Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
7/18/2001 From The Washington Post:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/A10831-2001Jul17.html U.S. Plans to Test Space-Based Laser To Intercept Missiles By Vernon Loeb, Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 18, 2001; Page A03 HUNTSVILLE, Ala., July 17 -- A top Pentagon official said today that the Bush administration plans to test a space-based laser interceptor as early as 2005 as part of its ambitious new missile defense agenda. Robert Snyder, executive director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, told reporters at a missile defense conference here that $110 million has been included in the fiscal 2002 defense budget to study technologies, including the space-based laser, aimed at hitting missiles in their "boost" phase three to five minutes after launch. ... Beyond its treaty implications, testing a space-based laser also would represent a first step toward "weaponizing" space, a move that critics say could ignite a new arms race. No country has put weapons into orbit. ...
7/19/2001 At The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/19/international/19MISS.html Pushing Agenda for ABM's, Bush Prepares to Meet Putin By MICHAEL R. GORDON July 19, 2001 ... "We don't want to have formal restrictions on development, testing and deployment," a senior administration official said today. ... ... the Pentagon even plans to test a space-based laser and space-based interceptors that would destroy missiles in their boost phase...
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/19/international/europe/19DIPL.html Few Missile Defense Details Emerge After Powell Talks By JANE PERLEZ with MICHAEL WINES ... Secretary Powell said ... he wanted to make it plain to the Russians that the United States was moving forward on missile defense, no matter what. "I have a hunch that when they hear us out, they will find that it is in their interest to move in this direction because we are moving in this direction, hopefully in a
cooperative basis," he said. "But if not, we are still moving forward." ...
7/19/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010719/wl/bush_europe_14.html Bush: Anti-Missile Plan a Hard Sell By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent ... With Blair at his side, Bush said the landmark 1972 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty forbids the United States from even testing a potential system - let alone settling on a shield and deploying it. ...
7/19/2001 from The Times (UK) & others: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001244259,00.html Bush renews plan for Reagan's space lasers Genoa Summit FROM BEN MACINTYRE IN WASHINGTON THURSDAY JULY 19 2001 THE Bush Administration has announced plans to revive a deeply controversial part of the Reagan-era Star Wars blueprint by placing thousands of laser interceptors in space, a move that will make the task of selling missile defence to sceptical Europeans even harder. On the eve of President Bush's arrival in Europe, a top defence official said that the Pentagon intended to renew research on the "Brilliant Pebbles" programme, a key element of Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defence Initiative, with a view to setting up a system of space-based laser interceptors as early as 2005. The Brilliant Pebbles concept has come under intense fire from critics who say that it would pave the way for the full-scale militarisation of space. It was
originally planned to deploy up to 4,000 laser satellites. The initiative was considered by the first Bush Administration, but then abandoned. ... The laser interceptors would be mounted on satellites, but some scientists have questioned whether such interceptors would continue to function if left in space for long periods. Others say that the satellites would be standing targets. "They almost invite an enemy to develop anti-satellite weapons to knock them out," Tom Collina, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, told The New York Times. ... The Pentagon announced last weekend that it had successfully shot down a mock warhead in the latest test of its fledgling missile shield, but controllers have conceded that a radar system was unable to report whether the target had been destroyed. The radar falsely reported that the kill missile had missed, where several other sensors clearly showed a hit. The Pentagon blamed a programming fault in the radar computer that could be fixed before the next test in October. ... John Manley, the Canadian Foreign Minister, urged Washington to respect the ABM Treaty: "We have been urging the United States to be very consultative with its partners, allies in Nato and with Russia and China, before being firmly committed to proceeding with ballistic missile defence," he said. "I think that the United States will see it is not in their interest to drive countries into a new polarisation."
Also: http://portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml? xml=/news/2001/07/19/wstar19.xml&sSheet=/news/2001/07/19/ixhomef.html
7/20/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010720/pl/korea_north_missile_dc_1.html N.Korea Vows Countermeasures in Reply to U.S. Test Friday July 20 8:36 AM ET SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea vowed on Friday to take countermeasures in response to last week's test by the Defense Department aimed at intercepting long-range missiles launched against the United States. ``The DPRK is compelled to take a counter-action for self-defense by the U.S. deliberate provocation,'' a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman was quoted as saying by Pyongyang's official Korea Central News Agency. ``A new global arms race has, therefore, become unavoidable. The DPRK will have nothing to lose even if all the points agreed upon between the DPRK and the U.S. are scrapped,'' the spokesman said. ...
7/20/2001 from The Washington Post: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/A21964-2001Jul19.html Ex-Clinton Aide Criticizes Missile Plan By Vernon Loeb, Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, July 20, 2001; Page A23 The Bush administration has placed the nation on a "collision course" with Russia and NATO allies by designing a missile defense plan to violate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in a matter of months, former national security adviser Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger said yesterday. ... The ABM Treaty was negotiated by Richard M. Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev in 1972 to prohibit nationwide defenses against long-range missiles -- and thereby to curb each side's efforts to build more and more missiles to overwhelm those defenses. It specifically prohibits testing of sea-, air- or space-based defenses against long-range missiles. ...
http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010721/14/int-un-arms-trafficking 189 Nations Agree Small Arms Plan By DAFNA LINZER, Associated Press Writer Updated: Sat, Jul 21 2:47 PM EDT UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The first U.N. conference to curb the billion-dollar-a-year illegal trafficking in small
arms ended Saturday with 189 nations agreeing on a watered-down plan Washington wanted - with calls to limit weapon sales and restrict civilian gun ownership expunged. ...
7/21/2001 from The New York Times Op/Ed: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/21/opinion/21LEWI.html Bush the Radical By ANTHONY LEWIS ABROAD AT HOME July 21, 2001 ... "The dislike of treaties reflects an attitude that the United States must be free to do what it wants in the world. Call it unilateralism or whatever, it is a sharp break from our postwar premise that if wisely negotiated, treaties enhance our security." ...
7/22/2001 from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: http://www.jsonline.com/news/editorials/jul01/young22072101.asp Global fallout possible from missile defense activation By STEPHEN YOUNG
7/21/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010721/06/bush-germ-weapons
Bush to Oppose Germ Weapons Pact Draft By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent Updated: Sat, Jul 21 6:12 AM EDT GENOA, Italy (AP) - In a split with key allies, the Bush administration has decided to oppose a draft agreement to enforce a 26-year-old germ weapons treaty. ... American envoy Donald A. Mahley planned to tell negotiators in Geneva next week that Bush supported the Biological Weapons Convention but feared the enforcement rules would be burdensome to some universities and industries and might expose American businesses to commercial theft. ... The treaty, ratified by 143 nations, prohibits the development, production and possession of biological weapons. ... With its decision, the administration joins China, Libya, Cuba, Iran and Pakistan in voicing opposition to the rules. Allies in Europe and Latin America support the language.
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