Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
7/22/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/22/politics/22SPAC.html Cast of Star Wars Makes Comeback in Bush Plan By JAMES GLANZ July 22, 2001
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., July 18 - Twenty years after President Ronald Reagan created an international furor by proposing to place weapons in space, the Pentagon has put nearly every major element of the original program back in the center of its plans as part of a national missile shield. ... Along with intensified work on the ground-based system, the Pentagon's new plan calls for the accelerated development of chemical lasers that would fly in space or high in the atmosphere, fresh research on an abandoned program to launch thousands of interceptors into space and the expansion of a project to place dozens of sensor-laden satellites into orbit. ... "We've now gone back to the S.D.I. era of the first Reagan administration," said Stephen I. Schwartz, publisher of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. "It's clearly their intention to put weapons in space to both defend U.S. assets as well as attack enemy missiles and enemy satellites." ... ... it now appears likely that the taboo on space-based defenses is over, said Michael Krepon of the Henry L. Stimson Center. "Every U.S. administration, with one exception, has sought to avoid an arms race in space - the exception, of course, was Reagan," he said. "Every other administration hedged against a competition in space but didn't lead. It now looks like the Bush administration will break that mold."
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/22/weekinreview/22WINE.html A World Seeking Security Is Told There's Just One Shield By MICHAEL WINES
7/22/2001 from Reuters and US Newswire:
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010722/ts/group_russia_usa_dc_9.html Putin, Bush Agree Missile Shield, Arms Cuts Link By Jon Boyle Sunday July 22 1:00 PM ET GENOA, Italy (Reuters) - U.S.-Russia arms talks took an unexpected bound forward on Sunday, when Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush agreed to link missile defense systems to cuts in nuclear arsenals in a bid to strike a new strategic pact. ...
http://politics.yahoo.com/politics/features/us_newswire/20017/0722-102.html Transcript of a July 22 Press Conference By President Bush And President Putin
7/22/2001 from the Chicago Tribune:
http://chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/article/0,2669,SAV-0107200051,FF.html Congress mulls shield with eye on ABM Treaty By John Diamond, Washington Bureau July 20, 2001 WASHINGTON -- Democrats and Republicans in Washington are drawing battle lines for what promises to be a major debate over missile defense and its impact on relations with Russia. At stake is a 30-year-old arms-control treaty, the possibility of a new arms race and billions in taxpayer dollars already pouring into an aggressive missile defense testing program. Thursday on Capitol Hill, Democrats and Republicans agreed on one thing: Bush should consult with Congress before he takes any steps that would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a pact that prohibits national missile defenses. ...
7/22/2001 from The Times (UK): http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,2-2001250568,00.html Blair support for missile defence earns US praise BY JAMES LANDALE AND PHILIP WEBSTER FRIDAY JULY 20 2001 PRESIDENT BUSH praised Tony Blair's readiness to think afresh on security last night after the Prime Minister gave his most sympathetic response so far to America's missile defence plans. ... After talks at Chequers, the Prime Minister said that Mr Bush was wholly right to raise the issue of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to look for "new and imaginative solutions". Although the US still had to make specific proposals, it was right to look for answers to a huge threat facing the world, Mr Blair said. ... Mr Bush said that it was time to think about new enemies, rogue states that would threaten the world with different kinds of terrorism, including cyber terrorism. ...
7/22/2001 from AFP: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/010721/1/19ja2.html North Korea assails US missile defense test and warns of arms race SEOUL, July 21 (AFP) - North Korea has accused the United States of fabricating threats from the communist state to justify its anti-missile defence system and warned Washington it had sparked a global arms race. In an angry reaction to the US's July 14 missile defence test over the Pacific Ocean, Pyongyang warned it could take retaliatory self-defense measures, but did not specify what actions it might take. "The test... proves that the controversial missile defence system has, in fact, entered the phase of full-dress establishment," a spokesman for the North Korean foreign ministry said. "A new global arms race has, therefore, become unavoidable," the unidentified foreign ministry
spokesman was quoted as saying Friday by Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). Pyongyang usually speaks through an unidentified foreign ministry spokesman answering to questions posed by KCNA to state its positions in key issues. For more important issues, the ministry itself puts out statements. The spokesman said the US was citing the "non-existent missile threat from the DPRK (North Korea) in order to cover up its true colours." "The DPRK is compelled to take a counter-action for self-defence by the US deliberate provocation made to it in a bid to attain its sinister aim." ... North Korea's increasing anger follows a stiffening of North Korean-US ties since George W. Bush became president. ...
7/22/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010721/wl/ukraine_china_2.html Jiang Enlists Ukraine's Support By SERGEI SHARGORODSKY, Associated Press Writer Saturday July 21 3:32 PM ET KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Chinese President Jiang Zemin enlisted Ukraine's support on Saturday for his country's opposition to U.S. missile defense plans, issuing a joint statement recommending the preservation of the Soviet-era ABM treaty with Washington. ... Jiang met Friday and Saturday with Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. They talked about a wide range of issues, including cooperation on space, aviation and military technology, said Kuchma's spokesman Oleksandr Martynenko. The countries signed a joint declaration on friendship and cooperation, an agreement on extradition of criminals and a tourism accord, among other documents. …
7/22/2001 from The Korea Times: http://www.hankooki.com/times/200107/t2001072217000240110.htm US to Ditch Korea's Weapons Integration If It Buys Non-US Aircraft in F-X Plan By Kim Kwang-tae, Staff Reporter The United States recently said that it would not help integrate U.S. weapons and cryptographic systems should Korea buy non-U.S. aircraft in its $3.3 billion next-generation fighter program, code-named F-X. ...
7/22/2001 from PBS: http://www.pbs.org/globalization/nader.html Globalization & Human Rights Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate March 1998 in his Washington DC office
7/23/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010723/17/gun-buybacks Bush Ends Funding For Gun Buyback By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer Updated: Mon, Jul 23 5:50 PM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration on Monday said it was ending funding for a gun buyback program at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. ...
7/23/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010723/wl/italy_us_1.html Italian Leader Backs Bush on Shield By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer Monday July 23 8:31 PM ET ROME (AP) - Italy's premier gave strong backing to
President Bush's plan for a missile defense shield Monday and chided other European governments for not realizing it is necessary. At a joint press conference, Silvio Berlusconi urged Russia to come on board with the U.S. plans, saying he agreed strongly that the new military threats facing the United States, Europe and even Russia required new responses. ...
25 July 2001 at the World Socialist Web Site:
Bush administration renews US drive to militarize space By Joseph Kay
8/1/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010801/us/space_weapons_2.html Military Chief Urges Space Weaponry By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Wednesday August 1 3:03 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States' expanding commercial stake in space makes it likely the military will be called on to put both offensive and defensive weapons in orbit, the Air Force's top general said Wednesday. Gen. Michael Ryan, the Air Force chief of staff, told reporters that as the United States becomes more dependent on space for communications, surveillance and navigation, the nation's need for space weaponry will increase. ``Eventually we're going to have to have the capability to take things out in orbit,'' he said. He said he favored developing anti-satellite weapons, which the Pentagon has worked on for years but never deployed. ... He touted the space-based laser, which is in development as part of a U.S. defense against ballistic missiles. Ryan said military and commercial satellites give the United States a large advantage over most nations. ``We have to in some way be able to protect those assets, at least defensively,'' he said. ``And that leads you to the thought that if you're going to be up there trying to protect them defensively, where do you cross the line into offensive operations? ``Historically, wherever commerce has gone and our national interests have gone, so have gone our forces - on land, sea, in the air, we tended to exploit the realm we were dependent upon. I would suggest that sometime in the future here we're going to have to come to a policy decision on whether we're going to use space for both defensive and offensive capabilities.'' ...
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