Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
11/10/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011110/15/int-russia-putin Putin Optimistic on Missile Defense By JUDITH INGRAM, Associated Press Writer Updated: Sat, Nov 10 3:56 PM EST MOSCOW (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that he was "very optimistic" that a compromise could be found with the United States on missile defense and that he looked forward to hearing President Bush's specific proposals at their summit next week. "We believe it's right to consider offensive and defensive weapons together," Putin told a group of American journalists gathered for an evening interview in the Kremlin. "We know the president's view that strategic offensive weapons can and must be reduced. This is a compromise in the right direction." ... Asked about bin Laden's claim that he has nuclear and chemical weapons, Putin said that the threat could be a bluff but nevertheless should be taken seriously. "I wouldn't overestimate the danger but it would also be wrong to downplay it," Putin said. "We know about bin Laden's links with radical circles in Pakistan, and Pakistan is a nuclear power." "In that respect, we must support Gen. Musharraf in his efforts to consolidate his
country," Putin said. He flatly denied that any Russian or former Soviet weapons of mass destruction could get into the hands of terrorists. "It's unlikely that the terrorists in Afghanistan have weapons of mass destruction, but we can't neglect a chance that they may have them," he added. "In any case, they can't be of Soviet or Russian origin, I'm absolutely sure of that." Putin said he wasn't looking for any particular payback from the United States in exchange for Russia's support of the U.S.-led action against terror. "In the first place, we would like our joint struggle against terrorism to lead to positive results, that terrorism not only in Afghanistan but the entire world be destroyed, uprooted, liquidated," he said. Russia would also "like to have a new quality in our relations and have in the United States a reliable and predictable partner," he added. "This top task is more important that getting any momentary material advantages." ...
11/15/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011115/us/us_russia_3.html No Agreement on Missile Defense By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent Thursday November 15 6:23 PM ET CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to resolve their dispute over U.S. missile shield plans Thursday but pledged on a harmonious final day of summitry to fight terrorism and deepen U.S.-Russian ties. ``Our differences will not divide us,'' Bush told hundreds of students and townspeople in a steamy high school gym. ... Putin reaffirmed his opposition to anti-missile tests that would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. But he also said that, no matter what Bush does, ``under no circumstances could it lead to any tension in the relations between Russia and the United States.'' ... ``We shall continue our discussions,'' Putin said. ... Despite Putin's reservations on missile defense, Bush
``continues to believe he has got to move forward with the testing program in a robust way,'' Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, said later. ``We're soon going to run up against certain constraints of the treaty,'' she said. ...
11/15/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011115/us/us_korea_1.html Rumsfeld Worried About NKorea Missiles By GEORGE GEDDA, Associated Press Writer Thursday November 15 6:27 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Thursday that North Korea poses a ``very real'' threat to the United States through its missile development, export policies and attempts to produce weapons of mass destruction. Rumsfeld spoke of the Bush administration's worries about the reclusive communist state during a joint news conference with Kim Dong-shin, defense minister of South Korea. ...
11/17/2001 from AP: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011117/us/attacks_investigation_14.html FBI: Terror Cells Likely in U.S. By KAREN GULLO, Associated Press Writer Saturday November 17 7:54 AM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Investigators are hunting associates of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network and other terrorist cells probably in the United States, FBI Director Robert Mueller said. ...
11/17/2001 from IPS: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/oneworld/20011115/wl/ u_s_policy_towards_taliban_influenced_by_oil_-_say_authors_1.html U.S. Policy Towards Taliban Influenced by Oil - Say Authors By Julio Godoy, Inter Press Service PARIS, Nov 15 (IPS) - Under the influence of U.S. oil companies, the government of George W. Bush initially blocked U.S. secret service investigations on terrorism, while it bargained with the Taliban the delivery of Osama bin Laden in exchange for political recognition and economic aid, two French intelligence analysts claim. ...
11/17/2001 from AP: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011116/us/us_russia_8.html U.S. to Pursue Missile Test Plans By SANDRA SOBIERAJ, Associated Press Writer Friday November 16 1:00 PM ET CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - The United States will push ahead with aggressive testing of missile defenses, White House officials said after President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin ended their summit without agreement on the disputed program. ...
11/17/2001 from Reuters: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011116/pl/arms_lockheed_report_dc_1.html Part of Missile Defense System Over Budget -WSJ Friday November 16 7:14 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Part of the national missile defense system being pushed by U.S. President George Bush and developed by defense contractor Lockheed Martin Corp. is running way over cost and well behind schedule, The Wall Street Journal said on Friday. The Space-Based Infrared System-High, known as SBIRS-High, is a key part of what has been known as the National Missile Defense (news - web sites) System, a ground-based shield designed to hamper an enemy missile attack, the newspaper said. The SBIRS-High would be the early-warning system to detect whether an attack had been launched against the United States, the newspaper said. As a result of development problems, requested changes and funding shortfalls, the satellite system and its ground stations will now probably cost between $1.7 billion and $2 billion more and not be completed until 2009, three years later than planned, the newspaper said. ... The SBIRS-High problems should not delay the fielding of an intercept system to protect the United States from missile attack, said the Pentagon (news - web sites)'s Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, the newspaper reported. ``We'll make do with what we have for the near term,'' said the organization's spokesman, Lt. Col. Rick Lehner, it said. ...
11/17/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011117/09/news-attacks-france French Warplanes to Attack al-Qaida Updated: Sat, Nov 17 9:40 AM EST PARIS (AP) - French warplanes will attack suspected Afghan strongholds of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network in missions beginning within two weeks, Defense Minister Alain Richard said Saturday. Richard spoke a day after President Jacques Chirac said France would commit combat planes to the U.S.-led military mission and the nation sent its first ground troops to the region. The defense ministry said up to 10 Mirage 2000 bombers would be used in the missions Richard said were aimed at "attacking the infrastructure and remaining refuges of al-Qaida in Afghanistan." ...
11/18/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011118/13/int-attacks-military Officials: Campaign Is Far From Over By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated: Sun, Nov 18 1:27 PM EST WASHINGTON (AP) - Terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network are on the run in Afghanistan and their Taliban supporters are in disarray, but the American-led military campaign to crush them is far from over, senior administration officials said Sunday. ... If bin Laden were to flee Afghanistan, the United States would keep up the hunt, Wolfowitz said. "We are going to continue pursuing him," he said. "Let's also remember, we're going to continue pursuing the entire al-Qaida network, which is in 60 countries, not just Afghanistan and, worst of all, here in the United States. ... This is a campaign against all the global terrorist networks and the states that support terrorism." ... Rice cautioned against assuming that the military successes in Afghanistan over the past week mean the United States has met its main objective. "This may take a while," she said on NBC's "Meet the Press." She also left open the possibility that Iraq could become a target in Bush's war on terrorism. "We do not need the events of September 11 to tell us that this is a very dangerous man who is a threat to his own people, a threat to the region, and a threat to us because he is determined to acquire weapons of mass destruction," she said. ...
11/21/2001 from Space.com: http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/technology/echelon_011121-1.html Project Echelon: Orbiting Big Brother? By Leonard David, Senior Space Writer posted: 07:00 am ET, 21 November 2001 WASHINGTON -- Earth-orbiting listening posts are on active duty in the United States-led war on terrorism. Signal-seeking spacecraft not only play a critical role in eavesdropping on nations from on high, but also within the borders of the U.S itself. ... Echelon is very real, explains Jeffrey Richelson, a senior fellow with the National Security Archive in Washington, D.C. He has pointed out that some of the oratory concerning Echelon and its abilities may be "over-the-top." But the fact that a U.S.-promoted effort to operate an electronic eavesdropping network with global reach "should come as no surprise," he explains. ... On November 8, the U.S. Senate gave thumbs-up to an annual funding bill that bolsters America's spying skills. Total monies approved for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the NSA, and other super-secret efforts remain classified. While both House and Senate lawmakers must now strike a balance between their respective funding bills, it is clear that billions of extra dollars -- beyond that of a minimum $30 billion yearly budget -- are earmarked to revitalize and beef-up ground- and space-based surveillance
technologies. "Five years from now, the NSA must have the ability to collect and exploit electronic signals in a vastly different communications environment than that in which we spent most of the second half of the 20th century," said Senator Bob Graham, a Florida Democrat. ...
12/7/2001 opinion at the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/07/opinion/07KRUG.html Hitting the Trifecta By PAUL KRUGMAN December 7, 2001 " ... Earlier this year Mr. Bush used projections of vast budget surpluses to push through a huge, 10-year tax cut. Most of that tax cut went to people with incomes of more than $200,000 per year. Now Mr. Daniels tells us that the budget - not just the budget outside Social Security, but the whole enchilada - will be in deficit through 2004. Since the administration's phony budget math ("fuzzy" just doesn't cut it at this point) gets phonier the further you go into the future, this means that we have effectively returned to a state of permanent deficit. ... Administration officials insist that the economic slowdown and the war on terror, not the tax cut, are
responsible for the red ink. But this is flatly untrue... It's the huge further tax cuts that will take place after 2002 - tax cuts that are now the law of the land - that are the problem. ... Mr. Bush could try to undo some of the damage, by canceling future tax cuts for the top income bracket. Instead, he wants to accelerate those cuts. That's the moral equivalent of the big bonuses Enron gave to executives just days before it went bankrupt. Horse racing is a zero-sum game; so, it seems, is budget politics. Mr. Bush hit the trifecta; the great majority of Americans lost, big time."
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