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Messages : National Missile Defense
Message 1 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbird (Original Message)Sent: 2/16/2001 1:22 AM Feel free to voice your opinions on this matter or to start a new discussion Message 2 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 2/16/2001 11:11 PM http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=l&mid=&board=37138459&sid=37138459&tid=nmiraqrussiadc&start=16
Message 3 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 3/13/2001 10:38 PM I think that we've headed down a path that will reach no satisfactory conclusion. In fact, I feel that we have needlessly endangered the future of mankind by starting a whole new arms race.
Message 4 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 3/18/2001 11:43 PM Please visit the web journal that I have started on this issue. The following was my first entry in the journal: Date: 2/13/2001Headline: National Missile Defense Story: I don't think it likely that the development of this new technology of warfare will be stopped peaceably. It is highly popular in the United States, but I think it sets a bad precedent to place weapons in space. We should have a treaty to keep weapons out of space and not ignore it. March 18, 2001: I heard a blurb on the CBS Evening News last night that the Bush administration had decided to back off a little on this system since the science hasn't come along as well as expected.
Message 5 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 3/29/2001 4:14 PM Will US intransigence over a system that won't work and hasn't yet been developed lead to world war?
Message 6 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 4/11/2001 10:20 PM I think I will only post news clippings in the web journal from now on. These are the next messages that I posted there: Date: 2/14/2001 Story: Let's consider that all the leaders of the world go along with this plan to put a "defense" system in space, who will be the ones who are at thecontrol of these orbital weapons? Do you expect world leaders to be in agreement on this?
Date: 2/14/2001Headline: NMD Story: What will this require of the NATO alliance - for the European Union to have total responsibility for the ones over their territory? Will we give them to Russia and deny them to China? Won't all the other nations want something similar in orbit for "self-defense"? Do we want to force the hand of the rest of the world's militaries? If this goes forward, won't it create a totalitarian one-world government that is governed by the ones who are at the controls of this machinery? I think only if it doesn't start a nuclear world war. And then what would be left? It would be strange if the United Nations was silent on this issue.
Date: 2/18/2001Headline: Possible Scenarios? Story: Why turn back the recently-made progress in world-wide relations? Isn't the hawkish stance of the new administration seen as a threat by Russia and China? What happened to "detente"? Now who's to say if the old Soviet Union doesn't reassemble, or that Russia doesn't form an alliance with China? Once you get something started, it's harder to stop it. This adds fuel to a new arms race. (You know that the only option for any nuclear capable opponent is to rely on an all-out surprise first strike. It's good to have a good idea of what the odds and consequences are before you head toward war over something.)
Message 7 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 4/21/2001 5:28 PM You can see that my position on this then is that the rhetoric for a missile defense system alone could be enough cause for any country in the world to start putting weapons in space, especially if the ABM Treaty is abandoned and the US itself is the first. And, that before any missile defense could be fully operational the US could also be bombarded by thousands of nuclear missiles in a first strike attempt. Some other people might say that war is inevitable.
Message 8 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 4/21/2001 5:36 PM IMHO, this certainly raises the risks.
Message 9 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 4/30/2001 3:12 AM I feel sorry that America looks like it will take the military high ground and not the moral high road by becoming the first to place weapons in orbit and thereby threatening to take control of space. This is not the process of agreement and diplomacy, but that of war and subjugation. I hope people will come to their senses before it's too late.
Message 10 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/1/2001 6:59 PM Another scenerio might be that the Russians sell nuclear missiles and more technology to China and North Korea or others in Asia. It looks like an arms race now to me. Can this so-called shield be of any use?
Message 11 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/3/2001 12:43 AM Bush has thrown down the gauntlet to China. How many ICBMs can they build or buy before his stars wars weapons are ready? We don't even know that a shield will work or do much good at all anyway. Runners take your marks. Ready, set, go! The race is on.
Message 12 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/3/2001 12:58 AM sorry for the typo the other day, i meant scenario.
Message 13 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/3/2001 5:08 PM When you place weapons in space, you are not talking about a shield any more or even defense. Lasers in orbit could attack any target on earth. This would not be a shield but a cloak of daggers over the earth.
Message 14 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/8/2001 1:11 AM http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=nmarmsbushaidedc&sid=37138469&mid=257
Message 15 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/9/2001 12:42 PM http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/msnbc-space/index2.asp (The page numbers change, so look for BlueHummingbird.) Or, here's one: http://bbs.msnbc.com/bbs/msnbc-space/posts/cs/110658.asp
Message 16 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 5/25/2001 6:17 PM I use several aliases at yahoo. here's the latest post: http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=nmbushmilitarydc&sid=37138469&mid=172 I think Bush wants to manufacture robots, drones, and space lasers to fight wars for him. And when the missiles start flying, he'll need the military men and women to impose order on our own luckless population under martial law.
Message 17 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 6/7/2001 9:52 PM I see that old messages that I have links to will be deleted. In the future I will not only give the link to my messages, but also the content of them.
Message 18 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 6/13/2001 10:24 PM I wonder what those three military shipments from China to Cuba recently were. I guess our satellites have the evidence. I hope they weren't missiles. Not another Cuban missile crises, I hope. hmm?
Message 19 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 6/13/2001 10:26 PM shucks, another typo. i meant crisis, singular.
Message 20 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 6/17/2001 3:15 PM http://www.msnbc.com/news/585107.asp U.S. to proceed on missile plan Rice: Time to move past 72 ABM treaty So I guess the "consultations" with our allies and Russia are over. But, I'm sure we'll let them know how things are going.
Message 21 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 6/25/2001 8:52 PM http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=appowellinterview&sid=37138469&mid=34
What if any other nation did what the Bush administration has done? What would we say if they said they were going to place anti-missile systems to counter our missiles anyplace on earth? What if they said that they would be placing weapons in space and taking control of the skies? Do you think that it would rile any Americans? Would Americans see it as a threat? ... a nuclear arms race threatens the whole world, as does putting weapons in space.
Message 22 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/17/2001 11:33 PM http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010717/pl/arms_usa_missiles_dc_4.html Pentagon Presses Congress for Anti-Missile Support By John Whitesides Tuesday July 17 2:01 PM ET "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top Pentagon officials warned Congress on Tuesday that failure to pay fully for research on a missile defense system could impair the administration's ability to negotiate a new arms pact with Russia. ... " This suggests to me that there will be no negotiations and no new arms pact, just a limited threat or bluff from this administration.
Message 23 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/18/2001 1:56 PM http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/18/politics/18MILI.html Democrats Are Warned on Missile Stance By JAMES DAO July 18, 2001
"WASHINGTON, July 17 Buoyed by a successful antimissile test on Saturday, the Pentagon warned Senate Democrats today that a protracted fight over the administration's ambitious missile defense plans would undermine President Bush's effort to overhaul the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty in coming talks with Russia. In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said threats by the Democrats to cut Mr. Bush's proposed $8.3 billion missile defense budget would give Russian leaders "the mistaken impression that they can somehow exercise a veto over our development of missile defenses." ... "The unintended consequence of such action could be to rule out a cooperative solution, and leave the president no choice but to walk away from the treaty unilaterally" an outcome none of us surely wants," Mr. Wolfowitz said. The administration's first preference was to amend or replace the treaty in talks with Russia. Failing that, Mr. Bush would unilaterally withdraw from the pact before the Pentagon broke any of its provisions, Mr. Wolfowitz said. With today's appearance, just days after a prototype interceptor shot down a mock warhead 140 miles over the Pacific, Mr. Wolfowitz stepped up the administration's efforts to confront Democrats who strongly oppose swift deployment of missile defenses, as many Republicans have urged. … "
So now this administration is going to blame the democrats if or when Bush withdraws from the ABM Treaty?
Message 24 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/19/2001 10:41 PM I was just wondering about what would happen in the future, if the Bush administration put up a space-based weapon and the Russians or someone else decided to shot it down.
Message 25 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/19/2001 10:43 PM i mean shoot :) lol
Message 26 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/31/2001 3:37 PM From discussions at Yahoo! News - Message Boards: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010726/pl/arms_russia_dc_1.html 06/27 ....More anti-missiles for a missile defense just means more missiles being prepared to launch as an offense. And the US position of taking control of space bodes nothing good for world relations. ... 06/28 that threatens everyone who is not in control of this technology. ... 07/19 It seems there are a lot of people in America who are comfortable with an arms race, throwing away treaties, and weaponizing space. But, I'm not one of them. 07/30 Space was supposed to be the last frontier, one to be entered into without weaponry - as agreed by most nations on earth. (Outer Space Treaty) This is not just the beginning of a "limited missile defense shield"; this is a line you shouldn't buy. It is the start of an arms race in space - the militarization of space. The US rulers seem to think that it is a game which they will win, and they seemingly don't care much about the consequences to world peace. They want the right to call down fire-power from the heavens too. NMD is just the start, and you can call it anything you like. Offense and defense are much alike. The goal is control and conquest. ... How hard could it be to overcome this "shield"? - answer: not very... Russia just tested a scramjet missile - according to The Washington Times. You should not underestimate either country's (China, Russia) reaction. The technology is available to anyone, once it appears. ... 07/31 The point is - who is going to take over control of space and by that control of the whole world? And, technology is sold to the highest bidder. That's capitalism. Now Russia, China, N. Korea, etc. have the incentive to upgrade all systems and build new factories. We'll see how it turns out. Will the US actually share power with other countries if it controls space? And if this grand plan fails, what then?
Message 27 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/31/2001 5:38 PM This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager.
Message 28 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 7/31/2001 5:50 PM I deleted the previous message because the URL I used was too long. http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=l&board=37138469&tid=nmarmsrussiadc&sid= 37138469&mid=&start=186 maybe this is better
Message 29 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/4/2001 11:19 PM "Military Chief Urges Space Weaponry - 08-01-2001 The United States' expanding commercial stake in
space makes it likely the military will be called on to put both offensive and defensive weapons in orbit, the Air Force's top general said Wednesday. " http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010801/us/space_weapons_2.html
Maybe now you know why it is important to the Bush administration to get rid of these "old out-dated relics" of treaties. Some of these treaties were made to keep weapons out of space. For whoever controls space militarily, rules the whole world from on high - unless it starts a nuclear world war first. http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138445&tid=apspaceweapons&sid= 37138445&mid=1
Message 30 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/5/2001 4:34 PM (Portions of) The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 RECALLING resolution 1884 (XVIII), calling upon States to refrain from placing in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction or from installing such weapons on celestial bodies, which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on 17 October 1963, Article II Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means. Article IV States Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons in outer space in any other manner. Article VI States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty.
Message 31 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/7/2001 9:15 PM I think having treaties to keep weapons out of space is better than having weapons in space. It just doesn't seem to me to be in the best interests of the human race to escalate militarily to an arms race in space. Nor does it seem necessary to me for the US to become the sole dictatorship of the world by taking military control of space. It seems more likely than not to lead to warfare and conflict. It could possibly pit the US against all other nations. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 would have to be another international treaty from which this administration would have to withdraw. http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@191.WYkUawSEsMk^116295@.f223441/73
Message 32 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/9/2001 5:13 PM http://uplink.space.com/2/OpenTopic?q=Y&a=tpc&s=874094803&f=585099473&m=9943025742&p=1 As far as communication satellites are concerned, if it comes to warfare, I've heard that the electromagnetic pulse from one nuclear explosion in nearby space would be enough to take out a whole constellation of satellites. That would likely have to be the first of many nuclear missiles launched in war, if it comes to that.
Message 33 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/13/2001 3:08 AM Still arguing at yahoo! :) Msg: 478 of 552 http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=nmarmsrussiausadc&sid=37138469&mid=478 Concessions I would assume it would have to be more powerful incentives than these for the Russians to withdraw also from the ABM treaty. I would think they would love to see the US flap in the breeze of world opinion over this NMD plan. World opinion can be acute. ;) (Sorry, I didn't keep the link to the article this was in response to.) Msg: 485 of 553 Nonsense? That is what the administration said they wanted most, mutual withdrawal. I'd be willing to bet that there will be no "Amendments and Protocols" to the ABM Treaty. The debate will only be that, a debate. Russia has proclaimed its postion on this many times, and has made the statements with other nations of the world. Like I said, the US would have to offer some powerful incentives for Russia to agree to the modification of or the withdrawal from this treaty. Of course this administration would go ahead anyway as they have said; no matter of "world opinion" seems to bother them yet. Msg: 490 of 553 Like I said, they would have to have some powerful incentives to abandon or change the treaty. What incentives could the US give, and how would it be in their best interests? If the US starts a new arms race, one that will include space, how are they negatively effected? The arsenal they have now is a better defence against war than some fanciful anti-missile defense. Msg: 495 of 553 US unilaterism threatens Russia's strategic world position, if it goes along. But doesn't if they don't go along with the abandonment of the treaty. They have enough nukes not to worry, unlike China. They also have agreements with China and other nations. China's (oops, see correction below) premier just visited a particle accelerator in Siberia. Lasers and space weapons can be constructed by many nations nowadays. The knowledge is common in universities throughout the world. But space is the last place we need to place weapons because it is the most destablizing of all scenerios, unless the whole world is in agreement on it. NMD is just the start of the program, and it will take much money and many years to be effective against any likely assault from even a "rogue nation". Counter-measures are much cheaper. Even China could send two missiles with multiple warheads for every unbuilt kill-vehicle. And again, don't underestimate the wrath of world opinion even if a few countries agree. Does the US want world-dominance of a hostile populace? Correction: Sorry, I think it was probably NKorea's president who visited the particle accelerator in Siberia. I couldn't find a link for the article anymore, but maybe I could find it if I searched around a bit. Msg: 501 of 553 Once the treaty is gone, the step after getting the ground-based anti-missile system is the sea and space-based "anti-missile" systems, And, the goal of controlling space militarily is "world-dominance". Msg: 503 of 553 The whole scheme is unworkable and bound to cause more conflict. They should back out of this now while they still can! Re: MAD Msg: 547 of 553 MAD still exists. We can never get away from it
until all nuclear weapons are gone. Msg: 549 of 553 Why I say this is that the consequences of any nuclear war is liely to cause cataclysmic changes and clouds of radiation. (Read the book "Alas, Babylon" sometime.) Everyone knows no one wins in a nuclear exchange. I guess though if humanity wants to destroy themselves, they will. Msg: 551 of 554 And, when do the real tests come using X-band radar? The real tests are actual warfare and any combination of any number of decoys, multiple warheads, and multiple missile launches. And, what if they detonate one in space first, destroying all your satellite reconnaiscance at the outset? Msg: 552 of 554 Seems to me the US has set out the doormat labeled "trouble" and is begging anyone to walk across.
Message 34 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/14/2001 12:14 AM "The emporer has no clothes." I don't see why it is necessary for me to tell you the obvious.
Message 35 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/14/2001 12:18 AM oops :) LOL, I meant "emperor."
Message 36 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/15/2001 12:42 AM more on the previous thread at yahoo: http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=nmarmsrussiausadc&sid=37138469&mid=568 Msg: 568 of 577 Re: Russia is hurting The Russians have said they are willing to negotiate changes to the treaty, but the Bush administration is in a hurry to withdraw from it rather than waste time trying to modify it. The Bush administration doesn't want to be held or bound to any treaties, and want to start right away on the missile shield. Msg: 571 of 577 Like Bush said when he heard how many nuclear warheads we have, "Why do we need so many?" It doesn't take 14,000 nuclear warheads to destroy the whole world. Msg: 573 of 577 One thing I don't quite understand is that if an arms race is supposed to be good for our economy and we can afford many billion$s of debt to create an NMD, why much small expenditures to maintain their existing missiles and produce new technology will ruin Russia's economy. I think Republicans give to much credit to Reagan for the collapse of the Soviet empire. Msg: 577 of 577 How many warheads does a country need to wipe out a civilization at once? It's not as many as we each have now. The financial problem with that is in the maintenance of the excess. These high numbers of the current arsenals of warheads and their delivery systems is a fallacy of deterrence by numbers. If Russia and the US wanted to annihilate each other - a thousand warheads each would be overkill. They don't need more quantity, just quality.
And, by pushing this "Star Wars" program over their objections, it only heightens the tensions between the peoples of the nations and the propostion that nuclear war might quickly become a possibilty. And that their forces are aging would seem to add to the notion of any urgency to that end.
Instead of forcing a missile defense on an
unwilling world, this administration should have continued with the practise of diplomacy, as the Clinton administration did. And not come off looking like a blow-hard with nothing as of yet to show for the reality of the working of this beast of Star Wars.
Message 37 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/15/2001 12:50 AM message board at space.com http://uplink.space.com/2/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=874094803&f=585099473&m=9943025742&r=5573030162 Space weapons
If they are going to put weapons in space, then I would guess that logically the space station itself would be put to use as a weapon.
Message 38 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/19/2001 4:32 PM http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=apusrussia&sid=37138469&mid=27 This administration totally discounts the Russians. They're getting ready for a war with China. But first, they want to get a foot in the door with a "few missiles" for a defense "shield". When the number of missiles and budget grows larger, they expect the citizens of the US to accept that as a part of "security".
Message 39 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/22/2001 2:29 PM http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?14@191.2kBna93atd0^212648@.f223441/141 The Bush administration would definitely have to have an agreement with the Russians if they went forward with the militarization of space. The Russians, Chinese, or someone else could very possibly highjack the weapon or just destroy it. How are all countries in the world supposed to agree to this prospect of space weapons? It seems that war would be almost inevitable to break out over this. And weapons in space would not be as preventative as it will likely be billed as being, but rather a provocation.
Message 40 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/22/2001 3:09 PM http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138469&tid=nmarmsrussiausadc&sid=37138469&mid=589 Re: he who rules space rules the univer 08/20/01 06:06 pm Msg: 589 of 633 So it's the "good guys" who throw away treaties that have been created to keep peace? And, it's the "good guys" who want to militarize space and start a new arms race? And who looks after the "good guys" to make sure they don't go bad? 08/20/01 06:52 pm Msg: 591 of 634 They say absolute power absolutely corrupts. It will be even harder for the American public to control anything once weapons start filling the skies. The ones in control will be the ones who control the space lasers, unless it all spirals out of control and war starts over this. 08/20/01 08:43 pm Msg: 592 of 634 They would definitely have to have an agreement with the Russians if they went forward with the militarization of space. The Russians, Chinese or someone else could very possibly highjack the weapon or just destroy it. How are all countries in the world supposed to agree to this prospect of space weapons? 08/21/01 08:57 pm Msg: 606 of 634
I really don't see how war could be avoided myself, if we deny the use of space to others and are the first to break a long-standing taboo and put weapons in orbit. I don't think many others in the world could view it any other way than an evil plot. :) The "good guys" or peacemakers would aim to keep space free from weapons. 08/22/01 03:06 pm Msg: 637 of 637 I agree that the technology and plans should be developed to counter any threat to our interests in space. But once you start to deploy weapons in space, you breach the peace.
Message 41 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/23/2001 2:21 AM 08/23/01 12:39 am Msg: 661 of 670 My point being that you can make all these plans, but you'd better not implement them unless it is necessary. I don't see any reason to yet, but the threat of this heightens the chance and almost becomes self-fulfilling.
http://www.fas.org/spp/military/docops/usspac/lrp/ch05a.htm 08/23/01 01:53 am Msg: 667 of 670 Of course I think the military-industrial complex will manufacture the necessity. 08/23/01 02:01 am Msg: 669 of 670 Throwing away treaties facilitates the military's goals, but not that of the citizens.
Message 42 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/24/2001 12:41 AM 08/23/01 01:52 pm Msg: 705 of 737 I'm not surprised either. I just think it is a foolish plan that will lead to war. I would have but a faint hope the rest of Congress can do something wiser.
Message 43 of 43 in Discussion From: BlueHummingbirdSent: 8/24/2001 7:45 PM note: in msg #33, "populous" should be populace (so I changed it here).
Sent: 5/19/2001
http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138445&tid=abcreno010518&sid= 37138445&mid=12
To clarify what the American people want,
maybe we should call for a vote of confidence in
the administration of George W. Bush. Do we want
him to lead us into war with his dreams of space
weapons and defense missiles, and say to hell with
the environment?
Sent: 5/19/2001 7:59 PM
http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138459&tid=apusrussia&sid= 37138459&mid=310
If we don't care what the rest of the world
thinks, we'd better bring ALL our troups home from
overseas before they get kicked out.
Sent: 5/21/2001 3:57 PM
http://news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37138445&tid=aprenogovernor&sid= 37138445&mid=661
You don't think the rest of the world notices
the appearance. You Republicans say you want the
US to go it alone. That's a pretty stupid
strategy. One that leads to war.
Sent: 9/5/2001 2:17 AM
http://uplink.space.com/2/OpenTopic?q=Y&a=tpc&s=874094803&f=585099473&m= 9943025742&p=3
Actually, the double-speak from
this administration makes it unclear exactly what
they are thinking, except that their policy has
already been laid out. I only know it's not good
and hasn't been good. They think they own the
world and are not about to opt for cooperation
with our neighbors. It's the America first policy.
They are only looking to keep the upper hand and
dictate their own delusional policies to the
world. They are not preparing any options for
peace, but only the option of war.
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