Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
5/28/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010528/wl/russia_us_defense_2.html Russian Dismisses Arms Deal Rumors By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer
Monday May 28 10:53 AM ET MOSCOW (AP) - Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov on Monday dismissed a reported U.S. offer to purchase arms from Russia in exchange for Moscow's agreement to scrap the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. ``If such proposals come - we have not yet received them - I am sure that they will not solve the ABM issue,'' Ivanov told a news conference. His was the first official Russian response to a New York Times report Monday that the Bush administration hoped to win Moscow's assent to Washington's withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty with purchases of Russian weapons, possibly including S-300 surface-to-air missiles, joint anti-missile exercises and military aid.
5/29/2001 from Reuters and AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010529/pl/nato_leadall_dc_1.html U.S. Soothes Allies, Moscow on Missile Plan By Richard Murphy Tuesday May 29 3:26 PM ET BUDAPEST (Reuters) - The United States sought to reassure both its NATO allies and Russia on Tuesday that it would not develop a controversial missile defense system without consulting them. ... ``I made it clear to them that this is a real consultation that President Bush wants...and not a phony consultation,'' Powell added. ``At the same time I made it clear to them that we know we have to move forward. We can see the threat. The threat is clear and we have to deal with that threat. ..." NATO Secretary-General George Robertson urged allies to be ready to spend more on improving equipment and preparedness to face future crises that could call for a military response. ``This means tough decisions must be taken now to build the right kind of defense forces and ensure the required and appropriate funding for them,'' he said. ``NATO does not want to be stuck riding a paper tiger.''
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010529/wl/powell_nato_13.html NATO Won't Back U.S. Defense Plan By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer Tuesday May 29 4:28 PM ET BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - NATO refused to endorse the Bush administration's missile defense plans Tuesday despite efforts by Secretary of State Colin Powell to convince U.S. allies that they face a common threat of attack. ... On missile defense, the final statement said NATO allies ``welcome the consultations initiated by President Bush on the U.S. strategic review, including missile defense.'' ... Powell later told a news conference, ``I didn't take a poll around the room of everybody's views, but I think I can safely say that there is a recognition there's a threat out there...Some people see it as more immediate than others. Some people see it as greater than perhaps others. But I don't think there's any question that there's some sort of threat out there.''
5/30/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010530/pl/nato_powell_1.html U.S. Satisfied With Missile Reaction By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer Wednesday May 30 9:33 AM ET BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - The Bush administration has ``everything we want at this stage'' from NATO allies on a contentious missile defense program, Secretary of State Colin Powell's spokesman (Richard Boucher) asserted Wednesday. ...
6/9/2001 from The Philadelphia Inquirer: http://inq.philly.com/content/inquirer/2001/06/09/national/DEFENSE09.htm Senate arms chair vows fight over missile system By Jonathan S. Landay INQUIRER WASHINGTON BUREAU Saturday, June 9, 2001 WASHINGTON - The new Democratic chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said yesterday that he would fight any bid by the Bush administration to build a ballistic missile-defense system that was not fully tested and proved to work. Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, in his first interview since becoming chairman this week, said he would use his power over the Pentagon budget to "try to stop the funding" for a premature missile-defense system that he argued could be "very dangerous, very destabilizing" because it could heighten tension with China and Russia. ... Levin favors "robust" research and development of missile defenses. But before building a national missile shield, he said, "we should first have a system which has been tested. We should have a system which is operationally effective. You should know the cost. You should at least consider the negative consequences." Levin said he would try to deny any requests for money to begin deploying a system that was not sufficiently tested, or for missile-defense tests banned by the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which prohibits Moscow and Washington from building national missile shields. Rumsfeld on Thursday said the administration had concluded that tests that might violate the treaty would be necessary. Levin said such tests should not be conducted before Russia agreed to rewrite the ABM Treaty to allow limited national missile defenses, or negotiated an arrangement with the United States that preserved the treaty's goals. ...Levin accused Bush of not fully considering the consequences of junking the ABM Treaty and deploying an unproved national missile-defense system. ...
6/9/2001 from U.S. Newswire: http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0607-137.html Citizens Against Star Wars to Rally at White House U.S. Newswire 7 Jun 15:28 As Russia and NATO Say "No" To NMD, Increasingly, So Do Americans; Citizens Against Star Wars To Rally At White House
Sunday, June 10, a 2 p.m. rally in Lafayette Park across
the White House will register widespread public
opposition to
the Bush administration's push for a national missile
(NMD). ...
The rally kicks off three days of citizen activism in
Washington against NMD, sponsored by a broad- based
coalition of
national citizens' groups with combined membership of
100,000. The groups include Women's Actions for New
Physicians for Social Responsibility , Peace Links,
Security Institute, Peace Action, and The Nation
Institute. ...
The rally and the other "Stop the New Arms Race" events
place leading up to President Bush's June 12 departure
for the
EU and Moscow summits, where for the first time he will
European and Russian opposition to NMD first hand, but
where he
cannot legitimately argue a majority of Americans
support his NMD proposal, organizers say. ...
6/9/2001 from Council for a Livable World Education Fund: http://www.clw.org/ef/bmddreams.html
Missile Defense: Wishing Won't Make it So Press Release: June 8, 2001 Contact: John Isaacs - 202.543.4100 x. 131 or Chris Madison - 202.546.0795 x. 135 The Bush Administration's rush to deploy a scaled down missile defense system by 2004 is nothing more than a "foot in the door" for Boeing and disastrous for U.S. security, the Council for a Livable World Education Fund said today. "The Bush plan is the worst of all possible worlds. It means building something before we know if it will work; spending huge amounts of money we don't have; breaking the ABM treaty when our allies are strongly opposed to such action; and putting U.S. security at risk, all to appease the Republican right wing. It's outrageous. It's like the Pentagon is living in an Alice-in-Wonderland reality," said John Isaacs, president of the Council for a Livable World. The Bush plans for deploying five missile interceptors in Alaska by 2004, leaked on the eve of the President's first trip to meet with NATO partners and with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, appears to be an effort to bully our NATO allies, who do not see the need for the U.S. to deploy an anti-missile system, into concluding they have no chance of derailing the Administration's efforts. "Simply using words like 'inescapable' and 'inevitable' to describe these half-baked plans won't make them come true," said Chris Madison, who directs the Education Fund's National Missile Defense Project. "The fact is, there is no consensus in the Senate, no consensus in the country and no consensus among our allies that this is the best way to proceed." ...
6/9/2001 from AP: http://www.newportindependent.com/display/ap/Headlines/V3714.itm.html Russia Opposed to Bush Missile Plan By ROBERT BURNS BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) _ The heart of President Bush's case for building a missile defense _ that the United States is threatened by long-range missiles _ is "entirely hypothetical," Russia's defense chief said Friday. There are plenty of other threats, he said. ... Missile defense is expected to be one of the main focuses of Bush's trip to Europe next week, including a meeting June 13 in Brussels of presidents and prime ministers from all 19 NATO countries as well as Bush's first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 16. ... In Washington on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said he cannot see the logic of going forward with missile defense before proving it works. "We're not opposed to research, but to commit that level of revenue to a concept that may or may not prove to be practical or even doable is something that I'm mystified by," Daschle said. The Bush administration is considering a system that might be rushed into rudimentary operation as early as 2004, possibly relying on weapons aboard ships or planes as well as on land. ...
6/10/2001 from The Hindu: http://www.indiaserver.com/thehindu/2001/06/07/stories/0107000a.htm Russia 'sways' India on ABM Treaty By Vladimir Radyuhin MOSCOW, JUNE 6. Russia appears to have swayed India back to its view on strategic stability and the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. ... Mr. Jaswant Singh confirmed India's opposition to unilateral abrogation of the ABM Treaty mooted by the United States. ``If this treaty is unilaterally abrogated, abridged or adjusted, this will lead to greater uncertainty instead of promoting a new more cooperative security framework,'' Mr. Singh told reporters on Wednesday at the end of his three days of talks in Moscow. ``That is why we are recommending to the United States that any step in that direction must be made with Russia and in consultation with Russia.'' The stand articulated by Mr. Singh in Moscow effectively waters down India's support for the U.S.-proposed global security set-up based on the renunciation of the ABM Treaty and the construction of a national missile defence. Moscow is strongly opposed to the U.S. plans and wants to preserve the ABM Treaty. ... Mr. Singh said the defence talks were ``the most productive and result-oriented encounter we have ever had.'' India announced plans to step up defence purchases in Russia and the two countries are to undertake joint development of new arms for the air force, navy and the army. ...
6/10/2001 from AP and CNN: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010610/pl/against_the_world_2.html U.S. at Odds on Some World Issues By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer Sunday June 10 1:23 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush came into office promising a ``humble'' foreign policy, yet his administration has managed to irritate friend and foe alike. Five months into Bush's term, the United States stands against the world on issues stretching from missile defense and the environment to trade and even the death penalty. Many European allies are troubled by what they see as growing U.S. ``unilateralism,'' or a determination to go it alone, sometimes in seeming defiance of much of the rest of the world. ``The rest of the world thinks we're a big bully,'' said Ivo Daalder, a a national security official in the Clinton administration who is now with the Brookings Institution. ...
http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/06/10/bush.spain/index.html Spaniards protest over Bush visit
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