Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
1/8/2002 At The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/07/national/07PENT.html Pentagon Seeking a Large Increase in Its Next Budget By JAMES DAO January 7, 2002 WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 - The Pentagon is pushing for a substantial increase, in the range of $20 billion or more, for its 2003 budget, confident that the war on terrorism has strengthened Congressional and public support for rebuilding the armed services, senior military officials say. Even as Congress is projecting a budget deficit next year, the Pentagon is arguing that it will need significantly more money to cover rising health care costs, stockpile precision-guided munitions and accelerate an array of big-ticket programs, including fighter jets and warships. ... Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld has also vowed to use the budget for the 2003 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1, to advance programs he has said will "transform" the military, including missile defense, unpiloted aircraft and high-tech battlefield communications equipment. ... Dr. Zakheim said the Pentagon budget was still being
negotiated with the White House and declined to provide figures. But senior military and Congressional officials have said the increase will be about $20 billion over the current $329 billion Pentagon budget, or about 6 percent, after adjusting for inflation. The proposed increase for the 2003 Pentagon budget will not cover the costs of fighting the war in Afghanistan or tightening defenses against terrorism in the United States, which include fighter jet patrols over some American cities. Those costs will continue to be financed by emergency budget supplements. Congress has already allocated $17.5 billion in emergency money for the Pentagon since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But Dr. Zakheim said the Pentagon would need another major infusion of emergency money by late winter. That is because the cost of the war, estimated at nearly $2 billion a month, is not expected to decline soon and may rise, Dr. Zakheim said. Though the bombing in Afghanistan has almost ceased, scores of American warplanes continue to fly missions there daily, thousands of troops are being moved in for long- term missions, and American bases around the world remain on heightened alert against terrorism. ...
1/13/2002 at The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/01/03/opinion/03SAFI.html Executive Privilege Again By WILLIAM SAFIRE January 3, 2002 WASHINGTON -- Stephen (the Rifleman) Flemmi is a gangster who spent a generation as a valued informant for the F.B.I. in Boston. He is now awaiting trial for 10 murders he is charged with committing while on the F.B.I. payroll. Also charged is his F.B.I. handler, John Connolly Jr., accused of tipping off Flemmi and his mobster boss before police were dispatched to pick them up. The boss, accused of 19 murders, is still a fugitive. Six years ago the Rifleman claimed that the F.B.I. had promised him immunity from prosecution for his killings - allegedly including a couple of his girlfriends - but Federal Judge Mark Wolf, in a landmark decision, ruled that nobody in law enforcement had the power to sanction murder... ... At issue here is Congress's responsibility and authority to examine the misdeeds of the executive branch in a thorough manner - with an eye toward
legislation to make criminal those policies evidently adopted by a regional division of our F.B.I. to subvert the law in the name of the law. ...
1/18/2002 from AP: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020116/wl/russia_us_nuclear_1.html Russia Assails U.S. Over ABM Treaty By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer Wednesday January 16 1:08 PM ET MOSCOW (AP) - The lower house of Russia's parliament on Wednesday condemned the U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and urged President Vladimir Putin to consult lawmakers on Moscow's response. The State Duma voted 326-3 for a non-binding resolution assailing last month's decision by President Bush to withdraw from the ABM treaty in six months to deploy a national missile defense. The U.S. move was ``mistaken and destabilizing since it effectively ruins the existing highly efficient system of ensuring strategic stability and paves ground for a new round of the arms race,'' the resolution said. ...
1/22/2002 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020121/wl/russia_us_3.html Russia Hopes to Limit U.S. Shield By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer Monday January 21 9:14 PM ET MOSCOW (AP) - Russia hopes to negotiate agreements that would put limits on the U.S. missile defense program, a senior general said in an interview released Monday. The statement by Col. Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky is the first
official indication that Russia is trying to get restrictions on the U.S. missile shield, although Washington has shown no willingness to bend. ... Analysts said Russia is unlikely to win any concessions. ... On Monday, Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Mamedov met with visiting U.S. Assistant Secretary of State John Wolf to discuss ways to strengthen control over nonproliferation of mass-destruction weapons. Mamedov said the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM treaty and its refusal to ratify a global nuclear test ban were undermining the international nonproliferation regime, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. ...
1/26/2002 from AP: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020125/ts/missile_defense_test.html U.S. Missile Defense Test a Success By MATT KELLEY, Associated Press Writer Friday January 25 11:55 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - An interceptor rocket launched from a U.S. Navy ship smashed into a dummy missile high over the Pacific Friday night in the latest test in the Pentagon's plans to shield America from long-range missiles. The military fired the dummy missile from Hawaii at 9 p.m. EST and the interceptor rocket from the USS Lake Erie in the Pacific at 9:08 p.m., Pentagon spokesman Maj. Mike Halbig said. The interceptor's ``kinetic warhead'' slammed into the dummy missile and destroyed it at 9:18 p.m. more than 300 miles northwest of Hawaii, Halbig said. ... Friday's planned test was the first to send an interceptor fired from a ship at sea into space to collide with a dummy missile. Other tests have used interceptor rockets launched from land. ...
1/26/2002 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020126/pl/bush_radio_1.html Bush: No Limit for Security Budget By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON, Associated Press Writer Saturday January 26 1:22 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - Calling for the largest increase in defense spending in 20 years and asking Congress to nearly double the money for homeland security, President Bush promised Saturday to ``spend what it takes to win the war against terrorism.'' ... Bush said that for the budget year that begins Oct. 1 he will ask Congress for an extra $48 billion for U.S. military forces, the largest increase in defense spending in 20 years. Another $38 billion will go toward homeland security, Bush said. ... ``My budget calls for ... investing in more precision weapons, missile defenses, unmanned vehicles and high-tech equipment for our soldiers on the ground. I will also seek another pay increase for the men and women who wear our country's uniform,'' he said. ``We will spend what it takes to win the war against terrorism.'' ... The president pledged to steady the troubled economy by building a climate that encourages job creation. He urged the Democratic-controlled Senate to approve an economic stimulus package. ...
1/27/2002 from The New York Times: www.nytimes.com/2002/01/27/international/middleeast/27SAUD.html Don't Weaken Arafat, Saudi Warns Bush By ELAINE SCIOLINO January 27, 2002 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 26 - In a blunt criticism of President Bush, Saudi Arabia's senior intelligence official today called Yasir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, "a man of peace" and warned that any action by the United States to weaken him would destroy prospects for a peace settlement and have serious repercussions for the kingdom. ... A classified American intelligence report taken from a Saudi intelligence survey in mid-October of educated Saudis between the ages of 25 and 41 concluded that 95 percent of them supported Mr. bin Laden's cause, according to a senior administration official with access to intelligence reports. Prince Nawwaf confirmed the existence of the survey but did not specify the level of support. He attributed the support to what he called feelings of the people against the United States, largely, he said, because of its unflinching support of Israel against the Palestinians. Although he insisted that Saudi Arabia had no intention of asking the United States to withdraw its military presence from the kingdom, which Mr. bin Laden has long demanded, the prince said Saudi Arabia would not support an American military campaign against Iraq or any other Arab or Muslim country. ... Unwavering support for the Palestinians, despite recent Palestinian attacks against Israeli civilians, is voiced by all levels of society, from government officials and university professors to shopkeepers and teenagers.
Prince Nawwaf said his office had conducted the survey about terrorism "to know about the feeling towards bin Laden, and we can't ignore that there is this feeling." ... Prince Nawwaf did not respond directly to questions about whether there were Qaeda terrorist cells inside the kingdom. But he reiterated Saudi Arabia's opposition to any military expansion of the American terrorist campaign to other countries. He said an American military operation to overthrow President Saddam Hussein of Iraq "is not going to damage Saddam Hussein," adding: "It will only give Saddam more credit. Perhaps someone is telling you you will finish off Saddam. No, Saddam will be waiting for you." ... "Some days you say you want to attack Iraq, some days Somalia, some days Lebanon, some days Syria," he said. "Who do you want to attack? All the Arab world? And you want us to support that? It's impossible. It's impossible."
1/28/2002 from Reuters and AP: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20020128/wl/attack_china_iraq_dc_1.html China Tells Iraq Opposed to Widening War on Terror Monday January 28 4:28 AM ET BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen told Iraqi counterpart Tareq Aziz on Monday China does not support the expansion of military action in the war on terrorism, the official Xinhua news agency reported. ... Aziz, who arrived in China on Sunday after a trip to Russia where he sought support in Iraq's confrontation with the United States, called on China for help in resolving Iraq's problems. ... Following talks with Aziz on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said Moscow was opposed to any U.S. military operation against Iraq and it wanted sanctions against Baghdad to be lifted. Qian said China ``sympathized deeply with the Iraqi suffering caused by the long standing sanctions,'' Xinhua said. ...
1/28/2002 From AP at The Jerusalem Post:
www.jpost.com/Editions/2002/01/28/LatestNews/LatestNews.42439.html China criticizes IDF attacks, economic blockade By Joe Mcdonald, The Associated Press Monday January 28, 2002 BEIJING - Chinese President Jiang Zemin has sent Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat a letter of support that criticizes Israel's military attacks and economic blockade against Palestinian territories, state media said today. ... "We oppose Israel's military attacks on the Palestinians, the economic blockade, and conduct jeopardizing the lives, property, and safety of ordinary Palestinians," said Jiang's letter, according to the Communist Party newspaper People's Daily. ... While publicly endorsing Palestinian hopes for an independent homeland, China has maintained diplomatic relations with Israel for a decade. Their growing business ties include Israeli arms sales to China. But Israeli officials say relations have been strained since Jerusalem canceled a deal to supply an airborne radar system to China in 2000 under US pressure. Washington feared it might be used in a future conflict over Taiwan.
Jiang's message to Arafat coincides with a flurry of Chinese diplomatic activity with Arab governments. Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan visited the Middle East last month on a tour that included Syria and Egypt but not Israel. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak visited Beijing last week and received prominent coverage from Chinese state media. Arafat visited China in August, and Jiang told him the Chinese people would "always stand on the side of the Palestinians' just cause." ...
1/29/2002 from Reuters: dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20020129/ts/bush_speech_dc_4.html Bush Will Stress Terror War Just Starting By Steve Holland Tuesday January 29 5:02 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush will stress in his
State of the Union speech on Tuesday that America's war on terrorism is only just beginning with tens of thousands of trained followers of Osama bin Laden spread around the world, aides said. In his nationally televised speech from the House of Representatives chamber, Bush will identify Iraq, Iran and North Korea as attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction and warn of the possibility that they could blackmail the United States with nuclear weapons in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, aides said. ... Bush's first official State of the Union speech at 9:01 p.m. EST will be his biggest speech of the new year. His wartime popularity is more than 80 percent, a record high for a one-year president, but his future is clouded by an economy in recession and the possibility of Enron evolving into a political scandal. ... The president will cite new intelligence that shows 100,000 followers of bin Laden, the elusive chief suspect in the Sept. 11 attacks, were trained in terrorism tactics in Afghanistan and are spread throughout more than 60 nations. ... Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai will be in the audience, underscoring successes in the U.S.-led war on global terrorism launched in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. But Bush also will make clear that the fight is far from over and will extend well beyond Afghanistan's borders. ...
At The Washington Post: Thursday, January 31, 2002; Page A01
At Camp David, Advise and Dissent By Bob Woodward and Dan Balz
Bush, Aides Grapple With War Plan (Fifth in a series)
Saturday, September 15
CIA Director George J. Tenet arrived at Camp David with a briefcase stuffed with top-secret documents and plans, in many respects the culmination of more than four years of work on Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda network and worldwide terrorism. ... Tenet brought with him a detailed master plan for covert war in Afghanistan and a top- secret "Worldwide Attack Matrix" outlining a clandestine anti-terror campaign in 80 countries around the world. What he was ready to propose represented a striking and risky departure for U.S. policy and would give the CIA the broadest and most lethal authority in its history. Another option discussed by Bush's advisers during the week-a military campaign against Iraq-also would be considered at Camp David. But at a key moment, when asked by Bush, four of his five top advisers would recommend that Iraq not be included in an initial round of military strikes. ... Bush had recorded his weekly radio address from the same cabin earlier in the day, and conferred with Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. At 9:19 a.m. he invited reporters into the conference room for a few questions. He was pointing toward war but deliberately circumspect about what he intended to do-and when. "This is an administration that will not talk about how we gather intelligence, how we know what we're going to do, nor what our plans are," he said. "When we move, we will communicate with you in an appropriate manner. We're at war." ...
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