Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
http://news.excite.com/news/r/010515/11/politics-arms-usa-china-dc Beijing Rebuffs Washington on Missile Shield By Paul Eckert Updated 11:45 AM ET May 15, 2001 BEIJING (Reuters) "China's constant position is unchanged," Foreign Ministry spokesman Sun Yuxi told a news conference. "We are opposed to the National Missile Defense because it destroys the global strategic balance and upsets international stability."
5/20/2001 from The Philadelphia Inquirer: (AP) http://inq.philly.com/content/inquirer/2001/05/20/national/MISSILE20.htm Russia unmoved on missile defense By Barry Schweid ASSOCIATED PRESS "I will be frank with you. The offered reasoning fails to convince us and the majority of the world," Igor Ivanov said before flying home. ... Ivanov said Russia and most other countries were not convinced "the potential threats require the dismantling of the entire body of the agreements on disarmament and the jeopardizing of nonproliferation regimes."
5/31/2001 from Marshall Brain's HowStuffWorks: http://www.howstuffworks.com/space-war.htm How Space Wars Will Work by Kevin Bonsor
"...The U.S. Space Command doesn't hide the fact that it wants to establish U.S. supremacy in space. In its Vision for 2020 report, the Space Command points out that military forces have always evolved to protect national interests, both military and economic. The report suggests that space weapons must be developed to protect U.S. satellites, and other space vehicles, as other countries develop the ability to launch spacecraft into space. In 1997, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space, Keith R. Hall, said, "With regard to space dominance, we have it, we like it and we're going to keep it." ... Currently, there are many international agreements that have prohibited the deployment of such weapons into space. One such agreement is the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which covers outer space, the Moon, and other celestial bodies. The one loop hole in this treaty is that it doesn't say anything about the area just above Earth, where most satellites are in orbit. However, the treaty does prohibit placing nuclear weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction, into Earth's orbit. But the question is, are lasers and particle beams weapons of mass destruction? The treaty further prohibits the construction of military bases and fortifications on any celestial body, including the Moon. In November, 1999, 138 United Nations members voted to reaffirm the Outer Space Treaty. Only the United States
and Israel abstained from the vote. Based on that vote, which upheld the ban on weapons in space, it would seem that space weapons will remain grounded for the time being. So, for now, thoughts of Death Star-like weapons and X-Wing fighters, battling it out thousands of miles into space, will have to be put on hold. ..."
5/31/2001 from US News: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/991108/space.htm The new space race BY RICHARD J. NEWMAN Cover Story 11/8/99 "...But aggressive "space control," as the military calls its quest for dominance in the sky, could backfire. "The military view is, it would be the neatest thing in the world to have a death ray in space," says one Space Command official. "But will deploying it lead to a war with somebody?" Very possibly, some critics say. Virginia Democrat Charles Robb, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, argued in a recent article that developing space weapons would be "a mistake of historic proportions" that would trigger an arms race in space. ..."
http://www.senate.gov/~armed_services/statemnt/1999/990322rm.pdf Statement of Gen. Richard B. Myers, USAF, Commander in Chief, US Space Command, March 22, 1999
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010601/wl/japan_politics_tanaka_dc_3.html Japan's Tanaka in Controversy Over U.S. Missile Plan By Linda Sieg Friday June 1 4:28 AM ET TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka -- in the midst of a bitter battle with bureaucrats -- was at the center of a new controversy on Friday after a report that she expressed concern about America's missile defense strategy. ...
6/1/2001 from The Times, Detroit Free Press, & Reuters http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001181592,00.html Allies rebuff Powell over missile shield BY MICHAEL EVANS, DEFENCE EDITOR WEDNESDAY MAY 30 2001 NATO allies refused to endorse President Bush's missile defence project yesterday. It is the latest evidence of division between the United States and Europe over the "Son of Star Wars" plan. ...
http://www.freep.com/voices/editorials/enato1_20010601.htm NATO Rebuff It's the latest symptom of wrongheaded U.S. policy June 1, 2001 The United States is getting awfully frigid shoulders from formerly friendly international bodies. President George W. Bush had best start building bridges, lest this country find itself uncomfortably alone at the top of the world. No amount of money or military hardware can compensate for alienating allies. ...
6/1/2001 from Radio Free Europe: http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/06/01062001113451.asp Russia: Analyst -- U.S. Offer To Buy Russian Missiles 'Poisoned Bait In Mousetrap' By Sophie Lambroschini
6/3/2001 from the Orlando Sentinel
Missile shield needs friends By Michael Cabbage SENTINEL SPACE EDITOR Posted June 3, 2001 http://orlandosentinel.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=orl%2Dasec%2Dmissile060301
6/3/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010602/pl/arms_rumsfeld_dc_5.html Defense Secretary Begins European Visit Monday By Charles Aldinger Saturday June 2 10:24 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will meet Turkish leaders in Ankara on Monday at the start of a trip to seven European countries expected to include talks ranging from military modernization to missile defense. ...
6/4/2001 from Asia Intellegence http://www.asiaint.com/#aib1 Monday, 4 June 2001 "...Officials from North Korea have told a US scholar that the maintenance of a promised two-year moratorium on missile testing is dependent on the United States signalling the possibility of normalizing relations...."
6/4/2001 from smh.com.au - The Sydney Morning Herald http://www.smh.com.au/news/0106/05/national/national2.html Downer denies 'telling tales' over US defence plan By Michael Millett, Herald Correspondent in Tokyo Japan embarrassed the Australian Foreign Minister yesterday by accusing him of threatening to tell the United States about Tokyo's private criticism of Washington's missile defence plan....
Rumsfeld to push missile defense at NATO meeting
By Jamie McIntyre
US Shows Missile Defense Film to Skeptical Allies
By Charles Aldinger, Thursday June 7 1:34 PM ET
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld showed dramatic test films to doubting NATO allies on Thursday, unveiling for the first time details of a disputed Bush administration plan for defense against ballistic missiles. ...
6/7/2001 from AP at space.com
China Backs Treaty To Ban Weapons in Space By Alexander G. Higgins, Associated Press Writer posted: 01:28 pm ET 07 June 2001 GENEVA (AP) -- China proposed a treaty Thursday to ban weapons in outer space because of the imminent "danger" stemming from U.S. missile defense plans. Chinese Ambassador Hu Xiaodi made the proposal at the 66-nation Conference on Disarmament, the world's only multinational forum for negotiating arms-control treaties. "All space-based weapons and all weapons attacking outer space targets from the earth are to be prohibited once and for all," said Hu, who introduced
draft wording for the proposed treaty. There was no immediate U.S. reaction, but Western diplomats said Hu's comments only added detail to China's known position on the issue. China, a bitter critic of U.S. plans for a National Missile Defense system and the expectation that it would involve deployments in space, has long called for a treaty to prevent an arms race in outer space. ...
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Outer Space Treaty of 1967