Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
6/17/2001 from The Progressive Populist: http://www.populist.com/01.12.galbraith.html
Dangerous Dead-End JAMES K. GALBRAITH "... missile defenses in all forms are drastically destabilizing, easily defeated, and globally dangerous
whether the system works or not. ... Without the ABM treaty, neither Russia nor China can feel secure in their deterrent capabilities, and neither will comfortably adhere to their longstanding restraint in nuclear offensive weapons. ... As defense, national missile defense will not work, for the simple reason that it is too easily defeated by decoys and by attacks on the "eyes" of the system. ... Missile defense is impossibly expensive. ... The fact that NMD cannot defend us calls attention to the only way in which NMD might work: as an adjunct to an American first strike that destroys most enemy forces and everything else on the ground. Following a first strike, a limited missile defense might then shoot down the handful of surviving retaliatory missiles -- thus completing the carnage. This point is clear to both Russia and China who long ago concluded that NMD extends long-standing American strike-first plans -- by which they have felt threatened for 50 years. They will respond, as both have warned, by increasing the numbers of their own missiles and by placing their forces on a higher alert. National Missile Defense is, in short, an unlimited budget drain mined at a deeply immoral objective: the nuclear blackmail of other states. It repudiates diplomacy. It puts hair-trigger systems back onto forward stations. It signals, and reflects, contempt for the interests, concerns and perspectives of allied powers. It is a highway back to the days when thermonuclear death threatened from one minute to the next in any form, it threatens the fragile stability of the nuclear peace. As the United States government now announces its irrevocable commitment to this program, it is past time for the world's great anti-nuclear communities to wake up to the danger."
6/18/2001 from The Seattle Times:
slug=plate14&date=20010614 Editorials & Opinion : Thursday, June 14, 2001 Rumsfeld-led hawks play high-risk game with China By Tom Plate, Syndicated columnist
6/19/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/19/world/19RUSS.html
Putin Says Russia Would Counter U.S. Shield By PATRICK E. TYLER June 19, 2001 MOSCOW, June 18 - President Vladimir V. Putin said today that if the United States proceeded on its own to construct a missile defense shield over its territory and that of its allies, Russia would eventually upgrade its strategic nuclear arsenal with multiple warheads - reversing an achievement of arms control in recent decades - to ensure that it would be able to overwhelm such a shield. ...
6/19/2001 from Tech Central Station: http://www.techcentralstation.com/DefensePinkertonSpace.asp?id=54 New Military Doctrine Requires a Back-Up Plan in Space By: James Pinkerton, TCS Columnist and Fellow,
New America Foundation Second of two parts: "Yes, earth has been a wonderful home to all of us, but what home lasts forever? And thus the fourth doctrine of defense - after MAD, NMD, and PES - is, or should be, ETR, for extra-terrestrial relocation.
ETR doesn't mean giving up on earth; it means duplicating earth, by sending volunteers permanently to the moon, Mars, wherever. Would folks want to go? Would governments want to pay for it? It all depends upon how much time they spend thinking about Murphy's Law and Fermi's Paradox."
(These are our bright leaders?)
6/26/2001 from The Seattle Times:
slug=krauthammer25&date=20010625 Bush hasn't gone wobbly; he has just gone smart By Charles Krauthammer, Syndicated columnist Editorials & Opinion : Monday, June 25, 2001 " ... Be nice, but be undeterred. The best unilateralism is velvet-glove unilateralism. At the end of the day, for all the rhetorical bows to Russian, European and liberal sensibilities, look at how Bush returns from Europe: Kyoto is dead. The ABM Treaty is history. Missile defense is on. NATO expansion is relaunched. And just to italicize the new turn in American foreign policy, the number of those annual, vaporous U.S.-EU summits has been cut from two to one. ... "
6/26/2001 from space.com http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/russia_canada_010625.html Canada Wants U.S. to Consult with Russia on Missile Defense Plan By Interfax, posted: 03:05 pm ET, 25 June 2001
MOSCOW. June 25 (Interfax) - Canada insists that the United States cooperate with Russia in matters relating to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty, Canadian Foreign Minister John Manley said on Monday. Canada is against any unilateral steps by the United States regarding its national missile defense (NMD) plan, Manley told a news conference in Moscow after talks with his Russian counterpart, Igor Ivanov. ... Manley said the United States has still not given Canada a clear idea of what NMD would be like. Nor did Canada know who would control it, he said. ... Ivanov, when asked what Russia and Canada thought of the space weapons problem, said the two countries "consider this to be one of the most burning problems and stand for joint efforts by the international community to prevent the penetration of any kind of weapons into space." Manley said Canada supported all measures to prevent weapons from being stationed in space. ...
6/27/2001 from The Washington Post: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A49355-2001Jun26.html Defense Meets the Tax Cut Editorial Wednesday, June 27, 2001; Page A24 " ... Missile defense, even in the Clinton administration's limited model, could cost $60 billion
to deploy; new weapons acquisitions proposed by Mr. Rumsfeld's advisory panels could cost another $35 billion. Yet nothing like this kind of money is going to be available in the tax-cut depleted budgets of the next few years. As it is, the Pentagon's requested $18 billion in additional spending for fiscal 2002 is significantly below the amount sought by both Mr. Rumsfeld and the Joint Chiefs, and barely would cover immediate needs, such as spare parts and increased housing and health care costs. Missile defense gets an increase of less than $3 billion over the funding planned by the Clinton administration -- hardly the boost suggested by the administration's huge political and diplomatic investment in the initiative. Even this defense increase will be difficult to accommodate in next year's budget -- and at the moment budget projections suggest that a further increase can be accommodated in 2003 only with big cuts in other domestic programs or a raid on Social Security or Medicare. ... "
6/27/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010626/pl/arms_usa_missiles_dc_1.html Bush Beefs Up Effort to Develop Missile Defense By Jim Wolf Tuesday June 26 5:42 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration will ask Congress for $7.9 billion in fiscal 2002 to speed up a controversial missile defense program that would go beyond the limited, ground-based system proposed by former President Bill Clinton, Pentagon documents obtained on Tuesday showed. ... the Bush program will explore ``to the fullest extent possible'' land, air and space platforms to thwart missiles in all flight stages: boost, or liftoff; midcourse; and terminal, according to Program Budget Decision 816, as the memo is called. ... The memo did not say when deployment would begin. But the Pentagon's chief weapons purchaser, Edward Aldridge, told a House Armed Services subcommittee on Tuesday: ``The things we can field as early as we can, we will.'' ... The plan erases the diplomatically troublesome line separating national missile defense from programs aimed at defending troops in a combat theater. The memo approved by Wolfowitz said preliminary results of the Rumsfeld strategy review had determined that BMDO programs should be restructured to provide ``simultaneous research in multiple areas against threats in the boost, midcourse and terminal stages of attack.'' ``To achieve this, it is recommended that the current BMDO program be eliminated and replaced with a streamlined program designed to merge mature and emergent technologies in innovative ways as each new combination is proven,'' it said. Under the Bush approach, three programs now controlled by the Air Force -- the experimental space-based laser, the airborne laser and space-based infrared system low -- would move to BMDO to ``allow a more streamlined approach to developing BMD technology.'' ...
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