Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
7/16/2001 From AP:
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010716/pl/bush_17.html Bush to Repeat Kyoto, Defense Stance By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON, AP White House Correspondent Monday July 16 3:47 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush says he will renew his defense of his positions on global warming and missile defense during his second round of discussions with European and other world leaders. ``On both issues I have made my positions clear,'' Bush said Monday. ``People shouldn't doubt where the United States stands.'' ...
7/17/2001 From Reuters:
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010717/pl/bush_foreign_dc_1.html Bush Stands Firm on Missile Defense And Kyoto By Ralph Gowling Tuesday July 17 7:41 PM ET LONDON (Reuters) - President Bush said on Tuesday he would not back down over his plans for a national missile defense system or his opposition to the Kyoto global warming pact. Although Russia views the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty as the cornerstone of strategic arms control and opposes Bush's plans for a U.S. missile defense system, the U.S. leader made clear he would not let the ABM stand in his way. ``We should not adhere to a treaty that prevents the United States and other freedom-loving people from developing defenses -- not offensive weapons but defenses,'' Bush told BBC television in an interview before this weekend's Group of Eight summit in Genoa, Italy. ``I've made it very clear that the ABM treaty...we need to set it aside, we need to move forward,'' he said. ...
7/17/2001 from Reuters and AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010717/pl/arms_usa_missiles_dc_4.html Pentagon Presses Congress for Anti-Missile Support By John Whitesides Tuesday July 17 2:01 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Pentagon officials warned Congress on Tuesday that failure to pay fully for research on a missile defense system could impair the administration's ability to negotiate a new arms pact with Russia. ...
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010717/wl/russia_china_12.html China Leader: Security Is Treaty Goal By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) - A day after the two nuclear powers reiterated their opposition to U.S. plans to deploy a missile defense shield, visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Tuesday the new 20-year friendship treaty between Moscow and Beijing was aimed at protecting global security. ``No country can build its security by abridging the security interests of other nations,'' Jiang told students at Moscow State University where he was joined
by Russian President Vladimir Putin. ...
7/18/2001 from Reuters and ABC: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010718/ts/crime_usa_warning_dc_4.html U.S. Warns of 'Terrorist' Threat in Gulf Area ...``The United States government has strong indications that individuals may be planning imminent terrorist actions against U.S. interests in the Arabian peninsula,'' the State Department said in a statement. The peninsula comprises Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen. ...
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/abc/20010718/ts/terrorthreat_010718_1.html U.S. Upgrades Terrorism Warning " ... Sources told ABCNEWS that the information the government has received suggests two possible sites for an attack - Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - and indicates a terror assault could occur Thursday. The sources said the quality of the information is good. It is derived from a coded message believed to have been sent to a very important operative in Osama bin Laden's organization, a person suspected of heavy involvement in coordinating terrorist attacks in the past, the sources said. ... "
7/18/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010718/pl/missile_defense_21.html
Laser Anti-Missile Test Planned By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Wednesday July 18 2:44 PM ET HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) - The Pentagon is on track to attempt the first shooting down of a ballistic missile by an airborne laser weapon as early as 2003, an Air Force officer (Col. James Forrest, deputy director of the program)said Wednesday. ... The airborne laser is among several laser technologies the Bush administration is developing in pursuit of a missile defense system with global reach. The Pentagon also is in the early stages of developing a space-based laser, although officials working on that project said Wednesday it could not be ready before 2020. ... The administration hopes this interceptor could be ready for limited use by 2004. In the meantime, it is pressing ahead with more futuristic technologies using lasers and other forms of directed energy. Forrest spoke to reporters at an Army-sponsored missile defense forum where other officials on Tuesday said the Pentagon is planning to conduct the first-ever test of a space-based interceptor in 2005 or 2006. The interceptor would be a projectile launched from an orbiting space vehicle and would be designed to destroy its target by ramming it. The laser, while also based in space, would use an intense beam of light to burn a hole in the target missile's fuel tanks, thus destroying it. Forrest said the first Boeing 747 to be equipped with a laser is being modified at the company's plant in Wichita, Kan.; it is due to make its first flight in February 2002. Two months later, it is to be delivered to Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., where six laser modules will be placed aboard. ... Next year the Pentagon is to begin building a test facility at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi for work on the space-based laser. The Pentagon also is developing a laser weapon it hopes can be deployed aboard Army Humvee utility vehicles for use against short-range targets like rockets, artillery, mortars, pilotless aircraft and helicopters, officials said. This work is being done jointly with Israel.
7/19/2001 from the Westchester County Weekly: http://www.westchesterweekly.com/articles/starwars.html Star Wars Inc. - the men and the money behind space weaponry Call them the Star Wars Lobby, but understand that their ties to key congressmen and officials in the executive branch make them much more than a lobbying group. By Edward Ericson, Jr. America's looming--if not inevitable--plan to spend $100 billion dollars or more on "missile defense" is the result not of sober analysis and enlightened leadership, but of single-minded lobbying by a few large and medium-sized defense contractors and a small coterie of determined men, many of whom have close business relationships to those companies. ...
7/19/2001 from Common Dreams News Center: http://commondreams.org/views01/0711-06.htm Media Deception & Iraq by Jeffrey Weiss Published on Wednesday, July 11, 2001
7/24/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010724/us/carter_bush_2.html Carter Criticizes Bush's Term Tuesday July 24 3:32 PM ET PLAINS, Ga. (AP) - In a rare instance of one former president criticizing a current one, Jimmy Carter is taking issue with just about everything George W. Bush has done in office. Carter criticizes Bush for not pressuring Israel to withdraw from the Gaza Strip, for threatening to abandon
the anti-ballistic missile treaty and for not supporting human rights more strongly. He says Bush has ignored moderates in both parties and calls Bush's proposed missile defense shield a ``technologically ridiculous'' idea that will ``re-escalate the nuclear arms race.'' ``I have been disappointed in almost everything he has done,'' Carter told the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer in an interview last week from his home in Plains. Carter also was critical of President Clinton during the fellow Democrat's administration, calling the Monica Lewinsky scandal an embarrassment and disparaging Clinton's policy in North Korea and Haiti. ...
7/24/2001 from Vermont's Bernie Sanders: http://bernie.house.gov/documents/2001/07-18-2001-2.asp For Immediate Release, JULY 18, 2001 Sanders Stunned By Fed Chairman Greenspan's Admission That He Would Abolish The Minimum Wage
WASHINGTON - Congressman Bernard Sanders (I-VT) was stunned today by the remarks of Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan during his appearance before the House Financial Services Committee. When asked by Sanders if he was in support of abolishing the minimum wage, Greenspan replied, "I would say that if I had my choice, the answer is, of course, yes." ...
7/24/2001 from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20010724/3505876s.htm Bush vows to push missile defense if Putin slow on agreement Analysts warn president needs deal with Russia By Laurence McQuillan and Bill Nichols USA TODAY President Bush said Monday that ''time is of the essence'' in reaching a deal on a U.S. missile-defense shield, and he vowed to proceed with the controversial system if agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin is not reached quickly. ... * His comments Monday were a clear effort to counter complaints from proponents of a missile shield that talks with Russia could be drawn out indefinitely to delay a U.S. missile defense. ''There is a considerable danger that what Mr. Putin has in mind is less a set of discussions that will clear the way for American missile defenses than a setup designed to ensure that goal is never realized,'' the Center for Security Policy warned Monday. The center in Washington is a think tank directed by Frank Gaffney, who was an assistant secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration. ...
7/24/2001 from The Nando Times (AP): http://www.nandotimes.com/world/story/48667p-729876c.html Bush looking for quick agreement on framework for arms control talks By ANGELA CHARLTON, Associated Press ROME (July 23, 2001 10:10 a.m. EDT) - President Bush said Monday that he is looking to reach quick agreement with Russia on a framework for new arms control talks, but will allow President Vladimir Putin and European allies "ample time" to get used to the idea of scrapping a nearly 30-year-old arms treaty. "I've told President Putin that time matters, that I want to reach an accord sooner rather than later," Bush told reporters during a news conference here with Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi. ... "The Russian position is that we should maneuver through sophisticated diplomatic positions to where the United States will be forced to abrogate the treaty, and we will expose the United States as a crude aggressor," said Moscow defense analyst Pavel Felgenhauer. "And then Russia will do nothing because the Kremlin knows there's no military threat coming from the American missile defense, at least for the next 20 years." ...
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