UFOs and the Bible:
At night
sometimes you can see craft in the sky that have no
sequence to the lights they use, some sort of craft with
colored lights that shine with no fixed pattern and
which make no noise. And if you recognize each other,
they may dance for you and show you wondrous things. It
could be something very unusual. I have tried many times
to make out their shape against the dark background, but
they also seem to have some haze or something about
them. Yet the craft's lights shine clearly and seem to
make a completely circular ring around its lower half. I
think that possibly they can do just about anything with
light and gravity, more than we might be able to
And when seeking to spot UFOs at
night, since they scan your brainwaves and read your
mind as they appear, maybe it is best not to think at
all but to keep an open mind with a sense of awe and
wonder. But be attentive - looking, listening, and
feeling. And if you think at all, let your thoughts be
good. I don't think they want to know the garbage in
most people's minds. What you need is great patience.
I've been watching and waiting for many years. Most
"aliens" though can probably suggest telepathically that
your own desperate minds believe anything when faced
with those situations, unless you are prepared to accept
the truth. Or, your mind itself can try to defend its
beliefs by tricking you and passing it off as nothing.
You should really look into those things. I don't really
think their appearances were meant to frighten us.
I call upon "them" myself. Perhaps that's why I
see so many. Those who are more open to it would receive
the visitations much more easily. And if you never look
into the sky, it's doubtful that you will ever see one.
Maybe you should take some time off from your "mundane
world" every now and then, and have a look... And, just
because they haven't chosen to contact or reveal
themselves to you personally yet, it doesn't mean that
they haven't been here for ages or that they don't
exist. I am very intrigued by my extraterrestrial visits
and I want to know more about our visitors. I'm also
sorry that I'm spending so much time here on the
internet, and not in standing meditation waiting for
them to appear.
"Seek ye the LORD while he may
be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the
wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his
thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will
have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will
abundantly pardon." Isaiah
Apparently they have been watching us
for a long time now, with their civilizations being far
older and much more advanced than ours. And, they seem
to keep a distance from us when they could have
interferred in our doings a long time ago. They also
could contact us anytime they wish, if they so desired.
So far they seem to only be a help to us and have not
done any harm that I know of. But I wasn't even
remembering the example made of Sodom and Gomorrah as
explained in Genesis 19.
Maybe they are here now
to help us keep from destroying ourselves. The threat to
the environment is great, and biospheric and atmospheric
lose cannot be corrected easily. Overpopulation is a
great burden. But, the greatest threat is still nuclear
From: XXXX Aug-10 12:43 pm To:
ALL (1 of 2) 77.1 next where is the best place to
get the scoop on who are the elohim and where are they
from? i've read sitchin - some big clues there - where
else? are they from orion? who is Yehweh? from where?
From: BlueHummingbird (BLUEHUMM)
Aug-10 7:23 pm To: XXXX unread (2 of 2) 77.2 in reply to
77.1 prev These names are from the Hebrew Bible.
"Yahweh" is the Lord God. I think "Elohim" means the
godhead or trinity - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
But that word also might refer to the entire family of
God including angels. Angels are messengers to the God
and from the God to us. "Yahweh" is based on the holy
name we use for the Lord God. It is taken from the four
letters in Hebrew of Y H W H, called the Tetragrammaton.
In the Hebrew only the consonants were used, leading me
to think that the name might have even had four
syllables in it. "Yahweh" is spirit. He is the Creator
of all - through His Word, "Jesus", "Yeshou",
"Yi-Shao"?, whom John says became flesh and dwelt
among us. Prophecy does suggest a war in heaven between
the angels, and that Satan (the adversary) will come to
earth then and rule for a short time. I can't really say
what these visions mean. And though there are many other
dire prophecies, I try to keep a positive outlook. But,
it is hard. I hope for peace, and that the earth will
live on. And in reply to another question, I don't know
of any accounts of physical battles between YHWH and
Baal. But, there are many battles in which He was
involved in the history of Israel. (Once, there was a
warrior who fought as the champion of Israel with
Joshua.) Joshua 5:13-15 "..captain of the host of the
The "angels" of the Bible have always
been considered extraterrestrial in nature. It might not
have been until some depictions in paintings thousands
of years ago that people thought of them as babies with
tiny wings, the symbol of the wings meaning that they
could fly. I know that angels are certainly spiritual
beings (as are we all), and are said to be superior to
mankind. There are also angels who are only spirit. They are all
called messengers of God, and many of
them are also called the "host" or army of the God.
"... and the angels of God met him. And when
Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host
..." Genesis 32 Starting at verse 24, it says that
Jacob wrestled with an angel that named him
"The chariots of God are twenty thousand,
even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in
Sinai, in the holy place...O sing praises unto the Lord:
Selah: To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens,
which were of old: ..." Psalms 68:17,32,33
and their appearance and their work was as it were a
wheel in the middle of a wheel. ..." Ezekiel
As to the "Star": A star could signify just
about any astral-type object to them back then. A MOVING
star led the Magi to the baby Jesus. I think it was the
planet Venus that was also called the "morning star".
And consider today what are called "falling stars". At
night any object in the sky might look "astral". I know
many people think that these are only myths.
reply to your question of who was that angel on the
Mount of Olives with Jesus: That angel might have been
the archangel named Michael, since in Matthew 26:53
Jesus said he had a small host to call upon (over 12,000
angels?). He also had a choice there in the Garden of
Gethsemane. He prayed that God's will be done.
"Explain This:" Luke 4:28-32
replies to another's questions:) 1) Well, if angels
are from earth, why don't we go find them and talk to
them? Angels were often said to have come from "heaven"
or the skies. Extraterrestrial would be any thing not
from earth. 2) The Bible said we were made in God's
image. Might not the angels be also? Some people have
said our own genes have been changed to make us more
like ETs. 3) Other and parallel dimensions are
probably above our ability to discuss scientifically
here, being beyond our current level of understanding.
4) I never said Jesus was an ET, though I admit it's
possible he was half extraterrestrial since his
biological father was said to be God. Matthew 1:18-21
"For the bread of God is he which cometh down
from heaven, and giveth life unto the world." John 6:33
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world..."
John 18:36 also "...I am from above..." see John
In the first chapter of Acts - Jesus was
seen by his disciples for forty days after his
resurrection and at his departure it is written:
"When they therefore were come together, they asked
him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again
the kingdom of Israel? And he said unto them, It is not
for you to know the times or the seasons, which the
Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive
power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in
all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part
of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while
they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him
out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly
toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by
them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of
Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same
Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so
come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."
Acts 1:6-11 KJV
And again in the book of John,
when Jesus called Nathanael to follow him, he said,
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see
heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and
descending upon the son of man." John 1:31 - If aliens
(extraterrestrials) exist and are visiting the earth
(and I know they do), and if Jesus was the Son of God
(which I know he is), might they not be likely to know
about each other? Jesus is the Lord over the angels of
God too. They must know him well.
"And Jesus came
and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me
in heaven and in earth." Matt 28:18
"And the
Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth
say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And
whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
... He which testifieth these things saith, surely I
come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Rev
22:17&20KJV "...Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done, as in heaven, so in earth..." Luke 11:2KJV
"Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man
cometh at an hour when ye think not." Luke 12:40
In the book of Daniel (4:13): "I saw in the
visions of my head upon my bed, and behold, a watcher
and a holy one came down from heaven..." - To whom does
this refer? What is this watcher and holy one?
Perhaps the answer lies more in man's
perception of the God through time, and how God has to
deal with us. Which of us can truly know God? For He is
more powerful than we can possibly imagine.
Maybe I should say also that I don't subscribe
to the theory that the Lord God created an evil world
(or universe for that matter). I believe He made a
mostly good earth that is to be enjoyed, and not
enslaved, abused and misused, or taken for granted.
There is plenty of evil in this world. But, people who
see only evil might be seeing only their own evil
within. They might even call it "self-righteousness" and
won't see it in themselves. Their own "self-importance"
leads them astray. "He hath showed thee, O man, what is
good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do
justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
God?" Micah 6:8 KJV - The difference in good and evil
may be measured by something called "intent." If not
intent, then it might be ignorance, stupidity, and/or
negligence. The results can be the same.
I'm definitely not saying that all
extraterrestrials are servants of God. I don't presume
that, but it's probable there are many more
extraterrestrial servants of the God than human servants
of God. Scripture suggests that God only has the loyalty
of two thirds of the angels.
"And he saith unto
me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the
marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These
are the true sayings of God. And I fell at his feet
to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not:
I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have
the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony
of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Rev 19:9&10
Stealth Craft: I know it was probably
around a half a year before the "Gulf War", that I'm
pretty sure that I saw a prototype small stealth fighter
aircraft tested in practise at night in the skies above
my house. You could hear this one, like the sound of
retrorockets burning (or rushing air), but I saw no glow
from them. It could move very slowly that way. Maybe
they sent these stealth craft to many bases in the US. I
think that ETs really have no need to use retrorockets,
and this one was shaped triangularly like the stealth
fighters. It only had one or two small lights lit, but I
only saw the underside closely. Just a few minutes
before it nearly hovered about 100 feet above my house
and made a turn, I had seen it heading from the beach to
downtown escorted by two fighters. It was much faster
than the fighters, and smaller by about half. I had
assumed that it was one of our secret stealth craft, and
I pretended not to notice it. I didn't "feel" like it
was "extraterrestrial". We've had many "black"
helicopters around here too. I know that I have seen
more ufos around in times of global tensions, and I
think they keep tabs on all our military abilities and
technology. But also, I don't think ETs like us talking
about them much anyway, since we don't know what to say.
I've resolved to only treat them with love and respect
At Space.com:
(10/27/02) Most people who discuss ETs completely
ignore the fact or possibility that they are also
spiritual beings as we ourselves are, and that they are
usually on a higher level of spirituality and spiritual
knowledge of the one true Creator God and all His works.
Not only are some ETs "real corporeal beings," that they
may also be called gods or sons of God with accuracy is
completely ignored by many. (In the Bible I think they
prefer to be called "servants of the Living God.")
But, it's also true that there are many demonic spirits about our world too.
And even the Bible itself is filtered through our ability as mere
human beings to understand with our minds and spirits
certain truths about our place in the creation. How
people accept and comprehend those words is just as
important to their understanding as the description made
by those words is.
Reply to seeker48:
(10/29/02) I've never claimed to be smart or
well-educated here. But, I would contend that life
itself is magical and miraculous. If you miss that
essence of life, you won't enjoy the real purpose of
being and your spiritual welfare. You don't need to tell
me what I must think, and not everybody holds the same
views on what the Bible says as I do. It would help if
you actually read it. I find almost all of what I know
from first-hand experience. I may not be able to prove
it to anyone, and they may not care. But then why should
I care either if no one wants to know. Spirit is the
essence of our being. The physical is the manifestation
of creation of the Supreme Creator according to His
plan. It seems to me that there are three realms that
mankind lives in - spirit, the physical body, and mental
perceptions - all woven together. It is the spirit that
gives the power of life to the others - the body and
mind. Modern scientific man has belittled, ignored and
forgotten his true being in the spirit realm. Science
has been unable to explain anything about it. Modern man
seems more interested in dealing death and destruction
than knowing life and peace. It doesn't have to be
superstitious or unknowledgeable to believe in the power
and authority of a Supreme and benign Creator. The Bible
said He made all things for His pleasure and purpose
according to His wisdom, and I won't deny that. I
believe, but that doesn't mean I'd try to force my
beliefs on anyone. Just letting you or others know what
my opinions are is more than plenty for me to desire to
say. The Almighty is the one who does it all, choosing
whom He may and revealing Himself to whomever He so
chooses. I feel lucky to know these things, what little
I do know. And I really don't care much how He chooses
or what He chooses in His wisdom, except that I would
hope for good and not evil. He has shown the way through
His word and He sent our Savior; it is up to us to
follow that wisdom. It is our own fault on pain of
sorrow to ignore the truths He states, even if it seems
that evil is now triumphant. He is much wiser than I am.
I probably wouldn't have chosen to make my life in this
world the way it is. But, I think changes are coming
soon to this world. And my hope rests in Him. It seems
my views, and your views, and others' views of reality
are very different.
I should amend this and say
that I do care about the how, what, and why of things,
but that I'm just happy that good things happen and that
His goodness becomes known. I try also to accept and
learn from bad experiences as well. But I would guess
that many things are also beyond my comprehension, and I
believe that it is by trust and faith that we can find
grace and mercy and acceptance in His presence. Many
times I have considered myself an idiot, only not as
much of one as most other people. :^) The truth is a
better foundation than a lie for any undertaking. A liar
by definition does not tell the truth all that much.
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