Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
Monday April 23, 11:39 PM MOSCOW, April 23 (AFP) - New Zealand Foreign and Trade Minister Phil Goff, visiting Moscow, on Monday urged the United States to shelve its controversial plan for a missile defense shield.
4/26/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010426/pl/bush_missile_defense_1.html Bush Plans Missile Defense Speech By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent Thursday April 26 6:55 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush will explain his rationale for seeking a national missile defense system in a major address Tuesday, before sending diplomatic teams overseas to consult with wary American allies. ... Military officers who have discussed the administration's defense priorities with Rumsfeld say he has made it clear that missile defense is priority No. 1. ...
4/26/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/563387.asp China blasts Bush on Taiwan Bush says military force certainly an option over Taiwan BEIJING, April 26 China's Foreign Ministry accused President Bush on Thursday of heading down a "dangerous road" with his blunt warning about America's will to defend Taiwan.
4/26/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010426/13/int-europe-us-taiwan Countries Refuse Taiwan Arms Sales Updated 1:55 PM ET April 26, 2001 By ANTHONY DEUTSCH, Associated Press Writer AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) - Three European governments failed to back a U.S. pledge to supply Taiwan with submarines after Washington agreed to sell the island the arms needed to defend itself against China. ... the United States no longer manufacturers the diesel-powered subs ..... Among the more prominent manufacturers are Italy, Germany and the Netherlands ...... the Germans and Dutch ...came back with negative responses, and Sweden said it, too, would not fill the order. ...
4/27/2001 from AFP: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/010423/1/njgi.html New Zealand urges US to drop plan for nuclear missile shield
4/27/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/news/546843.asp?cp1=1 Forward, march ... into space Pentagon has big plans for combat in the cosmos By Jonathan Broder MSNBC "...This high ground has captured the imagination of the new administration. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who is more enthusiastic about space than any of his predecessors, is expected to make space-based military operations a priority in his forthcoming strategic review of U.S. military capabilities, Pentagon and Air Force officials say. ... Rumsfeld is expected to urge President Bush to declare space a national security priority and to recommend sweeping changes in how space programs are overseen and funded. "We know from history that every medium - air, land and sea - has seen conflict," the Rumsfeld commission argues. "Reality indicates that space will be no different." The report calls space warfare a "virtual certainty." ..."
4/28/2001 from the Washington File http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?
p=/products/washfile/latest&f=01042501.plt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml REMARKS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY BY UNITED STATES DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF STATE FOR STRATEGIC AFFAIRS LUCAS FISCHER BEFORE THE DANISH PARLIAMENT FOREIGN POLICY COMMITTEE CONFERENCE ON NMD - IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GLOBAL ORDER, COPENHAGEN, APRIL 25, 2001 "...As you know, President Bush has stated that we will deploy missile defenses, based on the best options, at the earliest possible date. ... We will deploy defenses as soon as possible; therefore, we believe that the ABM Treaty will have to be replaced, eliminated, or changed in a fundamental way. ..."
4/28/2001 from the Washington Post: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9632-2001Apr27.html Bush to Push Missile Shield, Nuclear Arms Cuts Next Week By Thomas E. Ricks and Mike Allen Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, April 27, 2001; Page A13
4/29/2001 from AP and also the DOD: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010429/pl/missile_defense_3.html Sunday April 29 1:26 PM ET Bush To Propose Missile Defense By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The missile defense favored by President Bush - a shield of global reach rather than covering only U.S. territory ...
http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010430/10/news-missile-defense Bush to Outline Missile Defense By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated 10:47 AM ET April 30, 2001 "...More than 30 scientists and missile experts who
oppose the administration's push for missile defense planned to gather at the Capitol on Wednesday to assert that the science of missile defense is too immature to justify moving ahead with a project expected to costs tens of billions of dollars...."
4/30/2001 from msnbc: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/566639.asp Bush to unveil missile shield plan Opposition and risks abroad; impatience at home By Michael Moran MSNBC "...Sha Zukang, director of the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Department of Arms Control and Disarmament, told The New York Times last May that Beijing will spend whatever necessary to ensure its arsenal is not made irrelevant by a missile shield. ..."To defeat your defenses we'll have to spend a lot of money, and we don't want to do this. But otherwise, the United States will feel it can attack anyone at any time, and that isn't tolerable. We hope [America] will give this up. If not, we'll be ready." ..."
4/30/2001 from The New York Times and AP: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/30/world/30MISS.html Bush Team Vows to Speed Up Work on Missile Shield By MICHAEL R. GORDON with STEVEN LEE MYERS The New York Times Monday April 30 12:00 AM EDT "...In addressing the Danish Parliament, Mr. Fischer said the aim of the missile defenses is to defend not only against attacks from rogue states like Iran or Iraq but also against accidental or unauthorized launches. That means the defense system needs to have some capacity to counter the launching of Russian and Chinese missiles.... "...It is not clear when a missile defense might be deployed or how well it might work. Conservatives have long wanted to move quickly to breach the strict limits that the ABM treaty sets on the testing and deployment of antimissile systems. Their goal is to make the accord a dead letter and put the United States on an irreversible path toward missile defense, even if it takes a decade or longer to develop a substantial system. ... "...Secretary of State Colin L. Powell told Congress last week that when the Russian foreign minister, Igor Ivanov, goes to Washington for talks next month, the administration will inform him of its total commitment to missile defense. ..."
5/1/2001 from U.S. Newswire: http://politics.yahoo.com/politics/features/us_newswire/20015/0501-146.html Gephardt Statement on the National Missile Defense System WASHINGTON, May 1 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is a statement released today by House Democratic Leader Richard A. Gephardt on the National Missile Defense System: "I am concerned that the President's approach to strategic nuclear and missile defense policy may have the effect of undermining our nation's security rather than enhancing it. "By announcing his intent to move forward with as yet unproven, costly and expansive national missile defense systems, the President is jeopardizing an arms control framework that has served this nation and the world well for decades. ..."
5/1/2001 from AP:
http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010501/18/news-bush-defense MAY 01, 18:29 EST
Bush Commits U.S. to Missile Defense By RON FOURNIER AP White House Correspondent "...The government of British Prime Minister Tony Blair refused to weigh in, despite a call from Bush on Monday. In Sweden, Foreign Minister Anna Lindh said America could trigger a new arms race. ... Bush deployed three deputies to embassies around the world to begin consultations. He said it was time to ``move beyond the constraints'' of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty with Russia, which sets strict limits on testing and deployment of antimissile system. ... The United States has already spent more than $100 billion to develop missile defense technologies, beginning with the Reagan-era ``Star Wars'' campaign. Some think Bush's approach could cost $200 billion or more. ... He hopes to assemble a basic system by the end of his first term, but has set no internal deadline, said a senior adviser who spoke on condition of anonymity. Rumsfeld has told Bush a system could be in place by 2004, though it may not be completely effective. ..."
5/2/2001 from AP:
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010502/pl/bush_defense_world_reax_8.html World Wary About Bush Missile Plan By JOHN IAMS, Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) - Russia on Wednesday said it is prepared to hold new consultations with the United States on strategic stability after President Bush's announcement that he is committed to building a national missile defense system. China, which along with Russia has most vehemently opposed U.S. plans for a ballistic missile shield, had no formal reaction to Bush's statement. But its state-run news agency warned that the shield could spark a new arms race. ...
5/2/2001 from msnbc and AP: http://www.msnbc.com/msn/566639.asp New arms race, or new security? Several allies echo concerns about missile shield, even as U.S. studies early deployment MSNBC staff and wire reports May 2 China warned Wednesday of a new arms race and Russia of nuclear weapons instability after President Bush announced his decision to build a shield against missile attacks. ... China said, "The U.S. missile defense plan has violated the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, will destroy the balance of international security forces and could cause a new arms race." ... Earlier, a senior Russian military source told the Tass news agency that "all the effects of a breach of the current system of international commitments in strategic stability will be laid upon the United States if it withdraws" from the ABM treaty. "The new U.S. administration has set itself on the course of destroying the whole system of strategic stability [and] is betting on the factor of military strength in attaining global leadership," ...
5/3/2001 The Sydney Morning Herald - Australia: http://www.smh.com.au/news/0105/04/world/world3.html Only Blair can see merit in missile plan Simon Mann, Herald Correspondent in London "Among European governments only Britain has given anything like qualified support for Washington's missile defence scheme. The Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, said President George Bush had "set out a case which we have to listen to", though he warned that the matter was "highly sensitive", and more information would be needed before Britain could make a final judgment.... European commentators complained that the US was riding roughshod over its allies, although they said most member states would probably bow to the plan's inevitability and might seek to use their approval as a lever for winning US backing for Europe's own defence strategy, a proposed 60,000-strong Euro army. ... Mr Blair refused to give outright support for the plan when challenged to do so in Parliament by the opposition
Conservative Party leader, Mr William Hague. "I think it is sensible to wait until there is a specific proposal, to give our determination on that, recognising as we do that the issues raised by the American administration are real and correct to raise in respect of weapons of mass destruction," Mr Blair said. Later, a spokesman for Mr Blair appeared to take a firmer view. Asked if the Government regarded missile defence as a good idea, he replied: "Broadly, yes.'' Some senior Labour Party figures, including Mr Denis Healey, a former defence secretary and chancellor, raised concerns over Britain's response. "The plain fact is it is a total waste of American money, and I can't think why anybody with commonsense would support it," he told the BBC. The former Conservative prime minister Lady Thatcher also weighed in, with a ringing endorsement of the US proposal. She told Mr Blair to stop shilly-shallying and to promote Mr Bush's bold vision."
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