Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
2/1/2002 from Reuters: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20020131/ts/attack_dc_1419.html US Threatens 'Terror' States, Seeks More Arms By Anton Ferreira and Sayed Salahuddin Thursday January 31 6:43 PM ET WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The United States threatened on Thursday to impose its own justice on countries it saw as backing terrorism and unveiled plans to spend billions more dollars on arms. ``If you're one of these nations that developed weapons of mass destruction and you're likely to team up with a terrorist group or you're now sponsoring terror, and you don't hold the values that we hold dear true to your heart, then you too are on our watch list,'' President Bush said in a speech in Atlanta. ... Although Bush did not mention them by name in his speech, he was clearly alluding to Iran, Iraq and North Korea -- the three nations that in his State of the Union address on Tuesday he charged represented an ``axis of evil.'' Bush said such nations ``better not try to terrorize America and our friends and allies or the justice of this nation will be served on them as well.'' Bush's defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, called for billions of dollars in spending on high-tech weapons to defend the United States against ``the unknown, the uncertain, the unseen and the unexpected'' after the Sept. 11 attacks. ...
2/1/2002 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/01/international/01MISS.html Plan to Stop Missile Threat Could Cost $238 Billion By JAMES DAO February 1, 2002 WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 - Building and operating the major missile defense programs now under development by the Bush administration could cost as much as $238 billion by 2025, according to a study released today by the Congressional Budget Office. The study provides one of the most detailed and comprehensive cost analyses to date of the Pentagon's missile defense programs, which include ground- and ship-based missiles and space-based lasers. President Bush has said he wants to build a "layered" system capable of shooting down missiles at varying points in their trajectory. ...
2/2/2002 from The Washington Post: http://www.msnbc.com/news/698660.asp?pne=msn Bush budget proposes some deep cuts Highway, job training funds could be sliced By Eric Pianin THE WASHINGTON POST Feb. 3 - President Bush this week will seek sharp cuts in highway funding, Army Corps of Engineers water projects, congressional environmental initiatives, job training and scores of other domestic programs, reflecting the darker side of a fiscal 2003 budget that calls for record spending increases for the military and for domestic security. ... ... With war expenditures, the economic downturn and a major tax cut eliminating the once-projected budget
surplus, Bush plans to cut or freeze spending in many parts of the government and to dip into Social Security and Medicare funds that previously were off limits, according to administration officials, congressional aides and special interest groups. ... Bush will formally unveil his budget on Monday, seeking $2 trillion in overall spending in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 for defense, domestic programs, foreign aid and interest on the national debt. After several years of surpluses, the new budget projects that spending will exceed revenue by about $80 billion. ...
2/2/2002 from ABCNews: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/abc/20020202/wl_abc/axis020131 U.S. Watches 'Axis' States ABCNEWS.com Fri Feb 1,11:36 PM ET ABCNEWS' Terry Moran contributed to this report With the eyes of the nation - and the world - on him, President Bush this week declared that a new "axis of evil" - Iraq, Iran, and North Korea - pose a deadly and unacceptable threat to the United States. The statement was a significant expansion of the scope of the war on terror. But his administration apparently has developed no clear plan to achieve this goal. ... "We're threatening in a sense to go to war with each of these three countries," says former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger. "That's a pretty big battlefield." ... North Korea responded to Bush's "axis of evil" remark for the first time today, in a statement carried by its official news agency KCNA. North Korea said it, "will never tolerate the U.S. reckless attempt to stifle the [North] by force of arms but mercilessly wipe out the aggressors." ... China also signaled its strong disapproval to the inclusion of its neighbor North Korea in Bush's "axis" remarks today. "The Chinese side does not advocate using this kind of language in international relations," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan. ... Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan told reporters that Bush's portrayal of Iraq "is a stupid statement and inappropriate of the president of the biggest country." In Iran, President Mohammad Khatami told his Cabinet that Bush had committed "an insult to the Iranian nation."
2/2/2002 from AP: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020202/ap_on_re_as/nkorea_kim_jong_il_2 N. Korea Hints at Military Boost By SANG-HUN CHOE, Associated Press Writer Sat Feb 2, 6:36 AM ET SEOUL, South Korea - Three days after President Bush said North Korea was part of an "axis of evil," leader Kim Jong Il said his regime may increase the capabilities of the world's fifth-largest army to prevent an invasion. ... U.S. officials say North Korea is armed with long-range missiles and up to 5,000 tons of biochemical weapons - and possibly a few crude nuclear devices. ... North Korea "is fully capable of fighting a war with the U.S. It should clearly know that the option to 'strike' is not its monopoly," KCNA said. ...
2/2/2002 from Reuters: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20020202/ts_nm/budget_defense_dc_1&cid=578 Bush Pushes for $120 Billion Defense Budget Boost By Charles Aldinger Sat Feb 2,10:18 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the biggest U.S. military
buildup in two decades, President Bush will press Congress on Monday to raise defense spending by $120 billion over the next five years to $451 billion by 2007, senior U.S. officials said on Saturday. ... The officials, who asked not to be identified, said they expected lawmakers to approve next year's 12 percent budget increase despite major controversy over Bush's costly plan to build a missile defense system for the United States. ... Bush has already announced that he plans to call for an increase to $379 billion next year to arm and prepare the U.S. military for war against both "terrorist" guerrillas and nations in the years ahead. The U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, which has toppled that country's ruling hard-line Islamist Taliban movement and battered the Afghan-based al Qaeda, is already costing Washington more than $1 billion a month. ... Bush's budget includes $7.8 billion for missile defense, a figure unchanged from the current year. But critics of the testing program to shoot down missiles from "rogue" states are concerned over a Congressional Budget Office estimate this week that it could cost $238 billion over the next 15-25 years.
2/3/2002 from AP, and TIME.com: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20020203/D7HEPA2G0.html Rumsfeld: Some Al-Qaida Hide in Iran By MATT KELLEY 02/03/2002 2:52 PM EST
WASHINGTON (AP) - Some Taliban and al-Qaida members who escaped Afghanistan have "found refuge" in Iran, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday. Rumsfeld and other Bush administration officials also charged that Iran was creating instability inside Afghanistan by funneling arms to various factions within the country. ... Iran has helped in creating the interim Afghan government and raising money to rebuild its war-shattered neighbor, Secretary of State Colin Powell said. But President Bush's grouping Iran with North Korea and Iraq as part of an "axis of evil" supporting terrorism was justified, U.S. officials said. ... Iranian officials have denounced Bush's comments and denied giving any help to the Taliban or Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network. Iran's government had strongly opposed the Taliban regime before its eventual collapse last year. ... "We have any number of reports that Iran has been permissive and allowed transit through their country of al-Qaida," the secretary (Rumsfeld) said on ABC's "This Week." ... Rice and administration officials defended Bush's "axis of evil" label, saying critics of the phrase should focus on the three countries' misdeeds, not Bush's words. North Korea is the source for ballistic missiles for other hostile countries and Iraq has refused to allow inspectors to see its weapons of mass destruction programs, Rice said. While Bush's speech was not a declaration of war, Powell and Rice said the president would consider using any aspect of U.S. power - political, diplomatic, economic or military - against such terrorist countries. "We prefer diplomatic ways, political solutions. We're not looking for a war; we're trying to avoid war,"
Powell said. ...
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,198857,00.html Did Iran Help al Qaeda Escape? TIME has learned that officials in western Afghanistan believed Tehran hard-liners helped terrorists flee BY TIM MCGIRK/HERAT Saturday, Feb. 02, 2002
2/3/2002 from Reuters: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=578&u=/nm/20020203/ts_nm/arms_conference_dc_5 U.S., Russia at Odds Over War on Terrorism By John Chalmers Sun Feb 3, 8:56 AM ET MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Russia laid bare its differences with the United States over the war on terrorism on Sunday, challenging President Bush's attack on the "axis of evil" and accusing the West of double standards. ... Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov ... said Russia had its own list of "rogue states," naming U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, which Moscow says helps fund Chechen separatists fighting its own troops: "Not many people in the West like the fact that we have some commercial ties with the countries which you describe as rogue states," Ivanov said. "Well, we don't like ... some of your allies like Saudi Arabia or Gulf states who give finance to terrorist organizations." ... Ivanov also accused the West of "double standards" for failing to condemn the Chechens as "terrorists" with the same vigor as they pursue Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network. He warned that disagreements over who was counted a terrorist could undermine the U.S.-led coalition Russia has joined against the Islamists that the United States blames for the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. ...
2/3/2002 from AP: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20020202/D7HE5OF00.html U.S. Allies Express War Reservations By TONY CZUCZKA 02/02/2002 4:38 PM EST
MUNICH, Germany (AP) - U.S. allies in the war on terrorism expressed strong reservations Saturday about signals from Washington that the campaign could be expanded beyond those responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks to include President Bush's "axis of evil." ... Several American defense experts said the United States is prepared to act unilaterally. "Never has the United States been more unified, never has it been more purposeful, never has it been more willing, if necessary, to act alone," said Richard Perle, a senior Republican foreign policy adviser and former State Department official. "If we have to choose between protecting ourselves against terrorism and a long list of friends and allies, we will protect ourselves against terrorism." ...
2/4/2002 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020204/pl/budget_16.html Bush Unveils $2.13 Trillion Budget By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer Monday February 4 12:20 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush sent Congress a $2.13 trillion budget Monday that would provide billions of dollars in new spending for the war on terrorism and homeland security while squeezing money from scores of other programs such as highway and environmental projects. After four years of surpluses, Bush's budget projects the government will go in the red through 2004, including a $106 billion deficit this year. ... ``The president funds large new tax cuts by tapping Social Security,'' said Thomas Kahn, Democratic staff director for the GOP-led House Budget Committee. ``Over 10 years, we are depleting $1.5 trillion of the Social Security trust fund.'' ... Critics contended Bush was wielding the budget knife to protect his most prized economic achievement: last year's passage of a massive $1.35 trillion, 10-year tax cut. ... Bush proposes getting $1.2 billion in new revenue by leasing the drilling rights in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, something strongly opposed by environmentalists. ... Also set aside for now is the president's goal last year of paying off $2 trillion of the national debt to improve the government's balance sheet in preparation for the retirement of baby boomers. http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/
2/4/2002 from Space.com http://www.space.com/news/rumsfeld_space_020204.html Space Goal Part Of U.S. Military Transformation
By Leonard David, Senior Space Writer posted: 10:00 am ET, 04 February 2002 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO - U.S. President George W. Bush is proposing a nearly $380 billion Pentagon budget that helps overhaul America's military might, including strengthening U.S. capabilities in space. ... "Hardening U.S. space systems and building capabilities to defend our space assets could dissuade adversaries from developing and using small killer satellites to attack and cripple U.S. satellite networks. New earth-penetrating and thermobaric weapons could make obsolete the deep underground facilities where today terrorists hide and terrorist states conceal their weapons of mass destruction capabilities," Rumsfeld said. ... According to SPACE.com sources, one new space-based weapon is dubbed a "thunder rod" - a non-nuclear device hurled from Earth orbit that damages select targets on the ground. ... The Department of Defense has been "reorganized and revitalized" to move forward on missile defense research and testing "free of the constraints" of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, Rumsfeld said, and "to better focus on space capabilities." Rumsfeld said "defending the U.S. requires prevention, self-defense and sometimes preemption." ...
2/5/2002 from Reuters: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20020205/ts/attack_iran_kharrazi_dc.html Iran Moves to Ease Tension with U.S. By Ali Raiss-Tousi Tuesday February 5 1:58 PM ET TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran moved Tuesday to ease tension with the United States, seeking help from Washington to arrest any al Qaeda fighters who may have fled to the Islamic republic from Afghanistan. ``Instead of waging negative propaganda, the Americans had better give us any information they have so that we go after them and keep them out of Iran,'' he (Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi) told a news conference. ...
2/5/2002 from AP: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020205/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/powell_34 Powell Dismisses Iraq Talks Offer By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Tue Feb 5, 4:34 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - An Iraqi offer conveyed through the Arab League for a dialogue with the United Nations drew a curt and negative response Tuesday from Secretary of State Colin Powell. "It should be a very short discussion," Powell told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "The inspectors have to go back on our terms." ... On another subject, Powell took a big step toward agreement with Russia on cuts in U.S. and Russian long-range nuclear weapons stockpiles. ... On Tuesday, Powell told the Senate committee, "We do expect it will be legally binding." He said the administration was considering an executive order by the President or even a treaty, something senior administration officials have dismissed as a tedious and out-of-date approach. ... Questioned about Bush's designation of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an "axis of evil," Powell said, "There are others in this category." He did not identify them. Meanwhile, he said the designation "does not mean we are not ready to engage in dialogue" with Iran, Iraq and North Korea. For instance, Powell said, "We are ready to talk to North Korea any time they are ready to come back to the table," and without preconditions. ...
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