Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
5/21/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010521/ts/australia_us_2.html Aussie Urges End to U.S. Alliance Monday May 21 7:19 AM ET "CANBERRA, Australia (AP) - A former prime minister is urging Australia to abandon its military alliance with the United States - the cornerstone of its security policy for half a century - and beef up its own armed forces. ... Australia's U.S. alliance has gone unchallenged by its main political parties. Fraser's comments put him at odds with his own policy as prime minister and with that of the current government of Prime Minister John Howard.
Fraser has also criticized Howard's support of the United States' proposed nuclear missile shield. "
5/21/2001 from AP and Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010519/wl/germany_russia_dc_2.html Schroeder, Bush Oppose Aid to Russia Now -Magazine Saturday May 19 12:39 PM ET By Erik Kirschbaum BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and President Bush agreed to withhold financial aid from Russia as long as vast sums continue to flow out of the country, two German magazines reported on Saturday. ...
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010521/wl/russia_us_disarmament_2.html U.S., Russia Stop Checking a Treaty Monday May 21 2:10 PM ET By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) - Officials from the United States, Russia and three other former Soviet republics Monday marked the end of 13 years of monitoring under a landmark U.S.-Soviet disarmament treaty that eliminated an entire class of nuclear missiles. ...
5/21/2001 From The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/21/world/21KAZA.html Kazakhs Take Strong Issue With Bush's Missile Project May 21, 2001 By JUDITH MILLER ASTANA, Kazakhstan, May 18 - The president of this Western-leaning, oil-rich country has warned that the Bush administration's determination to erect a broad
array of missile defenses and to abandon a major arms control treaty threatens to ignite a deadly new arms race. ... Mr. Nazarbayev ... contended that the United States was miscalculating by pursuing a nuclear shield because "it perceives that Russia is weak and China is also unable to respond." The Soviet Union was also weak after World War II, "but it recovered and challenged the United States in a fierce arms race," he said. "Russia's weakness is not a permanent condition. And China, too, will respond to unilateral American steps." ...
5/23/2001 from the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/business/20010523/t000043144.html Doubts Trail 'Son of Star Wars' Proposal Military: The cost and architecture of a defense shield still unresolved Wednesday, May 23, 2001 By PETER PAE, Times Staff Writer
5/26/2001 from SpaceDaily: from spacewar - a little old now: http://www.spacedaily.com/news/taiwan-01a.html Taiwan To Test Home Grown Missile Shield Taipei (AFP) April 17, 2001 Taiwan plans to test a locally developed anti-missile system later this month as part of its persistent efforts to boost defense capabilities against arch foe China, it was reported Tuesday. ...
http://www.spacedaily.com/ Senate Democrat promises review of Bush's anti-missile program WASHINGTON (AFP) May 25, 2001 Senate Democrat Carl Levin who is to take over the chairmanship of the chamber's influential Armed Services Committee, Friday said President George W. Bush's unilateral approach to national missile defense program would be rethought. ...
5/26/2001 op/ed by Robert Novak: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/iprn/20010525/cm/blame_it_on_trent_1.html Blame it on Trent By Robert Novak Saturday May 26 01:00 AM EDT "...Pentagon Civil War Conflict between Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and holdover generals from the Clinton administration came to light when Republican Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire temporarily blocked Senate confirmation of Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael Hamel's promotion. Smith's action broke with the long-standing Republican practice of not interfering with military promotions. He was enraged that Hamel, director of Air Force space operations, is obstructing progress on missile defense. Hamel served as a military assistant to Vice President Al Gore and worked closely with Gore national security adviser Leon Fuerth, a longtime foe of missile defense. Hamel is only one of several generals who are confronting Rumsfeld on missile defense and other issues. ..."
5/26/2001 from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/05/24/china.jiang.willy/ Jiang on Bush: 'Confused and unprincipled' By Willy Lam CNN Senior China Analyst May 24, 2001 Posted: 9:47 AM EDT (1347 GMT) (CNN) -- President Jiang Zemin has come up with a 12-character assessment of his U.S. counterpart George W. Bush: "logically unsound; confused and unprincipled; unwise to the extreme." Despite his relatively low assessment of the U.S. leader, however, Jiang said China must continue to do business with the Bush administration and to work for better ties. ... Beijing is hoping the U.S. corporate community will then
put pressure on the White House to improve ties with China. Jiang has also indicated he is ready to revise his so-called great power diplomacy. In his discussions with former president Bill Clinton, Jiang strongly hinted that in return for Washington's "help" with Taiwan and other issues important to Beijing, the Chinese would agree to a U.S.- dominated world order. But during a special meeting earlier this month, Jiang and his aides say Beijing is aiming to build a multi-polar world order by boosting ties with countries and blocs including Russia, the EU, Pakistan, Iran, Japan and developing countries. ... If Jiang fails to get anything substantial from his summit with Bush this October, he might have no choice but to significantly harden his policy toward the U.S. and Taiwan.
5/26/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/20/weekinreview/20P2ST.html The Week in Review: May 13-19 "... Pacifying the Pacific Under Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, the Pacific is now the key arena for military planning. A Pentagon review being drafted by a top Rumsfeld aide asserts that Beijing's strategy is to keep American forces far from the mainland in a conflict and so is improving its ability to attack American aircraft carriers and bases in Japan with surface-to-surface missiles. The review suggests that the Pentagon counter by developing longer-range arms. But key U.S. military officers in the Pacific believe the review overstates Chinese capabilities, underplays U.S. relations with allies and exaggerates the promise of new arms. Michael R. Gordon ..."
5/26/2001 from The Seattle Times: http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis/web/vortex/display?slug=senate26&date=20010526 Senate chairmen likely to undercut Bush's platform By Ron Hutcheson and James Kuhnhenn Knight Ridder Newspapers WASHINGTON - As President Bush and his fellow Republicans adjust to the power shift in the Senate, brought about by Vermont Sen. James Jeffords' defection from the party, their hardest challenge may come from a new lineup of politically hostile Democratic committee chairmen. ... The president's plan for a national ballistic-missile defense system, already a tough sell on Capitol Hill, probably will be a dead issue when hawk Sen. John Warner, R-Va., cedes power at the Armed Services Committee to Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. Levin, one of the most vocal Senate critics of a missile-defense program, contends it would "risk a second Cold War" and lead to an arms race with China. ...
5/26/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010526/21/int-qatar-mideast U.S. Urged to Intervene in Mideast By TAREK AL-ISSAWI, Associated Press Writer Updated: Sat, May 26 9:27 PM EDT DOHA, Qatar (AP) - The Organization of the Islamic Conference ended an emergency meeting Saturday with a call for the United States to intervene immediately to "stop the Israeli aggression" against the Palestinians.
5/28/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010528/pl/arms_usa_missile_dc_2.html Democratic Senator Questions Missile Defense Plan Monday May 28 11:44 AM ET VILNIUS, Lithuania (Reuters) - Illinois Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin told reporters in Lithuania on Monday that many in Congress questioned President Bush's plans for a missile defense system, which is opposed by China, Russia and some allies in Europe. ...
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