Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
10/14/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011013/ts/attack_dc_409.html Al Qaeda Threatens US, UK; Afghan Raids Continue By Stuart Doughty and Sayed Salahuddin Saturday October 13 9:51 PM ET WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group threatened on Saturday to attack the United States and Britain in retaliation for bombing Afghanistan as U.S. warplanes resumed raids on the country and its Taliban rulers. ... In a statement broadcast on Qatar's al-Jazeera television network on Saturday, al Qaeda spokesman Sulaiman Bu Ghaith told U.S. and British ``infidels'' to leave the Gulf or else ``fire will flare underneath their feet. ``We tell Bush and others in the U.S. administration that the storms will not stop, particularly the storm of hijacked planes, until the strikes against Afghanistan end and until Palestinian land is liberated,'' Bu Ghaith said. ``We also advise Americans and Britons, especially Muslims, children and all those who oppose U.S. policy, not to ride planes or live in high buildings,'' he said. ...
10/14/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011013/ts/attack_protest_dc_2.html Anti-U.S. Riots Rock Nigeria; Protests Elsewhere By Emeka Madu Saturday October 13 7:42 PM ET KANO, Nigeria (Reuters) - At least 20 people were killed in Nigeria in anti-American riots Saturday and thousands of demonstrators joined peace marches in London and Berlin. Nigerian authorities issued a shoot-on-sight order and clamped a night curfew on Kano, the biggest city in the mainly Muslim north, after some of the most violent anti-American protests in Africa since U.S. air strikes on Afghanistan began. Army tanks criss-crossed the streets to quell riots which followed a pattern of Muslim-Christian clashes
that have killed thousands in oil-producing Nigeria over the past two years. ``There is rampant shooting in the streets,'' said resident Jibrin Idris, who said he was trapped in a building with scores of people in the city's commercial district. ``Churches, mosques and shops are on fire. There is smoke everywhere,'' he said by telephone. ...
10/16/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011016/21/int-attacks-australia-troops Premier: Australia to Deploy Troops Updated: Tue, Oct 16 9:03 PM EDT CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Australia will begin deploying troops and military hardware to the Persian Gulf over the next two weeks to join the U.S.-led coalition against terrorism, Prime Minister John Howard said Wednesday. ...
10/16/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011016/10/int-india-pakistan India Vows to Take Punitive Action By ASHOK SHARMA, Associated Press Writer Updated: Tue, Oct 16 10:10 AM EDT NEW DELHI, India (AP) - India warned it will be ruthless in dealing with Islamic militant infiltrators entering from Pakistan, as the nations' forces exchanged fire Tuesday across the volatile border dividing Kashmir. Tuesday's gunfire came after the nuclear rivals exchanged the heaviest mortar and rocket fire of the year Monday night. It accompanied a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to the region to calm tensions and shore up support for the U.S.-led war on terrorism. ... In Pakistan, Powell on Tuesday expressed a willingness to help Pakistan and India resolve their differences over Kashmir. He said the dispute "must be resolved in accord with the wishes of the Kashmir people." ... India, however, criticized Powell for saying that Kashmir was at the heart of tension between the two countries. It feels Pakistan-backed terrorism is the issue. ...
10/17/2001 from MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/468764.asp Sharon vows war "to the bitter end" MSNBC NEWS SERVICES JERUSALEM, Oct. 17 - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon blamed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for Wednesday's assassination of a Cabinet minister and vowed to wage "war to the bitter end" against terrorists. The possibility of stiff retaliation is likely to damage U.S. efforts to calm the region as it struggles to retain Arab support for its own war on terrorism. ...
10/17/2001 from MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/644008.asp Bush heading to China conclave MSNBC NEWS SERVICES Oct. 17 - President Bush, embarking Wednesday for an economic summit in China, said he was leaving at a difficult time for the nation but that his trip is an important part of the U.S. campaign to foil terrorism. "The terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and we will defeat them by expanding and encouraging world trade," Bush told a crowd in Sacramento, Calif., during a brief stop on his journey to Shanghai. ... The president's trip to the 21-nation gathering of Asian-Pacific leaders will take Bush out of the country for five days in the midst of U.S. airstrikes against Taliban targets in Afghanistan. ... The president also issued a blunt warning to the North Korean regime to not try to take advantage of the current focus on terrorism to launch an attack on South
Korea. "North Korea should not in any way, shape or form think that because we happen to be engaged in Afghanistan we will not be prepared and ready to fulfill our end of our agreement with the South Korean government," Bush told the Asian editors. "They should not use this as an opportunity to threaten our close friend and ally, South Korea." ...
10/19/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/19/international/19DIPL.html Russia and U.S. Optimistic on Defense Issues By PATRICK E. TYLER October 19, 2001 SHANGHAI, Oct. 18 - Russia and the United States signaled tonight that they were near a breakthrough on the key strategic issues that had divided the two countries since President Bush came into office, in particular Washington's plans to build missile defenses and Russia's troubled relations with an expanding NATO alliance. ... The momentum in the strategic arms negotiations, stalemated for months after the two leaders opened them this summer at their first meetings in Slovenia and Italy, follows Mr. Putin's announcement last month that he was opening Russian air space to the American airlift of military and relief cargoes to Central Asian republics for deployment on Afghanistan's northern frontier. Along with its support for the American military campaign in Afghanistan, Russia is offering its oil fields as a secure alternative to dependence on the turbulent Persian Gulf. ... Washington and Moscow now regard the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States as a watershed event in international relations, a number of experts say, that has offered opportunities for Mr. Putin and Mr. Bush to battle a common enemy. ... Neither side made public the details of any prospective agreement. But in recent days Secretary Powell has underscored that Washington is now prepared to make the kind of cuts in its nuclear arsenal that Moscow has been seeking as a possible trade-off for amending the Antiballistic Missile Treaty. Russia might also choose not to object to a testing program for missile defenses that might otherwise be construed as a violation of that 1972 accord. ...
10/20/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/20/international/asia/20CHIN.html Frustrating U.S., China Balks at Pact to Stem Nuclear Sales By CRAIG S. SMITH October 20, 2001 SHANGHAI, Oct. 19 - President Bush and President Jiang Zemin celebrated warming relations between their two countries today, but behind the smiles little of substance has yet changed. ... ``Despite the improved atmosphere, there remain a number of concrete areas in U.S.-China relations that won't be affected by the current cooperation against terrorism, such as missile defense, Taiwan and evidently nonproliferation,'' said David Shambaugh, director of the China Policy Program at George Washington University in Washington. ...
10/20/2001 from Reuters at MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/642438.asp Russia, China want quick end to war Putin, Jiang call for coalition government in Afghanistan SHANGHAI, Oct. 20 - Russia and China said on Saturday they supported an end to the U.S. military operation in Afghanistan as soon as possible so a coalition government could be formed including all "healthy political forces." ... CHINA REITERATED the U.S.-led strikes should be aimed at clear targets and refrain from causing civilian suffering. ... "The leaders want an end to the military phase and to move to a political settlement as soon as possible," Putin's spokesman, Alexei Gromov, told reporters after the leaders' talks. "The two sides agreed that a coalition government should be formed in Afghanistan in which all the main healthy political forces and ethnic groups of Afghanistan should be represented," the Russian president's press service added in a statement. ...
Another topic likely to be discussed by Bush and Putin is missile defense systems. Washington is keen to build itself a protective shield. But Russia and China say that would give the United States a strategic advantage. Showing a united front, Putin and Jiang again affirmed their backing of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, which bans the kind of missile shields the United States would like. "Putin still sticks to his stand of supporting the ABM treaty and believes it's very necessary and conducive to world peace and stability," Chinese spokesman Zhu added. "President Jiang also agreed with him on that point." ...
10/21/2001 from The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/specials/attacked/investigation/A27748-2001Oct20.html Silence of 4 Terror Probe Suspects Poses Dilemma By Walter Pincus, Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, October 21, 2001; Page A06 FBI and Justice Department investigators are increasingly frustrated by the silence of jailed suspected associates of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, and some are beginning to that say that traditional civil liberties may have to be cast aside if they are to extract information about the Sept. 11 attacks and terrorist plans. ...
10/21/2001 from The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A23933-2001Oct19.html Secret Tape Suggests China-Bin Laden Link CIA Casts Doubt on Missile Technology Deal By Peter Finn, Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, October 20, 2001; Page A17 MILAN -- Chinese nationals visited Osama bin Laden terrorist camps in Afghanistan after a U.S. cruise missile attack there in 1998 and paid for the right to study and remove unexploded missiles, according to a conversation between two alleged veterans of the camps that was secretly taped by Italian police. ...
10/21/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/21/international/21INTE.html Eavesdropping, U.S. Allies See New Terror Attack By RAYMOND BONNER with JOHN TAGLIABUE October 21, 2001 LONDON, Oct. 20 - More than a month after the September
terror attacks, the United States and its close allies are still intercepting communications among Osama bin Laden's associates and are convinced more attacks are coming, intelligence officials in several countries say. ... Since Sept. 11, foreign intelligence services have arrested and interrogated hundreds of suspects, and they claim to have disrupted at least four separate plans to attack American and allied institutions in France, Belgium, Jordan and Turkey. ... Intelligence agencies in Europe and the Middle East say they continue to monitor some communications between bin Laden associates despite the fact that they are aware of the intercepts. ... "The aims and behavior of Osama bin Laden, and the expectations of his followers and supporters, is that he will answer the attacks on Afghanistan and the Taliban," said one European official. ...
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/22/international/22TREA.html Bush and Putin Agree to Agree By PATRICK E. TYLER October 22, 2001 SHANGHAI, Oct. 21 - For President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and President Bush, the road to Crawford, Tex. - and the tantalizing goal of rewriting the rules of arms control - may have rounded its last corner here in Shanghai. The two leaders said tonight that they had made progress on narrowing their differences on the Antiballistic Missile Treaty of 1972. Even before the meeting, Mr. Putin had told senior aides and members of his traveling party that he was ready to accede to an American request to modify the ABM treaty so long as Mr. Bush did not decide to withdraw altogether from the accord. Mr. Putin emphasized tonight that he and Mr. Bush "have an understanding that we can reach agreements." ... In making his views known to senior aides and the circle of Russian journalists who travel with him, Mr. Putin appeared to be preparing the Russian political establishment, and the Russian public, for what he sees as the inevitable. ...
10/23/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/22/international/22PREX.html Bush and Putin Declare They Can Alter ABM Pact By DAVID E. SANGER October 22, 2001
SHANGHAI, Oct. 21 - President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia emerged from more than an hour of talks with President Bush today saying they could reach agreements that would alter the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. If so, that would free the United States to test a proposed antimissile system while meeting Moscow's demand not to abandon the treaty altogether. ... Mr. Bush cast the envisioned accord with Russia in terms of a potentially historic new partnership, and dissented from Mr. Putin's stated view that the ABM treaty is still useful, even if imperfect and in need of change. "We must truly and finally move beyond the cold war," Mr. Bush said. After today's meeting, he added, "we can report progress toward that goal. "The terrorist attacks, he said, "make it clearer than ever that a cold war ABM treaty that prevents us from defending our people is outdated, and I believe dangerous."
10/24/2001 at ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/saddam_text011023.html Saddam Hussein Replies Text of E-mail From Saddam Hussein to U.S. Engineer
10/26/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011026/ts/attacks_terror_laws.html Bush Signs Anti-Terrorism Bill By SONYA ROSS, Associated Press Writer Friday October 26 3:42 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush signed an anti-terrorism bill Friday that gives police unprecedented ability to search, seize, detain or eavesdrop in their pursuit of possible terrorists. ``This government will enforce this law with all the urgency of a nation at war,'' he said. ... The bill is H.R. 3162. - On the Net: For bill text: http://thomas.loc.gov
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