Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
8/2/2001 from AP and Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010802/pl/gephardt_foreign_policy_1.html Gephardt Assails Bush Foreign Policy By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Thursday August 2 11:53 AM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - One-time presidential aspirant Rep. Richard Gephardt, leader of the House's 210 Democrats, assailed President Bush's foreign policy Wednesday as one that worries allies in Europe and tries to dictate missile-defense terms to Russia. ... http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010802/pl/bush_foreign_gephardt_dc_1.html Gephardt Blasts Bush 'Go-It-Alone' Policies By Carol Giacomo, Diplomatic Correspondent Thursday August 2 1:39 PM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House Democratic leader Richard Gephardt accused President Bush on Thursday of a ``go-it-alone'' approach to world affairs that has worried allies, presented Russia with unwise ``ultimatums'' and ultimately may imperil U.S. security. Speaking to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Gephardt outlined a strategic framework for dealing with Russia and emphasized the need for an engaged and collaborative approach to international problems with allies and other countries. Gephardt, who recently returned from a trip to Europe and Russia, said he would work to build a bipartisan majority in the U.S. Congress that would block deployment of a missile defense system that might violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and would look favorably on Russia's eventual membership in NATO. ...
8/2/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010802/pl/us_russia_1.html Rice Aims for New Russia Framework By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer Thursday August 2 6:11 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration will try to work out a new strategic framework with Russia that could include joint military exercises and sharing of missile technology - provided Russia stops assisting Iran and North Korea, White House National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Thursday. ... ``We've set up intensive consultations,'' said Rice, who held her own talks in Moscow after the Bush-Putin meeting. ``We believe there is a new strategic framework out there that permits missile defenses and involves offensive reductions.'' ... A new relationship, she said, could include the United States and Russia sharing defense plans ``so they see what the other side is doing,'' joint warning exercises and sharing missile data, including permission for Russia to purchase American equipment. ...
8/4/2001 from AP, BBC, Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010804/wl/russia_nkorea_kim_16.html Russia, N. Korea Leaders Renew Ties By PAUL SHIN, Associated Press Writer Saturday August 4 2:33 PM ET MOSCOW (AP) - In an eerie echo of the Cold War, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and Russian President Vladimir Putin embraced in the Kremlin on Saturday, pledged to renew strategic ties and denounced the United States for its missile defense program. At the end of summit talks, the two leaders signed a manifesto calling for close consultations on global issues and bilateral economic cooperation. ...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1473000/1473280.stm Kremlin declaration denies missile threat
Saturday, 4 August, 2001, 11:40 GMT 12:40 UK Russia and North Korea have signed a joint declaration which states that Pyongyang's missile programme is not a threat to countries which respect North Korean sovereignty. ... A Kremlin spokesman also said that Pyongyang had confirmed its intention to observe a moratorium on missile testing until 2003. ...
news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/monitoring/media_reports/newsid_1473000/1473620.stm Russian-North Korean Declaration: Excerpts
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010804/wl/russia_korea_north_dc_18.html N.Korea Seeks to Calm Missile Fears in Moscow By Daniel Mclaughlin
8/20/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/20/international/20ARMS.html Global Arms Sales Rise Again, and the U.S. Leads the Pack By THOM SHANKER August 20, 2001 WASHINGTON, Aug. 18 - International arms sales grew 8 percent last year, to nearly $36.9 billion, with the United States further consolidating its stature as the supplier of choice, especially in developing countries, according to a new Congressional report. American manufacturers signed contracts for just under $18.6 billion, or about half of all weapons sold on the world market during 2000, with 68 percent of the American weapons bought by developing countries. Russia followed, with $7.7 billion in sales, then France
with $4.1 billion, Germany with $1.1 billion, Britain with $600 million, China with $400 million and Italy with $100 million. ...
8/21/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/21/international/21NUKE.html U.S. Balks on Plan to Take Plutonium Out of Warheads By MATTHEW L. WALD WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 - A program conceived by the Clinton administration to rid the world of 100 tons of American and Russian weapons-grade plutonium is likely to be abandoned by the Bush administration, according to people who have been briefed about the project. Under the plan, which was first proposed in the mid-90's, 50 tons of American plutonium and 50 tons of Russian plutonium would be taken out of nuclear weapons and either converted into fuel for nuclear reactors or rendered useless for weapons by mixing it with with highly radioactive nuclear waste, a process known as immobilization. When the plan was drafted, Clinton administration officials said the program would reduce the risk that the plutonium would fall into the wrong hands, where it could easily be turned into weapons. By reducing the availability of weapons-grade plutonium, the project had the added benefit of bolstering treaties between the United States and Russia to cut the number of nuclear warheads deployed by each side, by making it harder to turn plutonium from decommissioned weapons back into warheads. ... Early this year the Energy Department predicted a cost of $6.6 billion, about triple the initial estimates, to convert the American stocks to fuel for civilian nuclear reactors. It put Russia's cost at $1.76 billion, which is money Russia does not have. ...
8/22/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/22/international/22MISS.html U.S. Sets Deadline for Settlement of ABM Argument By PATRICK E. TYLER August 22, 2001
MOSCOW, Aug. 21 - A senior Bush administration official said today that the United States had given Russia an unofficial deadline of November to agree to changes in the Antiballistic Missile Treaty or face a unilateral American withdrawal from the arms control accord. Speaking in an interview on Russian radio that will be aired on Wednesday evening, the official, John R. Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, said after two days of talks with Russian officials that the United States plans to resolve its strategy for withdrawing from the treaty before Russia's president, Vladimir V. Putin, visits Mr. Bush this fall. ...
8/23/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/23/politics/23CHIE.html Bush Is Said to Pick General in Air Force to Lead Military By FRANK BRUNI August 23, 2001
CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 22 - Administration officials said today that they expected President Bush to nominate Gen. Richard B. Myers, a former head of the Air Force's space command, as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ... the nomination of General Myers would signal the commitment that Mr. Bush and Donald H. Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, have toward a space-based missile defense shield. ... Michael O'Hanlon, a military affairs expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington, said General Myers's work with the space command made him an understandable choice "for an administration thinking about military uses of space and missile defense." ...
8/23/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010823/wl/arms_usa_bush_dc_2.html Bush Says U.S. to Quit Arms Pact on 'Our Timetable' By Patricia Wilson Thursday August 23 2:04 PM ET CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush flatly declared on Thursday that the United States would withdraw ``on our timetable'' from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, a long-standing cornerstone of arms control. In one of his most explicit statements on the issue, Bush told reporters the accord hampered U.S. ability to keep the peace because it prohibited deployment of a missile defense shield. He said he had made that clear to Russian President Vladimir Putin. ``We will withdraw from the ABM treaty on our timetable,'' Bush said. ``I have no specific timetable in mind.'' ...
8/23/2001 from The Moscow Times: http://www.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2001/08/23/009.html Keep Deterrence By Pavel Felgenhauer Thursday, Aug. 23, 2001. Page 6 " ... Rumsfeld also told reporters that he did not come to Moscow to "bargain" and that Washington is not offering Moscow anything for a tacit agreement to allow
the United States to build a limited missile defense shield. American strategic offensive nuclear weapons will be cut back anyway - no matter what Russia says or does - and there will be no treaties whatsoever to control how many nukes the Unite States will have. ... The Russian military and most of the elite see the West as the worst potential military threat to this nation. Nuclear deterrence is seen as the best way to constrain the threat, while the balance is stabilized by arms control treaties. Hardly any Russian leader (even Putin) can today risk even tacitly supporting U.S. attempts to scrap arms control."
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