Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
Excerpts from U.S.Newswire:
"... The first principle is that our alliances with Europe and Asia are still the cornerstone of our national security, but they must be constantly adapted to meet emerging challenges.... In Europe, we revitalized NATO with new partners, new members and new missions...Southeast Europe, which has been a flashpoint for European conflict throughout the 20th Century, now has the potential to become a full partner in a peaceful Europe -- if we don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Our European allies already are carrying the overwhelming share of this burden, 85 percent of the peacekeeping troops and 80 percent of the funds. But we can't cut and run, or we will forfeit our leadership of NATO. ...We should support Europe's efforts to assume greater security responsibilities -- so long as our European friends move forward in cooperation, not competition, with NATO. ... ...A second principle that guides our foreign policy in a global age is that peace and security for America depends on building principled, constructive relations with our former great power adversaries, Russia and China. ...little else will be possible in our relationship with Russia unless it builds a pluralistic, prosperous society inexorably linked to the West. ...With China, our challenge has been to steer between the extremes of uncritical engagement and untenable confrontation. ... ...A third principle that must guide American foreign policy is that local conflicts can have global consequences ...the challenge of foreign policy in any age is to defuse conflicts before, not after, they escalate and harm our vital interests. ...What's more, the disproportionate power America enjoys today is more likely to be accepted by other nations if we use it for something more than self-protection. ... ...A fourth principle is that, while old threats have not all disappeared, new dangers, accentuated by technological advances and the permeability of borders, require expanded national security priorities. ...Going forward, one of the most important decisions America must make is how to meet the future ballistic missile threat from hostile nations. That future threat is real and we must take it seriously. But National Missile Defense is an intensely complicated issue -- technically, internationally and strategically. I hope the new Administration will not be driven by artificial deadlines as it considers the best course. And it is inconceivable to me that we will not fully explore the initiative with North Korea and the potential of curbing the missile program that is at the leading edge of the threat driving the NMD timetable today. ... ...A fifth principle that should continue to drive our foreign policy is that economic integration advances both our interests and our values, but also increases the need to alleviate economic disparity....Working to bridge the global divide is not merely a matter of national empathy; it is a matter of national interest. The global system that creates prosperity for Americans is not sustainable in the long term if billions of people decide they have absolutely no stake in it. ...The overriding reality is that American leadership, in cooperation with our friends and allies is essential to a more secure, peaceful, and prosperous world. ...Our
extraordinary strength is a blessing. But it comes with a responsibility to carry our weight, instead of merely throwing it around. That means meeting our responsibilities to alliances like NATO and institutions like the UN. It means shaping treaties from the inside ... instead of packing up our marbles and going home, as the Senate did with the CTBT. Otherwise, we will find the world resisting our power instead of respecting it. When our friends call us a "hyperpower" we should not apologize. But to remain strong, we must be a hyperpower they can depend on. We must remember that there is a difference between power and authority. Power is the ability to compel by force and sanctions, and there are times we must use it, for there will always be interests and values worth fighting for. Authority is the ability to lead, and we depend on it for almost everything we try to achieve. Our authority is built on qualities very different from our power: on the attractiveness of our values, on the force of our example, on the credibility of our commitments, and on our willingness to listen to and stand by others. ..."
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