Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
4/5/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/05/world/05ARMS.html April 5, 2001 CAPITOL HILL Anti-China Coalition in Congress Is Emboldened By ALISON MITCHELL "WASHINGTON, April 4 With the standoff between China and the United States showing no sign of being resolved, members of Congress expressed growing sentiment today for selling advanced weapons to Taiwan. And an emboldened anti-China coalition began talking about the more remote possibility of denying China normal trade relations. ... "... proponents of giving Taiwan the most advanced weapons said the standoff strengthened their case. "This incident is cementing support behind providing Taiwan the weapons it needs," said Representative Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who is one of China's most outspoken critics in the House. "It also opens the door for the United States' providing weapons to countries like the Philippines who may also be threatened by Communist China." On Tuesday, more than 80 members of Congress, two-thirds of them Republicans, wrote to Mr. Bush to give strong support to Taiwan's request for a package of advanced weapons including the Aegis system. The lawmakers began circulating the letter several weeks ago and made no mention of the collision between the American EP-3E and a Chinese fighter. ..."
4/5/2001 from AP http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010402/01/int-judging-bush
Northeast Asia Uncertain on Bush Updated 1:43 AM ET April 2, 2001 By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, Associated Press Writer "SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Just over two months into the Bush administration, a perception that U.S. foreign policy is turning hard-line is perturbing a few allies and rattling former Cold War adversaries in Northeast Asia. ... "...In a recent interview with The Washington Post, Chinese President Jiang Zemin said Washington and Beijing should "seek areas where joint cooperation is possible." But he warned: "The more weapons you sell (to Taiwan), the more we will prepare ourselves in terms of national defense. This is logical." Chosun Ilbo, South Korea's largest newspaper, predicted in an editorial that the focus of U.S. military strategy will shift to Asia because "the new administration sees China as the greatest enemy." ..."
4/6/2001 from Radio Free Europe: http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/04/06042001123856.asp Russia: Moscow Takes Dim View Of U.S. Security Policy By Ahto Lobjakas "Brussels. 6 April 2001 (RFE/RL) -- The Carnegie Foundation's Alexander Pikayev says the Russian government grossly misjudged the intentions of the new U.S. administration of President George W. Bush. ... Pikayev says U.S. moves like the decisions to proceed with NMD and pull out of its Kyoto Protocol commitments to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions indicate that the Bush administration is embarking on a course he calls "unilateralist" and "unpredictable." This, he adds, bodes ill for bilateral U.S.-Russian relations as well as for U.S. global relations overall. ..."
4/6/2001 from Radio Free Europe: http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2001/03/06032001115147.asp EU: Powell Meets Today With Senior Delegation By Andrew F. Tully "...Washington, 6 March 2001 (RFE/RL) -- U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell meets in Washington today with a high-ranking delegation from the European Union (EU). They are expected to discuss the Balkans, the Middle East peace process, a European defense force, and U.S. plans to deploy a missile-defense system. The delegation is led by Foreign Minister Anna Lindh of Sweden, which now holds the EU's rotating presidency. Also in Washington are Javier Solana, secretary-general of the EU Council who directs foreign policy, as well as European Commissioner Christopher Patten. They are in the U.S. for the semi-annual U.S.-EU meeting of foreign ministers. ..."
4/6/2001 from The New York Times: http://partners.nytimes.com/2001/04/06/world/06RUSS.html?Partner=Snap&RefId=EFnnun-nJvSWQ April 6, 2001
Russia Looks for New Roles in Diplomacy and Trade By PATRICK E. TYLER "MOSCOW, April 5 As the Bush administration continues to review its foreign policy and has turned its attention this week to a crisis with China, Russian President Vladimir V. Putin is doing what he can to move into the areas where Washington appears to have disengaged, Russian officials say. ... Kremlin officials say Mr. Putin is not only seeking a stronger role for Russia in Western affairs, but also a hedge against any Bush administration attempt to exclude Russia from security decisions that affect Russia's interests like NATO expansion and missile defenses. ... Russia announced today that it has opened discussions with the European Union to cooperate with the independent European defense force being formed outside of NATO. ... What initially sent Mr. Putin into motion last June was the prospect of a decision by President Bill Clinton on whether to start building a national missile defense system in violation of a 1972 treaty banning such systems. That decision was deferred after Mr. Putin helped to galvanize opposition. ..."
4/10/2001 from International Herald Tribune: http://www.iht.com/articles/16360.html Spying From Space: U.S. to Sharpen the Focus Joseph Fitchett International Herald Tribune Tuesday, April 10, 2001
"...the next generation of spy satellites that are now being built ... would be able to track objects as small as a baseball anywhere, anytime on the planet..."
Wednesday April 11 2:15 PM ET Russia: Ban Space-Based Weapons By JIM HEINTZ, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP)..... The conference, with participants from 104 countries, appears to be a major attempt by Russia to take the lead on space and security issues even as its space program scrambles for money and the United States appears increasingly eager to build its missile defense. ... The United States was one of three countries that abstained from a United Nations resolution on preventing an arms race in space, which was approved by 160 other countries. ... The conference is being held under the U.N. aegis and includes many government delegations. The United States did not send official representatives, but American business leaders and academics attended. ...
4/11/2001 from washingtonpost.com and Inside China Today http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3026-2001Apr11.html U.S. Missile Defense Plans Attacked by Russia, China and North Korea By Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press Writer Wednesday, April 11, 2001; 2:57 AM UNITED NATIONS Russia, China and North Korea attacked U.S. intentions to build a national missile defense system, warning that it would threaten international security and trigger a new arms race. The three countries said in separate speeches to the U.N. Disarmament Commission that a U.S. missile defense system would also undermine the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which bans such systems. ...
(Also:) http://www.insidechina.com/news.php3?id=344966 Russia, China, North Korea Slam U.S. on Missile Shield UNITED NATIONS, Apr 11, 2001 -- (Reuters) Russia, China and North Korea warned the United States on Tuesday that its plans to deploy a national missile shield threatened world security and could set off a new arms race. ...
4/12/2001 From MSNBC and AP: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/553032.asp Bush: U.S. not at fault in collision He contradicts Chinese account as spy plane's crew returns WASHINGTON, April 12 Welcoming home the crew of a U.S. spy plane, President Bush on Thursday insisted that the Navy aircraft did "nothing to cause the accident" that strained U.S. relations with China. Meanwhile, in the first public account of the accident, the surveillance plane's pilot told his mother that he needed "every bit of strength" he had to gain control of the aircraft after the collision with a Chinese jet fighter. ...
http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010412/17/news-us-china U.S. Crew Disputes Chinese Account April 12, 2001 Updated 5:42 PM ET By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Navy crew members returning Thursday from 11 days of detention disputed China's account of the collision that brought down their surveillance plane. President Bush said "tough questions" would be put to China at an inquiry next week. His tone stern, Bush said at the White House, "The kind of incident we have just been through does not advance a constructive relationship between our countries." ... But after crew members told debriefers they were on a "fixed course" and had not swerved into the Chinese jet fighter, as Beijing contended, Bush stood in the Rose Garden and let loose, castigating not only the detention of the 21 men and three women, but China's record on human rights, religious freedom and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. ...
4/12/2001 from The Canadian Press and AP http://cbc.ca/cp/world/010411/w041179.html Experts gather in Russia to push for cosmic peace, prevent arms race in space
FRED WEIR MOSCOW (CP) - Russia is marking the 40th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's historic first manned space flight Thursday with a government-sponsored international conference to warn against the dangers of planting armaments in space. "All countries are increasingly reliant on outer space," says Scott Proudfoot, deputy director of the arms control division of Canada's Foreign Affairs Department, and one of three official Canadian delegates to the meeting. "We need to prevent an arms race in space before one begins." ... "We are duty-bound to keep peace in outer space," Russian deputy prime minister Ilya Klebanov told the meeting. "Space should be free from weapons." The United States and Britain both declined to send official delegations, though dozens of other governments were represented at the conference. United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent a warm greeting. "We are here in listening mode," said Proudfoot. "This is not a negotiating forum, but we want to hear other opinions. The idea is prevention." "Canada would support the establishment of an international convention on interdicting the placement of weapons in orbit," he added. ....
4/13/2001 from MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.com/news/553032.asp?bt=msn&btu=http://go.msn.com/zzj/1/1.asp Bush abandons diplomatic tone WASHINGTON, April 12 With the crew of a U.S. spy
plane safely home, President Bush dropped all diplomatic talk Thursday and bluntly rejected China's claim that the U.S. plane was responsible for a midair collision that strained U.S. relations with Beijing. Meanwhile, NBC News has learned that the United States plans to resume surveillance flights near China's coast, this time using much more advanced U-2 spy planes that fly too high for any Chinese plane to reach.
4/17/2001 from The Washington Post Company: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21958-2001Apr15.html Star Wars Lives . . Once the ABM deal is killed. By Jackson Diehl Monday, April 16, 2001; Page A17 ... "The number one priority," says Baker Spring, Heritage's missile defense maven, "is to abandon the ABM treaty -- the sooner the better."
4/20/2001 from SpaceDaily http://www.spacer.com/news/bmdo-01zb.html Russia Working On Response To US Over Missile Plans Moscow (Interfax) April 13, 2001
4/20/2001 from the Rocky Mountain Collegian via U-WIRE http://news.excite.com/news/uw/010419/university-21 COLUMN: The need for a 'rogue state' Updated 12:00 PM ET April 19, 2001 By Dag Mossige Rocky Mountain Collegian Colorado State U. (U-WIRE) FORT COLLINS, Colo. 4/20/2001 from the NY Times: http://partners.nytimes.com/2001/04/20/world/20VILL.html?Partner=MSNNews&RefId=KZOPjxYEFnnun-Fn
4/21/2001 from Reuters http://dailynews.netscape.com/mynsnews/story.tmpl?table=n&cat=50100&id=200104211531000249786 Pentagon Panel Urging Expanded Missile Defense Program
Saturday, April 21, 2001 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Pentagon panel has issued a report recommending that the Bush administration expand a planned U.S. missile defense program to include sea- and space-based weapons, a defense official said on Saturday. ...
4/23/2001 from The Salt Lake Tribune: http://www.sltrib.com/04232001/public_f/91246.htm Star Wars Fraud Monday, April 23, 2001 by STANLEY HOLMES
4/25/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010425/pl/bush_hundred_foreign_dc_1.html Bush Treks Rocky Road on Foreign Policy By Carol Giacomo, Diplomatic Correspondent Wednesday April 25 5:45 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As he prepared to mark his first 100 days in office, George Bush delivered on Wednesday a new blow to U.S. relations with China, underscoring national security as one area in which the new Republican president seems determined to set a new tone, if not a new path. ... On Wednesday, Bush fueled a new controversy when he told ABC Television the United States would do ``whatever it took to help Taiwan defend itself.'' ...
4/25/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010424/14/int-nkorea-us NKorea Angered by U.S. Stance Updated 2:51 PM ET April 24, 2001 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea's military warned Tuesday that Washington's tougher policy on the reclusive communist state could escalate tensions on the divided Korean peninsula. ... The United States' "reckless provocations and aggressive moves" threaten to bring "confrontation and tension" back to the peninsula, Kim Yong Chun, chief of the KPA General Staff, said in a report at the meeting. "If the imperialists force a war upon us despite our serious
warnings, our army and people will deal an annihilating blow of retaliation," he said in remarks carried by the official Korean Central News Agency, monitored in Seoul. ... About 37,000 U.S. troops are still stationed in South Korea under a defense treaty.
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