Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
5/12/2001 from The New York Times: Talks Don't Calm Foes of Antimissile Plan By PATRICK E. TYLER The New York Times Saturday May 12 01:31 AM EDT "... Moscow's message today included a new warning from military leaders that "Russia possesses the technical, intellectual and technological potential" to respond to a unilateral American deployment of missile defenses. Prominent Russian foreign policy specialists have hinted that Russia may provide China with technologies to strengthen or expand its nuclear arsenal. ..." "... In New Delhi, Deputy Secretary of State Richard L. Armitage emerged "delighted" from talks with Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, who has applauded Mr. Bush's proposal to make further reductions in nuclear arsenals. But like most leaders consulted this week, Mr. Vajpayee offered no endorsement for the Bush missile defense plan. ... Mr. Armitage also singled out Pakistan today as a possible "rogue" state - along with North Korea, Iran and Iraq - whose missile programs were of concern to the United States. While Mr. Armitage was in New Dehli, the Chinese prime minister, Zhu Rongji, was holding consultations with Pakistan's leaders."
5/12/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010512/16/int-pakistan-china Pakistan, China Warn Against U.S. By AMIR ZIA, Associated Press Writer Updated 4:43 PM ET May 12, 2001 ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - China and Pakistan warned Saturday that a U.S. missile shield program will trigger a nuclear arms race ...
5/12/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010512/wl/koreas_missile_defense_1.html NKorea Warns Seoul on Missiles By SOO-JEONG LEE, Associated Press Writer Saturday May 12 6:02 AM ET SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea's state-run newspaper warned Saturday that South Korea will be doomed to ``ruin and death'' if it participates in Washington's proposed missile defense system. ...
5/12/2001 from Reuters Top Stories: http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/world/international-arms-au.html Australia: U.S. Missile Plan Only Part of the Discussion By REUTERS May 12, 2001 ADELAIDE, Australia -- Australia expressed strong support Saturday for the United States' proposed anti-missile shield, but said other arms control issues like a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty also needed to be on the agenda. Australia's Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said he believed the U.S. missile defense system would go ahead with broad international support, despite misgivings expressed by a range of nations, including Russia, China, Germany and France. ``It will proceed,'' he told reporters after meeting with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly in Adelaide. ...Officials said Kelly would leave Australia Saturday for Singapore, ahead of his visit Monday to Beijing, which has said it is ``firmly opposed'' to the missile defense plan. ...
5/13/2001 Old article at CBS: http://cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,223262-412,00.shtml ClA Report Warns Of Nuclear Arms Race WASHINGTON, August 10, 2000
(AP) A new U.S. intelligence report predicts China would accelerate its nuclear arms buildup if the United States erected a national defense against long-range missiles. ...
5/13/2001 Opinion from the L.A. Times:
http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/20010513/t000040205.html Star Struck By FRANCES FITZGERALD Sunday, May 13, 2001 "Like his predecessors, George W. Bush has promised a missile defense he may have difficulty delivering. ..."
5/14/2001 from AP: http://wire.ap.org/APnews/?SITE=COBOU&FRONTID=HOME N.Korea Warns U.S. on Missile Plan MAY 13, 22:42 EST SEOUL, South Korea (AP) North Korea warned Sunday that it would take a ``strong'' countermeasure if the United States tries to build an anti-missile shield. ...``We will take a strong countermeasure if the U.S. deploys missile defense under the pretext of a 'threat' from (North Korea),'' said a commentary in the North's official communist party newspaper, Rodong Sinmun. ``Our countermeasure will not be bound to anything and we will not care about an arms race.'' ...
5/14/2001 from MSNBC News Services: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/573048.asp EU establishes ties with North Korea BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 14 The European Commission announced Monday it will establish diplomatic relations with North Korea to facilitate European efforts to secure reconciliation on the Korean peninsula. The move follows gradually improving relations between Western Europe and the communist state just as the United States is reviewing its ties with the Pyongyang government. ...
5/14/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010514/11/us-russia U.S. Wants ABM Treaty Revisited By GEORGE GEDDA, Associated Press Writer Updated 11:42 AM ET May 14, 2001 WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday the United States hopes to coax Russia into accepting the view that changes in the global security situation require a reexamination of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972. Powell acknowledged in an interview with CNN that the Russians remain unconvinced about the administration's desire to build a national missile defense system to deal with the new realities. But, he said, the United States is willing to take Russian views into account, noting that a senior U.S. delegation visited Moscow last week and that Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov will be here for talks this Friday. "It's the beginning of a process of consultation," Powell said. He also said Russia itself may benefit from having a missile defense capability. Responding to suggestions that the United States is pursuing a go-it-alone policy on a missile defense, ignoring the sentiments of allies as well as Russia and China, Powell said, "there is nothing peremptory about this. There is nothing unilateralist about this. There's nothing arrogant about it." ...
5/14/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010514/17/us-russia
U.S. To Construct Missile Defense By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Updated 5:28 PM ET May 14, 2001 WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration affirmed Monday it would construct a defense against missiles, if one is needed, whatever Russia and other nations may think of the plan. President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell are expected to make the point when they meet Friday with the Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.
Also: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010514/pl/us_russia_3.html Asked Monday if the United States would go ahead anyhow if Bush and his senior advisers opted for a missile shield, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said ``the secretary has made clear, the president has made clear that we intend to proceed with defense, and defense is part of our ... strategic framework.''
5/14/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010514/wl/arms_usa_russia_dc_5.html Russian Official Calls U.S. Missile Scheme Laughable By Ron Popeski MOSCOW (Reuters) - An adviser to President Vladimir Putin said in interviews published on Monday that U.S. arguments to justify its planned missile shield made him laugh, but he predicted Washington would build the system anyway. ... Sergeyev said Russia was now ``certain the United States will proceed with construction of a national anti-missile system.'' ...
5/16/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010516/pl/arms_canada_usa_dc_1.html Canada in Dark Over U.S. Missile Defense Plan By David Ljunggren Wednesday May 16 12:25 PM ET OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada is still largely in the dark about a proposed U.S. missile defense system, despite a visit by a top-level delegation from Washington to discuss the controversial concept. ... But the country's most influential newspaper, the Globe and Mail, said on Wednesday that the Canadian stance had become an international embarrassment. ``Missile defense is a bad idea -- expensive, unproven, unnecessary, illegal and destabilizing. If Canada really counts itself a friend of the United States, it will stop pulling its punches and say so,'' the paper said in its lead editorial. ... Canadian officials said it was clear the United States had little idea of what kind of system it would choose, how it might work, where it would be based, how much it would cost and what effect it might have on global security. ... Canada will now start an active round of consultations with its NATO allies as well as with Russia and China, both of which oppose NMD.
5/17/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010517/pl/us_defense_1.html Rumsfeld Meets Lawmakers on Defense By CAROLYN SKORNECK, Associated Press Writer Thursday May 17 1:14 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Top national security officials were touring the Capitol Thursday to sell the Bush administration's defense plans to members of Congress who will be influential in deciding whether those plans become reality. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, conducting a comprehensive review of U.S. military strategy, was meeting with the chairmen and top Democrats of key House and Senate committees to brief them on that effort. The first stop by Bush administration officials was the Republican House Policy Committee, where lawmakers were told allies had a strongly positive response during consultations on U.S. plans to build a national missile defense, said Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif. He is chairman of the panel. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Rich Falkenrath of the National Security Council staff recently visited government leaders in several European and Asian capitals and spoke to the policy committee about those consultations. ``The clear thinking President Bush expressed in his May 1 speech had a refreshing impact around the world,'' Cox said in a statement. That's a far different assessment than the one given Tuesday by Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, a Pentagon spokesman, who said foreign reaction was mixed. ...
5/17/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010517/pl/arms_vietnam_usa_dc_1.html Vietnam Says No Talks Held on U.S. Military Base Thursday May 17 6:28 AM ET HANOI (Reuters) - The Vietnamese government said on Thursday it had not talked to the United States about the possibility of establishing a U.S. military base in Vietnam. ... On Tuesday, a report authorized by a senior aide to President Bush advocated major adjustments to U.S. strategy and military posture in Asia, including developing Guam as a key military hub and possibly opening new bases in Oman and Vietnam. ... In March, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a visit to Vietnam, during which he and counterpart Tran Duc Luong declared a new strategic partnership covering military, trade and economic cooperation.
From AP: 5/18/02
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010518/us/defense_army_critic_1.html Ex-Army Chief: Bush Strategy Wrong By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer
Friday May 18 5:33 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - The man who guided the Army's first post-Cold War cutbacks says the Bush administration appears headed toward the ``easy but erroneous'' conclusion that space and missile defense, rather than ground forces, should be the main building blocks of U.S. security. ...
5/18/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010518/pl/russia_usa_consultations_dc_1.html Powell Says Limit on U.S. Arms Consultations Friday May 18 6:07 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell said on Friday there was a limit to consultations with other countries on U.S. plans for missile defense after which Washington would have to take action in its own interests. ...
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