Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
8/13/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010813/14/int-rumsfeld-russia Russia Rejects ABM Withdrawal
By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated: Mon, Aug 13 2:11 PM EDT MOSCOW (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin stood firm Monday against American determination to abandon the landmark 1972 treaty banning national missile defenses. And while Putin expressed hope for a new deal on nuclear arms cuts, his government made clear that it expects detailed, potentially lengthy negotiations, which President Bush is determined to avoid. In remarks to reporters before meeting with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, Putin said Russia has not changed its view that the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty should be preserved, even if amended. …
8/13/2001 from ABC News: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/abc/20010813/wl/china010813_spyplane_1.html China Refuses U.S. Spy Plane Payment By ABCNEWS.com
8/14/2001 space.com and ap: http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/launches/satellite_orbits_010809.html U.S. Spy Satellites Stray From Their Orbits, Analyst Says
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010806/sc/rocket_launch_1.html Air Force Launches Titan Rocket Monday August 6 5:11 AM ET CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - The Air Force launched a Titan IV rocket Monday carrying a satellite designed to provide early warning of missile launches and nuclear explosions. ... This is the 21st satellite of its kind launched by the Air Force. The DSP system has been a cornerstone of U.S. efforts to monitor missile launches over the past three decades, and would be integral to the operation of the national missile defense system being pushed by President Bush, said Air Force Col. Charles Cornell, deputy system program director. ...
8/14/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010814/wl/koreas_anniversary_3.html Koreas Mark 1945 Victory Separately By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA, Associated Press Writer Tuesday August 14 12:25 PM ET SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - A year ago, Aug. 15 was a truly Korean national holiday: the leaders of the two Koreas talked peace and reconciliation and groups of old Koreans in Seoul and Pyongyang crossed the border for tearful family reunions after decades apart. The mood is hardly celebratory in Seoul this year. No show of solidarity is planned for Wednesday, the anniversary of Korea's 1945 liberation from Japanese colonial rule. Instead, students filled downtown Seoul streets Tuesday with anti-U.S. slogans, blaming the renewed chill on the divided Korean peninsula on the Bush administration and its plan for a missile defense system. North Korea, along with Russia and China, oppose the plan. ...
8/15/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010815/us/un_cash_crunch_1.html Unpaid Dues Cause U.N. Cash Crunch By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United Nations is facing a summer cash crunch because of unpaid dues - mainly from the United States, which owes $463 million. ...its (US) unpaid dues account for 64 percent of the money owed to the United Nations. ...The $463 million in unpaid U.S. dues to the current budget is distinct from $582 million in back dues that Washington had owed the United Nations since the mid-1990s. That payment has not yet received full approval from Congress. ...
8/16/2001 from ABC News: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/abc/20010816/pl/budget010816_1.html Bush Rejiggers Accounting Practices By Carter M. Yang ABCNEWS.com Thursday August 16 06:13 PM EDT " ... Under the change, $4.3 billion in tax revenues that would have normally been earmarked for the retirement program's trust fund will be counted as part of the federal budget surplus, allowing the government to spend the money while avoiding the appearance of raiding Social Security funds. "They realized that if we stuck with the conventional accounting practice, the numbers would reveal that we were dipping into the Social Security trust fund surplus to pay for other government activities," said Robert Reischauer, president of the nonpartisan Urban Institute. .... "
8/16/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010816/sc/space_satellites_dc_1.html U.S., China, G7 Countries Flout Satellite Registry By Christopher Noble Thursday August 16 1:21 PM ET BOSTON (Reuters) - The United States, China and most other major nations with satellites in space have failed to register all of them -- a violation of a Cold War-era U.N. convention intended to keep the arms race from moving into orbit, a Harvard University astronomer (Jonathan McDowell) said. ... The 1975 Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space obligates countries to keep a registry of what they launch and file it with the United Nations. The United Nations first passed a resolution to keep track of space objects in 1961 and Washington and Moscow started registering satellites in 1962 as the space race heated up. The 1975 convention is an offshoot of the first resolution and created the registry for the objects. ... At present, the United States is the worst offender in terms of raw numbers, having failed to register 141 of the 2,000 satellite payloads launched since the start of the space age, McDowell said. Of those, he estimated seven were military or spy satellites that Washington deliberately did not register. Other countries such as China, Germany, France, Italy and Britain (and Japan and Canada) have failed to register a higher percentage of their payloads, McDowell said. Only the Russian Federation is in full compliance, as was the Soviet Union, which registered all its space
objects from 1970, McDowell said. ...
8/19/2001 from the San Francisco Chronicle: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/08/12/ED213628.DTL ON MISSILE DEFENSE A pattern of deception Sunday, August 12, 2001 " ... It's time for the American people to understand what's at stake. The development of a missile defense system violates the 1972 ABM Treaty, which outlawed missile defense systems. If the United States prepares to launch space-based weapons, it will also violate the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that banned the militarization of space. We also need to shed the illusion that there is such a thing as a perfect defense. Someone, someday, will inevitably find a way to pierce supposedly impenetrable defenses. This debate is not just about whether it is possible to protect Americans from incoming missiles. It is about the desirability of transforming the military into a space-based fighting force and deploying weapons in outer space. This may sound like science fiction, but it is what's passing as serious military policy in the Bush White House."
8/30/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010830/10/us-army-asia Army Shifting Equipment to Asia By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated: Thu, Aug 30 10:14 AM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) - The Army intends to move some combat weaponry and equipment stored in Europe to areas in Asia, reflecting the Bush administration's broader shift in strategic focus, the Army's top official said Thursday. Army Secretary Thomas White told a group of reporters that weaponry and equipment stored in Germany and Italy for use by troop reinforcements in the event of war will be moved to Asia. No troops would be moved with the equipment, he said. ...
8/30/2001 from CNN (Reuters) and The Washington Post:
http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/08/29/missile.defense/index.html Scientist: Missiles intercepted by U.S. could fall elsewhere August 30, 2001 Posted: 11:16 AM EDT (1516 GMT) LONDON, England (Reuters) -- President Bush's proposed missile shield may protect American cities from attack, but the intercepted missiles could fall on Canada and European countries, according to New Scientist magazine. ...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/opinion/A10827-2001Aug28.html The Pentagon And the Professor By Geoffrey Forden Wednesday, August 29, 2001; Page A21
8/30/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010830/sc/arms_missile_un_dc_2.html Keep Space Weapons-Free, UN Urges By Michael Christie Thursday August 30 4:05 AM ET SYDNEY (Reuters) - The United Nations on Thursday urged President Bush to keep his plans for a missile shield down on earth and to preserve outer space for peace. ``Hitherto outer space has been militarized we concede but not weaponized. There has been no placement of weapons in outer space,'' said U.N. Under-Secretary General for disarmament affairs Jayantha Dhanapala in an interview. ``I believe it is vitally important that we should preserve outer space for peaceful purposes and the development of missile defenses should in no way violate the present non-weaponized state of outer space,'' Dhanapala told Reuters in Sydney. ...
9/1/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/02/international/02CHIN.html White House to Let China Build Up Its Nuclear Fleet By DAVID E. SANGER September 2, 2001 WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 - The Bush administration, seeking to overcome Chinese objections to its missile defense program, intends to tell Chinese officials that it has no objections to the country's plans to build up its relatively small fleet of nuclear missiles capable of striking the United States, according to senior administration officials. One senior official said that, in the future, the United States and China may discuss resuming underground nuclear tests if they are needed to assure the safety and reliability of their arsenals. Such a move, however, might also allow China to improve the quality of its nuclear warheads and lead to the end of a worldwide moratorium on nuclear testing. ...
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/02/international/asia/02DIPL.html U.S. Imposes Sanctions on China Arms Maker By JANE PERLEZ September 2, 2001 WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 - The Bush administration imposed trade sanctions today on a major Chinese arms manufacturer after failing to persuade the Chinese government to stop exports of missile technology to Pakistan. ... President Bush is scheduled to visit China for the first time in October, and preparations are underway by both sides to make the trip as smooth and friendly as possible. Sanctions were also being placed on the organization in Pakistan, the National Development Complex, that received the Chinese technology. As the administration has tried to deal with the Chinese sales of weapons technology in the last few months, it was also been debating whether to suspend issuing licenses for American telecommunication companies that place their satellites on Chinese rockets. ...
9/2/2001 from The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A26955-2001Aug31.html Kremlin Raises Doubts About Texas Summit Plan By Sharon LaFraniere, Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, September 1, 2001; Page A23 MOSCOW, Aug. 31 -- The Kremlin hinted today that Russian President Vladimir Putin might not meet President Bush at his Texas ranch for a planned November summit on missile defense and other issues. ...
9/2/2001 from The Boston Globe:
http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/245/nation/ABM_tests_mostly_miss_real_issues_analysts_say+.shtml ABM tests mostly miss real issues, analysts say Tracking capabilities have lagged for decades By Fred Kaplan, Globe Staff, 9/2/2001
9/2/2001 from Space.com: http://www.space.com/news/military_space_010829-1.html U.S Air Force and NASA Work Closer on Strategic Space Control By Leonard David, Senior Space Writer posted: 03:55 pm ET 29 August 2001 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO -- The United States Air Force and NASA are beefing up their cooperative efforts to develop reusable launch vehicle technologies in an effort to assure the American military's dominance and control of space for national security purposes. ...
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