' Schroeder told a news conference,
adding he expected parliament to give its approval to make German troops available for one year to the U.S-led campaign. ``The government is confident this package will effectively support the fight against terrorism and meet our alliance commitments,'' Schroeder said. ... Analysts say its conscript-based army, built to defend German soil during the Cold War, is ill-equipped for rapid deployment in foreign troublespots. But it has several highly regarded military units and its German-made Fuchs vehicles, manufactured by Rheinmetall AG, are seen as the best in the world for detecting nuclear, chemical and biological contamination. ... Schroeder's announcement follows his pledge of ``unlimited solidarity'' with the United States. ... Schroeder said the United States had made five requests. It wanted Fuchs units, involving the deployment of up to 800 soldiers; 250 medical staff; 100 special forces troops who could take part in ``hit and run'' actions; transport aircraft with 500 personnel; and ships with 1,800 sailors to protect shipping. ...
11/6/2001 © 2001 The Washington Post Company http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A27293-2001Nov1.html A Veto Over Presidential Papers Order Lets Sitting or Former President Block Release By Mike Allen and George Lardner Jr. Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, November 2, 2001; Page A01 President Bush signed an executive order last night allowing either the White House or former presidents to veto the release of their presidential papers, drawing criticism from former president Bill Clinton and several historians. The order reinterprets the Presidential Records Act of 1978, which put the papers of future presidents in the public domain after a court fight over Richard M. Nixon's papers. The act envisioned the release of most sensitive records 12 years after a president had left office. Administration officials said Bush's order was prompted in part by a request for 68,000 pages of records of Ronald Reagan, the first former president whose records are subject to the act. ... White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales said any decision to withhold documents could be challenged in court, adding that the administration would lose if a decision did not have solid constitutional grounding. He acknowledged that the process could take years. ... Historians said vast troves of documents offering insight into presidential decision-making could be lost. The act applies to the papers of Clinton, Reagan and Bush's father, George H.W. Bush. Many officials of the Reagan and first Bush administrations are back in the White House, and critics contend that the executive order may be motivated by a desire to protect them. A House Government Reform subcommittee headed by Rep. Stephen Horn (R-Calif.) will hold a hearing on the dispute on Tuesday. ...
11/6/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011106/sc/un_population_dc_1.html World Facing Disaster as Population Booms -- U.N. By Jeremy Lovell Tuesday November 6 9:15 PM ET LONDON (Reuters) - People are plundering the planet at an unprecedented and unsustainable rate that needs to be curbed quickly to avoid worldwide disaster, the United Nations said Wednesday. ``More people are using more resources with more intensity than at any point in human history,'' the United Nations said in its annual world population report for 2001. ... The report said water was being used and polluted at catastrophic rates. ... Water is already being used at unsustainable rates in many countries, with water tables under some Chinese, Latin American and South Asian cities dropping by more than 3 feet a year and water from seas and rivers being diverted with occasionally disastrous results. ... Vital rain forests are being destroyed at the highest rate in history, taking with them crucial sources of biodiversity and contributing to climate warming, thereby boosting already rising sea levels. ...
11/8/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011108/pl/us_russia_35.html Rice Downplays Hope for Russia Pact By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Thursday November 8 1:25 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush's national security adviser, playing down prospects of a new arms control agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said Thursday that Bush would move independently to reduce the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal and to clear the way for an anti-missile shield. ...
11/9/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011109/13/-attacks-netherlands Dutch to Contribute Troops Updated: Fri, Nov 09 1:55 PM EST AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - The Netherlands will contribute at least 1,200 troops to the war on terrorism, the government said Friday, joining Germany and Italy, who agreed this week to send forces. ...
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