Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
9/11/2001 from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/fullstory.jsp?type=topnews&StoryID=212842 Hijacked Planes Destroy Twin Towers, Burn Pentagon By Alan Elsner and Arthur Spiegelman September 11, 2001 06:40 PM EDT
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three planes commandeered by unknown hijackers slammed into the Pentagon and New York's landmark World Trade Center on Tuesday, demolishing the twin 110-story towers that were once the tallest buildings in the world and possibly burying thousands of people alive. ...
9/12/2001 from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/fullstory.jsp?type=topnews&StoryID=216005 U.S. Vows Revenge; Investigation Makes Progress By Alan Elsner and Arthur Spiegelman September 12, 2001 10:26 PM EDT NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States vowed on Wednesday to strike back with a "hammer of vengeance" for the deadly attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, while clues emerged the hijackers most likely came from the Middle East and included trained pilots. ... Senior U.S. officials said initial evidence pointed to the organization of Osama bin Laden, the Saudi-born dissident now living in Afghanistan who is blamed for bombing two U.S. Embassies in East Africa and other anti-American attacks. ...
9/13/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/news/627028_asp.htm U.S. moves to a battle footing Powell: Retaliation will be sustained campaign MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS Sept. 13 -- The United States moved to a battle footing Thursday, as Congress met to approve funding and military action against terrorists. While an emotional president vowed to win "the first war of the 21st century," the Pentagon geared up for a sustained military campaign. AND, FOR THE first time, the Bush administration publicly singled out the person who is the focus of its investigation into the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon: Osama bin Laden, the Afghanistan-based extremist implicated in past strikes against America. ...
9/13/2001 from AP: Bush Vows to Lead World to Victory By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent SEPTEMBER 13, 15:52 EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) - Fighting back tears, President Bush vowed Thursday that America would ``lead the world to victory'' over terrorism in a struggle he termed the first war of the 21st century. Secretary of State Colin Powell identified Osama bin Laden as the prime suspect in Tuesday's attacks in New York and Washington. ...
9/13/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010913/16/int-attacks-pakistan Pakistan Promises to Support U.S. By ANWAR FARUQI, Associated Press Writer Updated: Thu, Sep 13 4:35 PM EDT ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistan, a nation in the know about terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden, on Thursday promised unflagging cooperation with the United States to fight terrorism following the attacks on New York and Washington. "I wish to assure President Bush and the U.S. government of our unstinted cooperation in the fight against terrorism," President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said in a statement after a late-night meeting Wednesday with his military. "The world must unite to fight terrorism." ...
9/14/2001 from AP: http://wire.ap.org/?SLUG=ATTACKS%2dINVESTIGATION Bush to Activate 50,000 Reserves By SUSANNE M. SCHAFER, Associated Press Writer SEPTEMBER 14, 17:27 EDT
9/14/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/news/627028_asp.htm?pne=asp Bush, Pentagon prepare response MSNBC Sept. 13 - President Bush, Congress and the Pentagon on Thursday pledged a sustained military campaign against terrorists, beginning with Osama bin Laden, who U.S. officials said they had determined was directly responsible for the terrorist strikes in New York and Washington. …
9/18/2001 at Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010918/ts/attack_afghan_un_dc_2.html Afghan Opposition: Taliban Will Protect Bin Laden By Irwin Arieff
9/18/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010917/pl/attacks_missile_defense_1.html Dems to Drop Missile Defense Provision By CAROLYN SKORNECK, Associated Press Writer Monday September 17 6:49 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Looking to quickly approve new defense spending after last week's twin terror attacks, Senate Democrats are setting aside their effort to block money for any missile defense activity that would violate a 1972 arms control treaty. ...
9/16/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010916/ts/attack_weapons_dc_1.html Attack on U.S. Raises Specter of Germ War, or Worse By Andrea Shalal-Esa Sunday September 16 12:16 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - This week's deadly terrorist attacks could be followed by devastating assaults involving biological, chemical or even nuclear weapons, U.S. lawmakers and experts said on Saturday. ``In my judgement, it's not a question of if there will be a biological or chemical weapons attacks, but when -- and of what magnitude,'' said Rep. Christopher Shays, the Connecticut Republican who heads the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security. Attacks involving nuclear weapons were less likely, but remained a possibility, Shays told Reuters. ...
9/26/2001 at Space.com: http://www.space.com/news/iss_military_010924-1.html New ISS Duty: A Military Outpost? By Leonard David, Senior Space Writer posted: 10:51 am ET, 24 September 2001
9/26/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/22/national/22MEMO.html For Bush, a Mission and a Defining Moment By FRANK BRUNI September 22, 2001 WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 - When President Bush first sat down with his full cabinet after last week's terrorist attacks, he told them that nothing about their roles or charges as federal officials would ever be the same. ... Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who has met with Mr. Bush repeatedly since Sept. 11, said,
"He has told me several times that he is staking his entire presidency on this - that the mark of whether he's successful is whether he can succeed in his goal of wiping out terrorism." ...
10/2/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011002/pl/congress_military_dc_1.html Senate Approves Military Spending Boost By John Whitesides Tuesday October 2 5:36 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate backed a $344 billion defense bill on Tuesday that bolsters counter-terrorism spending after the Sept. 11 attacks and gives President Bush the flexibility to shift missile defense funds into the war on terrorism. ... Lawmakers in both the Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, which passed its version last week, tried to minimize disagreements on the defense bills in order to move quickly ahead of an expected military campaign against those behind the hijack attacks. ... The Senate also dropped a Democratic provision pushed through the Armed Services Committee on a party-line vote that required Congress to approve spending funds on any missile defense tests that violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with Moscow. ...
10/6/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011005/pl/attack_missiles_usa_dc_1.html Pentagon Sets Back Missile Test Schedule By Jim Wolf Friday October 5 3:50 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rushing ahead with U.S. missile-defense-testing plans is no longer top priority as the United States and Russia step up cooperation in a global war on terror, the Pentagon's chief financial officer said on Friday. At the same time, the Pentagon said it was delaying the next scheduled flight test of a ground-based missile interceptor but said the delay had nothing to do with coalition -building after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. ... ``As you can imagine this is not the No. 1 subject of debate inside the department,'' said Undersecretary Dov Zakheim, the Defense Department comptroller. ``Obviously the relationship with the Russians is going to change with respect to missile defense.'' ... The next flight test of a prototype U.S. missile defense
had been due to take place this month, Air Force Lt. Gen. Ronald Kadish, the head of the Pentagon's Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, told reporters on August 15. But the test has been postponed until an as-yet unspecified date between the end of November and mid December, a Pentagon spokesman, Air Force Lt. Col. Rick Lehner, told Reuters on Friday. ... On Tuesday, Putin voiced strong support for U.S.-led military action against terrorism, saying Moscow needed no further proof of who was behind the Sept. 11 attacks for its intelligence agencies to join the battle. In addition, Russia has acquiesced to the deployment of U.S. troops in at least one former Soviet central Asian republic -- Uzbekistan -- as part of a looming campaign against Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect in the attacks, and his Taliban hosts in bordering Afghanistan.
In another sign of Russia's rising strategic importance, the United States has stepped away from condemnations of Russian actions in Chechnya. Bush recently joined Putin in linking Chechen fighters to global ``terrorist'' groups. But Zakheim said nothing about the Sept. 11 attacks had changed the Bush administration view of the importance of building a missile shield. ``My guess is these guys will try whatever they can try,'' he said of those behind the hijacking of airliners that levelled the World Trade Center towers, damaged the Pentagon and crashed into Pennsylvania. ``I don't see leaving a big wide open gap by not having a missile defense.'' Boeing is the lead system integrator for the proposed national missile defense. TRW builds the system's battle command, control and communications system. Raytheon builds NMD's Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor on the current booster system.
10/7/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/news/627086.asp?pne=msn 26 days later, U.S. strikes back NBC, MSNBC AND NEWS SERVICES Oct. 7 - Twenty-six days after terrorists struck an unsuspecting United States, killing more than 6,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, America retaliated Sunday, raining missiles and bombs on at least three Afghan cities in an assault on the Taliban regime, which has offered shelter to Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks. ...
10/7/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/04/international/04DIPL.html Powell Tries to Allay Worry of Senators on Muslim Rage By JANE PERLEZ October 4, 2001 WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 - Secretary of State Colin L. Powell took the unusual step of inviting the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to lunch today. His guests emerged satisfied, they said, that the Bush administration would try to alleviate a major concern: that military action against Osama bin Laden would inflame the Muslim world. ...
10/11/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/011011/08/iraq-us-attacks Iraq Says It Has Been Warned by U.S. By SAMEER N.YACOUB, Associated Press Writer Updated: Thu, Oct 11 8:30 AM EDT BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Iraq says it has been warned by the United States to expect a "crushing" reply if it tries to exploit any instability following the Sept. 11 terror attacks on New York and Washington. ... The ministry said the U.S. envoy to the United Nations, John Negroponte, contacted Iraq's U.N. envoy Sunday, the day the United States began its retaliatory bombing of Afghanistan. Negroponte delivered "the following message orally without demanding an answer," the ministry said. ... "If you use force against your neighbors or Israel or the Kurdish side or any other part of the Iraqi people, then we will reply very strongly to defeat you," Negroponte was quoted as telling Iraqi Ambassador Mohammed al-Douri . ... Al-Douri described the U.S. message as "threatening" and "naive, silly and arrogant." ...
10/12/2001 from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/10/12102001125104.asp U.S.: Bush Links Terror Attacks, Scrapping Of ABM By Andrew F. Tully U.S. President George W. Bush says he still wants to scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty over the objections of Russia, despite Moscow's help in America's war against international terrorism. Bush says the treaty -- which would forbid a missile-defense system he wants to deploy -- is antiquated. And he says September's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington demonstrate the need for such a system. Washington, 12 October 2001 (RFE/RL) -- U.S. President George W. Bush says the terrorist attacks of 11 September support his argument that America needs a missile-defense system and that the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, or ABM, is out of date. During a news conference last night at the White House, Bush also said the U.S. has no immediate plans to take
its war against international terrorism outside of Afghanistan, although it is carefully watching Iraq. And he confirmed news reports that the U.S. is prepared to support the creation of a Palestinian state as long as its government recognizes the right of Israel to exist. ...
10/13/2001 from BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_1597000/1597240.stm Indonesian dissent over air strikes Saturday, 13 October, 2001, 13:01 GMT 14:01 UK Vice President Hamzah Haz of Indonesia has broken ranks with the government and called for a halt to US-led strikes in Afghanistan. "I urge the United States to stop the attacks... If they don't, there will be more civilian casualties," Mr Haz said in remarks quoted by the state Antara news agency. ... Radical Muslim group Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said it would try to drive Americans and Britons from the country after the government ignored a deadline to cut ties with the United States over air attacks on Afghanistan. The group gave the government three days until midnight on Wednesday to condemn the US or it would start "sweeping" for Westerners. ...
10/13/2001 at space.com: http://www.space.com/news/dod_space_011008.html Pentagon Report Calls for the United States Control of Space By Leonard David, Senior Space Writer posted: 11:55 am ET, 08 October 2001
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