Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
3/25/2001 World News from The Age Fears of new arms race as US focuses on China http://www.theage.com.au/news/2001/03/26/FFX6UGAOPKC.html By JAMES LANGTON NEW YORK Monday 26 March 2001 The prospect of a new arms race and a deterioration in relations between America and China rose sharply this weekend with reports of a switch in United States defence strategy away from fighting a war in Europe towards fighting one in Asia. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has told President George W. Bush that he plans sweeping changes in military policy to redirect the thrust of American strategic planning towards China. Despite the growing chill towards Russia, prompted by tit-for-tat spy expulsions, and signs of a return to Cold War politics, the Bush administration is convinced that China's growing military and economic strength makes it the real threat to world peace in the 21st century.
3/25/2001 From cbc.ca http://cbc.ca/cgi-bin/templates/view.cgi?/news/2001/03/24/eggleton010324 Eggleton, Manley hedge on missile defence WebPosted Sun Mar 25 09:11:31 2001 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. - Defence Minister Art Eggleton hedged on making any commitment to support a United States missile defence system when he visited the North American Aerospace Defence Command Saturday. .... There are reports of frustration in Washington over Canada's hesitant position. In 2000, a senior official with the U.S. Space Command said if Canada doesn't support the U.S. scheme, the U.S. might decide not to intercept any missiles heading for targets in Canada. ... Eggleton says Canada has concerns that the missile defence system could encourage a new nuclear arms race.
3/25/2001 From ABQjournal.com Highlights from article: Sunday, March 25, 2001 Defense Aims for Orbit Albuquerque Journal Copyright 2001 -AUTHOR: John J. Lumpkin By John J. Lumpkin Journal Staff Writer
"....Until his appointment as Bush's secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld headed a blue-ribbon panel studying U.S. vulnerabilities in space. Its conclusion: the U.S. is at risk of a "space Pearl Harbor" unless it takes measures to defend its satellites. Rumsfeld listed "defense of space assets" among his top priorities. ... Newer anti-satellite weapons could be based on the ground or in orbit. Many would use lasers or electromagnetic pulses to jam or disable the electronics on their targets. ... Another, relatively crude, satellite killer would be a nuclear weapon detonated near orbit. The resulting electromagnetic pulse could wipe out whole constellations of satellites. ..." "If any nation has a lot to lose by allowing space to become an arena of war, it's us. We have got all that stuff up there," said Karl Grossman, a journalism professor at The City University of New York and a crusader against the militarization of space. "Once we move into space with weaponry, you've got to expect other nations are going to meet us in kind. Inevitably there will be war in space." "...But long-range plans suggest space war will involve more than battling satellites controlled from the Earth's surface. Military documents suggest that lasers and "kinetic-energy weapons" that drop guided metal rods could destroy targets on the Earth's surface. ... The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prohibits weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons to be based in space. Arms-control advocates note this provision was pushed by the United States during the Cold War, when
Soviet space capability appeared to exceed ours. They would like to see this treaty extended to all weapons in space. In November 1999, the United Nations voted to reaffirm the treaty, highlighting the provision that space is to be used for "peaceful purposes." One hundred thirty-eight nations voted to do so; the United States and Israel abstained. ... The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 ... prohibits space-based missile defenses. Because it also prohibits ground-based continental missile defenses like those under development, the Bush administration has indicated it might withdraw from the treaty."
3/30/2001 from The Salt Lake Tribune - Helms Calls for Repudiation of Nuclear Test Ban Treaty http://www.sltrib.com/03302001/nation_w/84168.htm
3/30/2001 From Reuters http://www.russiatoday.com/news.php3?id=324887§ion=default
Bush Puts U.S. Nuclear Aid to Russia Under Review 3/30/2001 From Russia Today, BBC: http://www.russiatoday.com/news.php3?id=324947 Russian Expert Warns Against Militarization of Space MOSCOW, Mar 30, 2001 -- (BBC Monitoring) Text of report in English by Russian news agency ITAR-TASS. Maj-Gen Vladimir Belous, Professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, speaking here on Thursday [29 March] at a news conference dealing with the military and technical aspects of the U.S. plans to establish a National Missile Defense (NMD) system and possibilities for Russia's actions in response, said he believed that the deployment of NMD would inevitably lead to militarization of outer space. "There are no technologies in the world so far to fight intercontinental ballistic missiles without orbiting combat weapons," he said. "The militarization of outer space would upset all international agreements on the peaceful uses of outer space and would actually lead to the dismantling of the 1972 antiballistic missile defense treaty. Besides, the orbiting of weapons would be conducive to a race of offensive nuclear arms and would lower the threshold of responsibility in making major decisions about the use of military force. This is why Russia would have to look
for adequate responses to future challenges. It has such a capability," the scientist emphasized. Source: ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow, in English 1140 GMT 29 Mar 01 (C) 2001 BBC Monitoring
3/30/2001 To: National Desk, Contact: White House Press Office, 202-456-2580 http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0329-140.html Remarks by the President and German Chancellor Schroeder in Photo Opportunity WASHINGTON, March 29 /U.S. Newswire THE CHANCELLOR: on NMD: "...Obviously, we'll also have to look into lots of technical aspects, such as the threat scenario that is behind the whole system. Is it technologically feasible? Can we truly implement it? Who is going to be covered under the shelter? Who's going to be invited to be included by the shelter that we're going to build? What are going to be repercussions for the global disarmament process? What are going to be the repercussions on Russia and on China, for example? ..."
3/30/2001 From the International Herald Tribune: http://www.iht.com/articles/15150.html U.S. Missile Defense Compromises Global Security Tang Jiaxuan Los Angeles Times Syndicate Friday, March 30, 2001 ..."People cannot but ask what on earth is the real intention behind U.S. insistence on developing a missile defense system in defiance of the international community. Is it really to defend against the missile threat from the few so-called "problem states," or for greater military advantage over other big countries? ... China has no intention of threatening U.S. security, nor does it seek such capabilities. ... China and the United States shoulder common responsibility for maintaining world peace and security. A cooperative and constructive relationship between China and the United States will have a crucial impact on world stability. China and the United States have long engaged in fruitful cooperation over nonproliferation. China is ready to continue on this path. But we also look forward to serious and pragmatic dialogue with the Bush administration on missile defense and related issues. " . The writer, foreign minister of China, contributed this comment to the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.
3/31/2001 Editorials http://news.excite.com/news/uw/010330/university-240 COLUMN: President's stands on Arctic Refuge, missile shield troublesome By Chris Himmel The Miami Hurricane U. Miami
http://www.iht.com/articles/15017.html Bush 'Realism' May Backfire on U.S. William Pfaff International Herald Tribune
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/31/opinion/31LEWI.html The Feeling of a Coup By ANTHONY LEWIS
4/3/2001 Boeing; TRW; Lockheed Martin http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/010403/latu117.html Tuesday April 3, 4:02 pm Eastern Time Press Release SOURCE: Boeing; TRW; Lockheed Martin Space-Based Laser Team Defines Requirements For Experimental Missile Defense System EL SEGUNDO, Calif., April 3 /PRNewswire/ -- The team of aerospace contractors developing the Air Force's Space-Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment (SBL-IFX) has successfully completed the experimental satellite's System Requirements Review, taking a major step forward in the ongoing design and manufacturing development process. ... SBL-IFX is planned as a single satellite carrying a laser payload comprising a high-energy chemical laser, a beam director and related beam control systems. Team SBL-IFX and the Air Force expect to launch the satellite in 2012, with an on-orbit demonstration of the satellite's ability to detect, track and destroy a boosting missile target planned for 2013. A successful test will pave the way for the nation to consider developing a constellation of space-based laser satellites as part of a layered missile defense architecture.
4/4/2001 from the St. Petersburg Times (FL): http://www.sptimes.com/News/040101/Worldandnation/EU_increases_role_as_.shtml EU increases role as Bush treads lighter By PAUL DE LA GARZA © St. Petersburg Times, published April 1, 2001
4/4/2001 from The Seattle Times: http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis/web/vortex/display?slug=taiwan01&date=20010401 Copyright © 2001 The Seattle Times Company
Nation & World : Sunday, April 01, 2001 Taiwan needs weapons, say U.S. officers
By Michael R. Gordon The New York Times TAIPEI -- A confidential review by U.S. naval officers has concluded that in light of China's military buildup, Taiwan needs a significant infusion of new weapons, including the sophisticated Aegis ship-borne radar system that China has put at the top of the list of arms it does not want Taiwan to have. .... While there has been much discussion about China's growing force of short-range ballistic missiles, Beijing also has deployed new warplanes, destroyers, submarines, anti-ship missiles and surface-to-air missiles, many of which it bought from Russia. That has created a growing threat to Taiwan's aging fleet, whose role is to protect the island from attack and prevent a Chinese blockade. ....
4/4/2001 from The Hindu: http://www.indiaserver.com/thehindu/2001/03/29/stories/03290002.htm India to buy Russian missile technology? WASHINGTON, MARCH 28. India is likely to procure an advanced ballistic missile guidance technology from Russia which would `radically' improve the accuracy of its weapons.
4/4/2001 from Russia Today: http://www.europeaninternet.com/russia/news.php3?id=329495 Moscow and Beijing to Sign Friendship Treaty During Zemin Visit
MOSCOW, Apr 4, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) Moscow and Beijing will sign a 10-year friendship treaty during a summer visit here by Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov said Wednesday. The treaty, which may later be extended, will "lead Russia towards strategic cooperation with China," ITAR-TASS quoted the minister as saying. ... One issue that unites the two countries today is common
hostility to U.S. plans to set up a national missile defense shield (NMD). ((c) 2001 Agence France Presse)
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nyt/20010405/wl/an_envoy_waits_as_russia_policy_is_pondered_1.html Thursday April 05 11:55 AM EDT An Envoy Waits as Russia Policy Is Pondered By PATRICK E. TYLER The New York Times "...Mr. Vershbow's nomination remains uncertain as the administration continues to debate whether to pursue a harder line with President Vladimir V. Putin. ..."
4/5/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010405/wl/germany_russia_1.html Thursday April 5 4:45 PM ET Schroeder Urges Russian Partnership By TONY CZUCZKA, Associated Press Writer BERLIN (AP) - Setting the stage for a German-Russian summit next week, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder called Thursday for a ``new normality'' in relations with Moscow, underlining Europe's desire for a wide-ranging partnership with its big neighbor. ...
4/5/2001 from Reuters http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010404/pl/france_usa_dc_1.html Wednesday April 4 12:20 AM ET France's Jospin Concerned at U.S. 'Unilateralism' PARIS (Reuters) - French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin voiced concern Wednesday at what he called a unilateral approach to world affairs by President Bush ...
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