News Articles: National Missile Defense (NMD) and Foreign Policy
posted: 06:24 pm ET, 06 September 2000
Russia's Putin Calls for Ban on Weapons in Space UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday called upon world leaders to come to Moscow for a conference to ban the militarization of space -- a challenge to any American plan to build an antimissile defense system. Addressing the Millennium Summit at the United Nations, Putin described the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty as a "foundation" of the entire nuclear arms control. "Particularly alarming are the plans for the militarization of space," Putin said. ...
From US Newswire (in entirety): http://politics.yahoo.com/politics/features/us_newswire/20011/0102-114.html WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was released today by Physicians For Social Responsibility:
Leaving rhetoric about a bipartisan administration and claims of being a 'uniter, not a divider' in the dust, President-Elect George W. Bush has disregarded the recent election results and the American public which favored Vice President Al Gore, Jr. His naming of arch-conservatives past and present to his cabinet will cease and reverse progress made for the last decade on key environmental, disarmament and violence prevention policies. "From John Ashcroft and Gale Norton to Tommy Thompson and even on to Christine Todd Whitman, President-Elect Bush has assembled a wrecking crew to tear down the valuable progress we've made toward a safer world," said Robert K. Musil, Ph.D., Executive Director and CEO of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). "Key policies like continued support from the Departments of Justice and Heath and Human Services for initiatives to protect us from handgun violence and the Environmental Protection Agency's concern for regulating public health threats will be rolled back under these unsuitable cabinet selections." President-Elect Bush's selection of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, whose revolving-door connections to the military-industrial complex and opposition to any meaningful disarmament efforts are well documented, is a major disaster. Rumsfeld, unless opposed, will help launch a new arms race by pursuing the National Missile Defense program. Rumsfeld also announced that he will pursue a system to defend our space-based assets, opening new avenues for reckless
military spending and dangerous international brinkmanship. "To name as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who testified against the chemical weapons convention, who opposed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, who opposed the SALT II arms agreement, who lobbied for the B-2 Bomber and the MX Missile, is to wish this count(r)y back into its darkest times," said Musil. "America doesn't need to relive the Cold War. We were lucky to survive it the first time through." --- PSR, which represents 22,000 physicians and health professionals nationwide and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985, will oppose the confirmation of a number of Bush cabinet-designees, focusing particularly on Attorney General designee Ashcroft, Secretary of the Interior designee Norton and Secretary of Health and Human Services designee Thompson.
http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/2001/s20010203-secdef.html Remarks as Delivered By Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Munich, Germany, Saturday, February 3, 2001 "...the United States intends to develop and deploy a missile defense designed to defend our people and forces against a limited ballistic missile attack, and is prepared to assist friends and allies threatened by missile attack to deploy such defenses. ..."
Rumsfeld Vows to Share Missile Shield By Charles Aldinger, Reuters News Agency posted: 11:18 am ET, 05 February 2001 "A system of defense need not be perfect. But the American people must not be left completely defenseless," Rumsfeld said. "The United States intends to develop and deploy a missile defense designed to defend our people and forces against a limited ballistic missile attack, and is prepared to assist friends and allies threatened by missile attack to deploy such defenses." ... Several European leaders say the ABM Treaty, which Rumsfeld in December called "ancient history," is a bedrock of nuclear arms control and are worried Washington will abandon it.
http://www.space.com/news/spaceagencies/russian_defense_warning_010205_wg.html Russian Security Official Warns U.S. Against National Missile Defense By Colleen Barry, Associated Press posted: 10:06 am ET, 05 February 2001 MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- A top Russian security official, Sergei Ivanov, sternly warned the new Bush administration Sunday that a planned U.S. national missile defense system would trigger a new arms race that would eventually extend into space. Ivanov, one of President Vladimir Putin's closest advisers and secretary of his powerful security council, told an international security conference of defense ministers and experts that the system would by definition abolish the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty (ABM). "And the destruction of the ABM treaty, we are quite confident, will result in the annihilation of the whole structure of strategic stability and create prerequisites for a new arms race -- including one in space.'' ... Russia and the United States expressed clearly different views on the 1972 ABM Treaty during the weekend conference. Ivanov said the importance of the treaty "has not faded.'' ... Rumsfeld, who returned to Washington Saturday, called it "ancient history.'' ... U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell echoed Rumsfeld's remarks Sunday, saying the United States is committed to pursuing a national missile defense system, which could mean abandoning the ABM Treaty.
2/12/2001 http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/missions/russia_abm_010212.html Russia Says Leave ABM Treaty Alone, Missile Defense Won't Work By Yuri Karash, Moscow Contributing Correspondent posted: 07:00 am ET, 12 February 2001 MOSCOW -- Russia is ready to match any new missile defense technology developed by the United States if the latter violates the terms of 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, according to Russian Defense Minister Marshall Igor Sergeev. ... Sergeev said that Russian politicians and military experts don't believe that any new U.S. anti-missile technologies will really be effective in terms of protecting the American homeland from missile attack.
2/26/2001 Russia Warns Sternly Against U.S. Antimissile Shield Putin Readying Diplomatic and Military Countermeasures MOSCOW, Feb. 5 - Russia's response to the Bush administration's confirmation this weekend of the U.S. plan to press ahead with its national missile defense (NMD) shield was swift and stern. Moscow's security chief, Sergei Ivanov, startled American senators and top NATO officials gathered at an international security conference in Munich on Sunday (Feb. 4) with a hard-line statement that said no to NATO enlargement, no to the Bush administration plans for missile defenses, and warned the West not to push Russia too hard over its debts. Sounding like a Soviet official during the Cold War, according to a Feb. 5 UPI wire report said, the fluent English-speaking Ivanov spoke in Russian to denounce the Bush administration's plan to proceed with a national anti-missile defense system (NMD). The Russian official then outraged the U.S. entourage when he accused NATO of inflicting on Europe "an ecological disaster comparable to Chernobyl" in its use of depleted uranium bullets during the air war in Kosovo, the UPI said. "We oppose them because they undermine the basis of global strategic stability. Deployment of NMD by definition would make the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty useless. And the destruction of this treaty -- we are quite positive about this -- will result in the annihilation of the whole structure of strategic stability and create prerequisites for a new arms race, including in outer space," Ivanov said. Ivanov's remarks came in response to "the Bush Administration's maiden voyage into the choppy waters of trans-Atlantic relations," as the Sydney Morning Herald put it on Feb. 5, citing the Los Angeles Times as source. The new U.S. defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, put European allies on notice that the Pentagon will press ahead with a national missile defense despite their objections. Story at: http://www.truthinmedia.org/
2/28/2001 Russian perspective by Linda DeLaine at About.com (forum closed)
http://russianculture.about.com/culture/russianculture/library/weekly/aa021901a.htm "What the American militarists are doing at the start of the new administration's activity is a challenge to international security and the entire world community," said Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, chief of the Russian Defense Ministry, as reported by AP on Feb. 16, 2001, following the U.S. and British bombing raid on Bagdad, Iraq. This sentiment was echoed by Egypt and NATO allies, France and Turkey. ..... Ivashov told ITAR-TASS that, "If the system is set up, we will regard it as the advance echelon for intercepting Russian strategic missiles. Americans will be, as it were, shielding themselves from Russian rockets with Europe in this multi-layer defense . . . Russia reserves the right to adopt corresponding conclusions and steps to guard its own security." ... Deputy head of General Headquarters, Col. Gen. Valery Manilov, was recently quoted by Reuters as saying, "The modernization the Americans are talking about would, in essence, take all the substance out of the ABM Treaty and make nonsense of [its primary] aim "that is, to maintain a balance between strategic offensive and defensive arms,"adding that any change to this balance would "unavoidably lead to an arms race. It is the general opinion of Russian officials that the NMD would basically nullify START II and end any attempts to ratify START III."
3/12/2001 http://www.msnbc.com/news/542671.asp Russia suspends dismantling weapons A response to Bush's campaign for missile defense system mailto:dana.lewis@nbc.com NBC NEWS MOSCOW, March 11 Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended the dismantling of nuclear warheads called for under the START II treaty with the United States on President Bush's inauguration day, NBC News has learned. And Russian officials insist that Moscow will end cooperation on nuclear disarmament if Washington presses forward with plans to build a national missile defense system. "IF THE NMD (national missile defense) is deployed in the United States, we will have to forget about reductions of strategic offensive weapons," said Yuri Kapralov, director of Russian Security and Disarmament. Russia also has rolled out its counter-threat, the Topol-M missile. Although it is ostensibly a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile, experts believe it could be converted to carry several warheads, which would violate the Start II agreement. Under the arms-reduction pact, which the United
States and Russia signed in 1993, both countries committed to eliminating missiles with more than one warhead. "The Topol-M already has the capability to overcome any anti-missile defense," said Gen. Vladimir Yakovlev, commander of Russia's rocket forces. He added that the next move was up to the United States.
HIGH-STAKES BATTLE In the high-stakes game of sword vs. missile shield, Putin has mounted a diplomatic offensive, arguing that North Korea and Iran are not as great a threat as argued by the United States. He's even proposed a limited missile defense plan for Europe. "The 1972 ABM treaty is like an axis to which a whole series of international security agreements is attached," Putin said last week. "As soon as we pull out this axis, all of them will automatically fall apart. The whole of today's international security system will collapse." Former President Mikhail Gorbachev who confronted the Reagan administration's campaign on behalf of the "Star Wars" defense shield has warned that the U.S. system would spark a new arms race new spiral of militarization with unpredictable consequences." Critics say the Kremlin is reverting to Soviet-era tactics, using the missile shield to try to drive a wedge between Washington and its European allies. But the Russians counter that the real risk is to advances made through arms control over the past three decades.
3/12/2001 From MSNBC News Services, also Reuters:
Russia to resume arms sales to Iran Putin rejects U.S. pressure to block defense deal
MOSCOW, March 12 Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Moscow would proceed with its controversial arms sales to Iran but supplies would be solely to ensure Tehran's defense needs. For economic reasons, Russia is interested in (military) cooperation, Putin told reporters after talks in the Kremlin with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami. ..... The daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta quoted officials from Russia's arms export agency as saying shipments could include spare parts for BMP-1 and BTW-80 armored vehicles and T-62 and T-72 tanks. It said parts could also be supplied for Su-24, Su-25 and MiG-29 aircraft and three types of helicopter. The daily said in future Russia could sell Iran unspecified armor, tactical missiles and diesel-powered submarines. Putin also said Russia would proceed with work to complete construction of a nuclear power station in the Iranian Gulf port of Bushehr, a project denounced by Washington on grounds that it could enable Iran to produce nuclear weapons. .... General Leonid Ivashov, who looks after foreign ties at the Defense Ministry, said cooperation reflected common interests in fighting terrorism, dealing with Afghanistan's hard-line Taliban rulers and ensuring stability in ex-Soviet Central Asia. We have a mutual interest in training specialists and restoring Russian equipment in Iran...," Ivashov told RTR state television late on Sunday. The Americans are present in the (Iranian) market. U.S.-made aircraft are in the air, supplies are available through third parties and third countries while Russian planes stand idle because we impeccably observed the accords." ... Putin and Khatami have emphasized boosting relations to offset U.S. global dominance. Russian companies hope the visit will lead to orders for oil rigs needed to explore Iran's oil and natural gas resources.
From Reuters' Ron Popeski: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010312/wl/russia_iran_dc_6.html "Russia and Iran had made clear in advance that they intended to pursue military cooperation. Both are interested in diversifying alliances to offset U.S. influence in the region."
3/18/2001 The Seattle Times Company http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis/web/vortex/display?slug=rose14&date=20010314 Editorials & Opinion : Wednesday, March 14, 2001 Guest columnist Bush should tone down national missile defense By Peter H. Rose Special to The Times
3/18/2001 At PioneerPlanet http://www.pioneerplanet.com/seven-days/thu/news/docs/003763.htm Published: Thursday, March 15, 2001 China seeks dialogue over missile defense
BEIJING In his first remarks to reporters since the Bush administration took office two months ago pledging to pursue plans for a national missile defense system, China's top arms control negotiator refrained Wednesday from making threats and instead said he hopes to resolve the contentious issue through dialogue. ``China does not want to see a confrontation between China and the U.S. over the NMD issue nor an arms race between the two countries,'' said Sha Zukang, director general of the Foreign Ministry's department of arms control and disarmament. ``We hope the U.S. will give up the idea, just as they've done with . . . Star Wars,'' he said.
3/18/2001 Evansville Courier & Press Thursday, March 15, 2001 http://www.courierpress.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?200103/15+china031501_news.html+20010315 China makes it very clear: Don't build missile shield
Los Angeles Times
In advance of its first direct contact with President Bush, the Chinese government Wednesday reiterated in sharp language its warning to the United States not to pursue plans for a national missile defense shield. Sha Zukang, China's top arms-control negotiator, said such plans would touch off an arms race and upset the delicate global strategic balance that took years to achieve. "The development of NMD is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst," Sha told reporters, referring to the proposed defense system by its initials. "It will undercut the very foundation of the international nonproliferation regime and even stimulate further proliferation of missiles." China's growing concerns over how the missile shield will affect East Asia's security picture were mirrored Wednesday by North Korea, which stepped up its own rhetoric, arguing that the U.S. cannot justify building the system "under the absurd pretext of a threat from North Korea."
http://www.space.com/news/spaceagencies/russia_nmd_repeat_010322_wg.html Russia Repeats Call To Ban Space Weapons
By Reuters News Agency posted: 03:24 pm ET 22 March 2001 GENEVA (Reuters) - Russia reiterated on Thursday an appeal for a global ban on weapons in outer space and called for dialogue on the issue next month. Western
diplomats said Russian ambassador Vasily Sidorov's remarks to Thursday's United Nations Conference on Disarmament were clearly directed at U.S. plans to develop a National Missile Defense (NMD), but were sober and moderate in tone. Sidorov told the 66-member-state Arms Control Forum that top officials from more than 40 countries and international organizations were expected at the International Conference on the Prevention of the Militarization of Outer Space in Moscow from April 11-14. ... Diplomats say that the United States is the only member of the U.N. arms control forum to oppose launching global negotiations to prevent an arms race in outer space -- a key demand of countries including Russia, China and Pakistan.
3/23/2001 International Herald Tribune http://www.iht.com/articles/14100.html U.S. and Russia Escalate War of Words Over Arming Rogue States Patrick E. Tyler New York Times Service Wednesday, March 21, 2001 ....."The interview marked the second time in recent weeks that Mr. Rumsfeld had openly criticized Russia's proliferation record. It comes as the administration of President George W. Bush is said to be reviewing whether to continue a policy of high-level engagement and cooperation with Russia or to significantly downgrade the relationship to both reflect Russia's diminished status as a great power and show Washington's disapproval of its opposition to American policy initiatives in missile defense and nonproliferation. . "Russia is an active proliferator," Mr. Rumsfeld said in remarks to Winston S. Churchill, grandson of the late British prime minister, who conducted the tape-recorded interview at the Pentagon. "It has been providing countries with assistance in these areas in ways that complicate the problem for the United States and Western Europe" and "we all have to live with the results of
that proliferation." ..... For the first time publicly, Mr. Rumsfeld indicated that the Pentagon was now considering a much broader missile defense system that could attack "rogue" missiles shortly after they were launched, in midflight and as they re-entered the atmosphere. . The defense secretary told Mr. Churchill that Pentagon planners were studying these missile defense schemes "unconstrained" by the 1972 treaty that bans them. . "Eventually one would anticipate that you would have something that would not be a single system but a layered system with flexibility and some redundancy," Mr. Rumsfeld said. .
3/24/2001 Weekly Defense Monitor http://www.cdi.org/weekly/2001/issue11.html#3 Center for Defense Information Redefining Terms -- Taking the "N" Out of Missile Defense Colonel Daniel Smith, USA (Ret.), Chief of Research, dsmith@cdi.org "...To overcome the opposition, especially in those countries in which the U.S. hopes to build or upgrade existing radars (Greenland, Britain, South Korea), the Bush Administration decided to modify the terminology from "national" to "allied" missile defense. When that failed to have the desired effect, the Administration went a step further and abolished the modifier altogether. Henceforth, all references to the program will be simply "missile defense." ... "...Whether any allies change position, the minimalist rhetoric now in vogue may be tested soon if the uniformed services sense the new terminology will affect their theater programs and the money that goes with them. Right now, theater missile defense programs garner larger budgets overall than NMD, which is under centralized DoD control. If Mr. Rumsfeld isn't averse to
dumping rhetorical distinctions, might he also not be adverse to dumping programmatic distinctions and separate bureaucracies under the guise of saving money and harmonizing development efforts? Of course, collapsing all missile defense programs under centralized management would meet with some powerful congressional opposition, particularly if it means a loss of jobs and contracts. The Administration may be able to take the "N" out of missile defense, but it will have trouble taking the "P" out of pork. "
U.S. Continues to Dominate World Military Expenditures Christopher Hellman, Senior Analyst, chellman@cdi.org "...As the world's lone super power, it is not surprising that the United States spends more on its military than any other nation. What is surprising is just how large the U.S. share of world military spending actually is, and the fact that while defense budgets are shrinking worldwide, U.S. military spending continues to grow. Consider the following. Russia, which has the second largest military budget in the world, will spend roughly one-sixth what the United States will, assuming its economy can afford it. China, which has the third largest military budget, recently announced that it would increase its military spending by almost eighteen percent. Yet the United States spends seven times what China spends. ... Some facts about U.S. military spending: World military spending, which was $1.2 trillion in 1985, stood at $809 billion in 1999. During that period, the U.S. share of global military spending continued to increase, going from 30% in 1985 to 36% in 1999. The U.S. military budget is more than twenty-two times as large as the combined spending of the seven countries traditionally identified by the Pentagon as our most likely adversaries - Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria - which together spend just over $14 billion annually. The United States and its close allies - the NATO nations, South Korea, and Japan - spend more than the rest of the world combined. Together they spend thirty-seven times more than the seven rogue states. The seven rogue nations, along with Russia and China, together spend $116 billion, less than one-half the U.S. military budget. The United States alone spends more than the combined spending of next twelve nations.
3/24/2001 From iwon..news
http://www.iwon.com/home/news/news_article/0,11746,37380|top|03-23-2001::07:39|reuters,00.html S.Korea Says U.S. Asked for Support on Missile Shield March 23, 2001 7:38 am EST
SEOUL (Reuters) - The United States asked for South Korea's support for its controversial missile shield but Seoul said it was maintaining a neutral position on the issue, Foreign Minister Lee Joung-binn said on Friday. "During the consultations to prepare for the Korea-U.S. summit, the United States asked us to agree to their plan to promote the National Missile Defense System (NMD)," Lee told a policy forum hosted by the Korea Press Foundation. "We disagreed, however, and the White House later announced it had not made any request or that South Korea had expressed it support," Lee was quoted as saying by the Korea Herald in its early Saturday edition. The South Korean foreign minister visited Washington last month to prepare for President Kim Dae-jung's talks with U.S. President George W. Bush on March 8. That is when the request for support was apparently made. ... Seoul appeared to side with Russia in opposing the shield when the two countries issued a joint declaration during a February visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin, which said the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty was "a cornerstone of strategic stability." ... The foreign ministry later clarified that its support for the ABM treaty did not translate into opposition to the NMD. ... The deputy spokesman for the foreign press at the foreign ministry, Kim Euy-taek, said the foreign minister did not intend to convey any opposition to the missile shield plan. "Our position is that it's inappropriate to discuss it at this time," he told Reuters.
3/25/2001 South Korea, from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010325/wl/skorea_politics_1.html re: The United States asked for South Korea's support for its controversial missile shield but Seoul said it was maintaining a neutral position on the issue, Foreign
Minister Lee Joung-binn said on Friday.
3/25/2001 From article at The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/03/24/world/24DIPL.html March 24, 2001 "News Analysis: U.S. Policy on Russia" A Tougher Stance By JANE PERLEZ WASHINGTON, March 23 The Bush administration has not articulated a broad policy toward Russia, but in thoughts and deeds it has taken a sharp departure from the engagement policies of its predecessor, moving toward isolating Russia and its president, Vladimir V. Putin. In its first two months, despite a lack of crises before this week's tit- for-tat spy expulsions, the administration has shown apparent disdain for Russia by insisting that it will move ahead on missile defense regardless of Moscow's objections, by rebuffing the suggestion of a summit meeting and showing an inclination to downgrade the status of Russia as a world power. Gone are the Clinton administration's attempts to transform Russia into a modern state and its "win- win" view of the Washington-Moscow relationship. Instead, as relations appear to reach their lowest ebb since the end of the cold war, the Bush foreign policy team has designated Russia as a damaging proliferator of weapons, accusing it of selling arms for profit to countries like Iran while squandering billions of dollars of Western aid. ......"
3/25/2001 The Salt Lake Tribune http://www.sltrib.com/03232001/nation_w/82166.htm Bush's Policy: No Cold War Yet, But Quite Nippy Friday, March 23, 2001 BY ROBERT BURNS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "... "This administration came in with an extremely different view of the world" than the Clinton administration's national security team, said Daniel Goure, who was an adviser to the Bush campaign on defense and foreign policy issues. "They do not see America's role as creating a like-minded community of nations," and so are not following Clinton's approach of closely engaging Moscow and Beijing. ...."
3/29/2001 Global Issues - Arms Control http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/ArmsControl/StarWars.asp
3/29/2001 From AP at yahoo http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010328/wl/nkorea_japan_us_1.html Wednesday March 28 9:15 PM ET U.S. Warned in Anti-Missile Defense TOKYO (AP) - North Korea's state-run media on Wednesday accused the United States and Japan of boosting joint development of Washington's proposed anti-missile defense system, saying that could push the North to respond with force. ``If they continue to provoke military confrontation with North Korea - following this path to war - we will have no option but to respond with firm resolve,'' said the commentary on the North's official Korean Central News Agency. It was monitored in Tokyo by the Radiopress News Agency. The threat followed an accusation on Tuesday that the United States has been trying to derail rapprochement between South and North Korea as a prelude to war between the divided neighbors. ....
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