Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
6/12/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010612/pl/congress_missile_defense_1.html Democrats Criticize Missile Defense By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer Tuesday June 12 3:25 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Democrats on Capitol Hill condemned as unneeded and unworkable the national missile defense system that President Bush is trying to promote to U.S. allies during his current tour of Europe. While lawmakers often mute their criticisms of a president when he is abroad, Rep. Tom Allen, D-Maine, said Tuesday the issue was too important to ignore, ``particularly when the attention of the country and the attention of the world is focused.'' Allen joined six other House Democrats and several anti-missile defense activist groups at a news conference to oppose Bush's proposal as ineffective, too expensive and a threat to national security. ``It's based on the idea of build first, figure it out later,'' said Rep. Rush Holt, D-N.J., a physicist. ...
6/12/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/international/bush-europe Bush Opens First European Trip By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated: Tue, Jun 12 2:24 PM EDT MADRID, Spain (AP) - President Bush opened his first European trip on the defensive Tuesday, arguing his case for a missile defense shield and at odds with allies over global warming and capital punishment. "There's so much more that unites us than divides. I refuse to let any issue isolate America from Europe," Bush said. ... Bush was still huddling with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar at Aznar's whitewashed ranch house south of Madrid when European Union environment ministers sent word from Brussels, Belgium, rejecting Bush's latest climate-change initiative as short on action and urging Bush to back the Kyoto treaty on global warming. "Abandoning the Kyoto Protocol would mean postponing international action to combat climate change for years - and we are already late. We cannot accept this," said Environment Minister Kjell Larsson of Sweden, which currently holds the EU presidency. At a joint news conference with Aznar, Bush was unyielding. He called the 1997 Kyoto agreement flawed, "unrealistic" and not based on sound science. ... Bush was also pressed to explain his pursuit of a missile defense shield despite opposition among allies who fear he will trigger a new arms race. Sounding as much animated as agitated, Bush ran through his arguments several times.
"Our intent is to bring stability into the world," he said. ...
6/13/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010613/ts/bush_europe.html Bush: NATO Leaders Warming to Shield By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Wednesday June 13 6:14 PM ET BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - President Bush said Wednesday that nervous NATO leaders were warming to his missile defense plans but suggested the United States would pursue a high-tech shield with or without Europe's blessing. ... Asked if he would go it alone on missile defense, Bush said, ``I don't think we're going to have to move ... unilaterally. I think people are coming our way. But people know that I'm intent upon doing what I think is the right thing in order to make the world more peaceful.'' ...
6/14/2001 from ABC News: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/abc/20010614/wl/radar_stealth_010614_1.html China, Russia Pursuing New Stealthy Radar By John McWethy ABCNEWS.com Thursday June 14 07:13 PM EDT Russia, China and U.S. and European companies are said to be developing cutting-edge radars that might detect America's expensive stealth aircraft much better than conventional radar - and locate all military planes without itself being detected. ... Conventional radar sends out its own high-frequency signal that a pilot can detect. The new radar simply listens to low-frequency radio waves that are already in the atmosphere in great profusion, from power sources such as transmitters used for television, FM radio and cell phones. ...The breakthrough that is making this possible is the use of new high-speed computers to sort through the clutter of signals, picking out those radio waves that are bouncing off moving objects in the air. ... (I had read a similar story about China developing this about a year ago.)
6/14/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010614/wl/china_summit_dc_3.html China, Russia Join Against U.S. Missile Defense By Jeremy Page Thursday June 14 8:45 AM ET SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin showed a united front on Thursday against U.S. plans to build a national missile defense (NMD) system. ...The Shanghai Five -- China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan -- and the group's new member Uzbekistan are expected to join forces against Bush's missile defense plans as he heads into a summit with the European Union. ``President Putin reiterated Russia's principled position on that matter and China stated that it will continue to support
Russia in its efforts to maintain the global equilibrium,'' Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao told a news conference. ... On NMD, Ivanov said: ``Our views on this fully coincide with China.'' ...
6/14/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/14/world/14PREX.html France and Germany Caution Bush on Missile Defense Plan By FRANK BRUNI June 14, 2001 BRUSSELS, June 13 - Leaders of the Atlantic alliance clashed today over President Bush's challenge to three decades of conventional wisdom about European security, with the heads of France and Germany contradicting Mr. Bush's declaration that there was a "new receptivity" to his plan for a missile defense shield. ...
6/15/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/15/world/15MISS.html General Says Missile Shield Needs Money and Prudence By JAMES DAO June 15, 2001 WASHINGTON, June 14 - The head of the Pentagon's missile defense program warned Congress today that accelerating development of a missile shield, as President Bush has urged, would be a mistake without meticulous planning and a major infusion of money. ... In testimony before a House subcommittee, the Pentagon official, Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish, ... "If we rush development imprudently, I will guarantee that we will get less-than-satisfactory results," General Kadish told members of the House Subcommittee on Military Research and Development. ... While General Kadish was making his remarks today, President Bush was in Europe trying to persuade the NATO allies of the urgent need to build a ballistic missile defense program as soon as possible to defend against attacks from nations like Iraq, Libya and North Korea. ...
6/19/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/18/world/18BUSH.html News Analysis: Bush's Easygoing Words and Hard Line Actions By FRANK BRUNI June 18, 2001 " ... It was, in Mr. Bush's stated view, a transcontinental listening tour, the beginning of "consultations" - a word he used time and again - that would embrace all the important issues and carry through the duration of his presidency. And yet he had abandoned the Kyoto accord on global warming - and offered no apologies for it. He was launching into more intensive research for, and development of, a missile defense shield - and demonstrated no equivocation or willingness to turn back in the face of profound reservations from important allies. Over the course of five European countries and five frenetic days, Mr. Bush established an approach to foreign policy much like his approach to domestic affairs: occasionally humble remarks matched by largely unswerving positions, sweet words coupled with hard-line actions. ..."
6/21/2001 from The Washington Post:
http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/states/ms/A26182-2001Jun20.html No Defense for the Missile Shield By Mary McGrory Thursday, June 21, 2001; Page A03
6/21/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010621/pl/arms_russia_dc_1.html Russian Adviser Says U.S. Missile Plan Flawed By Ron Popeski Thursday June 21 12:56 PM ET MOSCOW (Reuters) - A top adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview published on Thursday that U.S. missile defense plans left many questions unanswered and were flawed in their technical approach. Igor Sergeyev's comments in the daily Izvestia drove home similar doubts expressed by Putin himself earlier this week. Uncertainty over U.S. strategy was heightened by Secretary of State Colin Powell's comments that the Cold War premise of ''mutual assured destruction,'' declared outmoded by President Bush, was still valid. Sergeyev, presidential adviser on strategic issues, told Izvestia in Washington that he had difficulty understanding how the Bush administration intended to build a ``limited'' shield capable of parrying advanced missiles from ``rogue'' states. ``We now have more questions before us than answers. Much of the talk about missile defenses is void of substance,'' Sergeyev said after attending a conference
on nuclear non-proliferation. ``I cannot understand how America will build a missile defense system able to counter powerful outside threats while remaining limited. This is like saying a woman is half pregnant. In what way will the system be limited -- in its effectiveness?'' ... ``It seems to me that at this stage we should remove politicians and military people from the negotiating table and replace them with technology and engineering specialists,'' said Sergeyev, who also met leading Congressmen in Washington. ``They speak the same language and would be better than politicians at creating a more or less objective picture.'' ...
6/22/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010620/pl/arms_japan_usa_dc_1.html Japan Defense Trip May Cement Views on U.S. Missiles By Teruaki Ueno Wednesday June 20 3:47 AM ET TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's defense minister, Gen Nakatani, will meet top U.S. military officials in Washington this week in a move analysts say could pave the way for Tokyo to endorse controversial U.S. missile defense plans. Nakatani holds preparatory talks with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in Washington on Friday ...Nakatani indicated that no key decisions would emerge during his three-day trip, but did not rule out Japan eventually joining America's ambitious missile defense project. ``We will make a comprehensive decision after I visit the United States and exchange views,'' he told reporters on Tuesday. ... ``It is most likely that Japan will take part in the missile defense initiative,'' said defense analyst Haruo Fujii. To do so, however, Japan needs to change the U.S.-drafted 1947 pacifist constitution that forbids acts of ``collective self-defense,'' analysts and officials said. ...
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