Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
6/8/2001 from AP, The Washington Post and The New York Times:
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/08/world/08NATO.html Rumsfeld Outlines to NATO Fast Track for Missile Shield By JAMES DAO BRUSSELS, June 7 - Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said today that the United States is likely to deploy certain antiballistic missile systems before testing on them is completed, signaling the speed with which the Bush administration hopes to develop and use the still-unproven technology. ... In one closed-door session, the American delegation presented the NATO ministers with detailed intelligence information that they said clearly demonstrated the efforts of certain nations to acquire advanced, long-range missile technology. ... "The course they are choosing will precipitate an international political crisis regarding the ABM treaty sooner than is necessary, given the very immature status of the technology," said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers, a nonprofit group. "Why perpetuate a crisis when the
technology will not provide you the protection you desire?" Privately, some European officials agreed. "It doesn't make sense to decide on something that hasn't been proven, when you don't know whether it works or whether you can pay for it," a German defense official said. ... Indeed, Mr. Rumsfeld said today that unlike the Clinton administration, the Pentagon under President Bush will not be deterred from conducting tests that might violate the treaty. ... Although some people said the briefing was persuasive, others sounded unconvinced. "The information was not new to us," said a German defense official. "We knew there were bad guys out there." ...
http://www.msnbc.com/news/584458.asp?pne=msn Missile defense speedup weighed Implementing system by 2004 considered By Steven Mufson and Mary Pat Flaherty THE WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON, June 8 - The Bush administration is considering a crash effort to put into place a rudimentary missile defense system before the end of President Bush's current term in 2004, according to administration officials and a presentation by a major defense contractor. ... A flight test planned for this month has been postponed until August, administration officials said. The most recent test took place nearly a year ago. ... Boeing's presentation assumes that "treaty constraints" are "removed" - a reference to the ABM Treaty, which prohibits testing and construction of missile defenses at multiple sites. The Boeing presentation was made by Jim Evatt, a Boeing executive vice president and manager of its missile defense work. Major subcontractors on missile defense include TRW Inc., which makes the battle management control system; Raytheon Co., which makes the kill vehicle; and Lockheed Martin Corp., which makes the launch vehicle.
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010608/wl/nato_7.html Rumsfeld Takes Message to Russians By JEFFREY ULBRICH, Associated Press Writer Friday June 8 11:44 AM ET BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, having hammered the NATO allies with Washington's missile defense message, took the same argument to the Russians on Friday, hoping to convince them the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty has outlived its usefulness. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov indicated that if Washington wants to abandon the 1972 ABM treaty, the Russians can't stop them. But he wanted to know what would be put in its place. ...
6/15/2001 from the Kansas City Star: http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/printer.pat,local/3accc051.615,.html Bush to seek reduced contacts with Russia By BARRY SCHWEID - AP Diplomatic Writer Date: 06/15/01 08:37
WASHINGTON -- President Bush will propose to Russian President Vladimir Putin scaling down the level of contacts between their two countries. One result would be to lower the profile of arms control negotiations. Bush will resist a Russian overture to set up two working groups to deal with missile defenses and further reductions in U.S. and Russian offensive arsenals, two senior officials said Thursday. Preferring talks on missile defenses and cutbacks in arsenals be dealt with by small delegations of experts, Bush's overall goal is to reverse the Clinton administration's use of a high-level commission to oversee bargaining on weapons and other major issues, said the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity. ... The administration is calling the process Bush will propose "decentralizing." Bush's approach is that issues involving the two countries should be managed by departments in Washington and Moscow instead of by formal working groups or commissions that can involve massive delegations, the officials said. ...
6/15/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010615/15/news-bush-europe Bush Urges Russia to Forge New Ties By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent Updated: Fri, Jun 15 3:20 PM EDT WARSAW, Poland (AP) - In the heart of the old Soviet bloc, President Bush chastised Russia on Friday for suspected nuclear commerce and encouraged the former Cold War rival to help "erase the false lines that have divided Europe." A day before his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, Bush urged the Russian president to forge new ties with the West and become "a partner and an ally." Aides said Bush will seek to open talks between U.S. and Russian military leaders aimed at easing Moscow's opposition to an American anti-missile shield. ...
6/16/2001 from ABC News: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/abc/20010615/ts/bush_europe_speech010615_1.html Bush Outlines Vision for Europe By Carter M. Yang ABCNEWS.com Bush envisions a unified Europe. Plus: (Quote):
As he laid out his vision for a "whole and free" Europe, President Bush today sought to reassure Russia that an expanded and strengthened European alliance would not be its enemy. "Our goal is to erase the false lines that have divided Europe for too long ... "All of Europe's new democracies, from the Baltic to the Black Sea and all that lie between, should have the same chance for security and freedom - as Europe's old democracies have," Bush said. ... "Let us tell all those who have struggled to build democracy and free markets - no one can take away your freedom or your country," the president said ... Bush urged his counterparts across the Atlantic to support expansion of the 19-member NATO alliance and the strengthening of ties with Russia, telling European leaders, "My nation welcomes the consolidation of European unity and the security it brings." ... "We look for the day when Russia is fully reformed, fully democratic and closely bound to the rest of Europe," he said. "NATO, even as it grows, is no enemy of Russia - America is no enemy of Russia." Bush and Putin are set to meet Saturday in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana - the U.S. president's final stop on this weeklong European tour. "I very much hope - we will be able to work out and initiate a unified approach to defining the future architecture of international security," Putin told reporters in Moscow today. ... "Today a new generation makes a new commitment: A Europe and an America bound in a great alliance of liberty - history's greatest force for peace and progress and human dignity," the president (Bush) said. "Our progress is great, our goals are large and our differences, in comparison, are small." ... "We share more than an alliance. We share a civilization," Bush said today. "These trans-Atlantic ties could not be severed by U-boats. They could not be cut by checkpoints and barbed wire - And they certainly will not be broken by commercial quarrels and political debates."
6/17/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010617/ts/bush_nuclear_dc_1.html Report: Bush Stunned by U.S. Nuclear Arsenal Size Sunday June 17 1:28 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush was stunned last month when told of the extent of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, Newsweek magazine reported in its June 25 edition, released on Sunday. ... ... the magazine noted in detailing the vast U.S. nuclear arsenal, which includes 5,400 warheads on intercontinental ballistic missiles, 1,750 nuclear bombs and cruise missiles ready to be launched from B-2 and B-52 bombers, 1,670 ``tactical'' nuclear weapons and another 10,000 warheads in bunkers around the United States. ...
6/17/2001 from The New York Times: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nyt/20010617/ts/ putin_urges_bush_not_to_act_alone_on_missile_shield_1.html http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/17/world/17PREX.html Putin Urges Bush Not to Act Alone on Missile Shield By FRANK BRUNI BRDO PRI KRANJU, Slovenia, June 16 - Russian President Vladimir V. Putin cautioned President Bush today about developing a missile defense shield without Moscow's consent, telling Mr. Bush that such an action could seriously strain relations between the two countries. ... "Any unilateral actions can only make more complicated various problems and issues," Mr. Putin said, referring to the recent signals from the Bush administration that it would press on with a missile defense even if allies and the Russians continued to object. ...
6/17/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/news/585107.asp U.S. to proceed on missile plan Rice: Time to move past '72 ABM treaty MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS WASHINGTON, June 17 - While the United States would like to move forward on its missile defense plan with Russia's blessing, the Bush administration will proceed without it, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Sunday. Rice said the United States would also likely abandon the 1972 ABM treaty - a landmark arms control agreement with Russia - to make it happen. "The United States has made it clear that it's time to move on to a new era," Rice said on NBC's Meet the Press program.... Rice said it was unclear when the U.S. would end the treaty, but Secretary of State Colin Powell said on another TV show Sunday that it would happen when the curbs on missile defense are blocking U.S. technology. Powell said the agreement was reached in a different era. "We cannot allow its constraints" to bind American technology, he said on ABC's "This Week." Powell, too, said the United States was going to move forward for its plan to shield against a missile attack.
Russia President Vladimir Putin, who is opposed to the missile defense idea, said the 1972 ABM treaty banning such missile defense plans is the "cornerstone of the modern architecture of international security." He has warned the United States that if it proceeded on its own, that would only complicate U.S.-Russian relations. Throughout his six-day trip to Europe last week, Bush said he wanted to make the case to Putin that such a shield is not designed to give Washington a strategic superiority over Moscow, but rather to protect against "blackmail" from rogue states. ...
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