BlueHummingbird, News
Bush v. Saddam
(Us and Them)
At Yahoo Message Boards: Story: July 29, 2002
U.S. Exploring Baghdad Strike as Iraq Option
This story is the bait
by: aloneranger26 (50/M/Jacksonville, FL) 07/30/02 05:59 am
Msg: 1572 of 1615 1 recommendation
Bush has already stated that he is willing to use nuclear weapons in a preemptive first strike. This is the cue for all you right-wing nutcases to start yelling, Nuke Saddam! Nuke Baghdad! Nuke Iraq! Only problem is that I think Bush might just do that.
At Unknown Country: Notes from the Edge:
BlueHummingbird: Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 11:12 am:
The way things are going, I think Bush is gonna nuke Baghdad pretty soon.
Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - 2:05 am:
The use of nuclear weapons is almost unthinkable to me and I hope it doesn't happen. But, it's almost certain that those types of weapons will be used, some time, somewhere. And, Bush has stated that he is not averse to using them in order to preempt a perceived threat. I'm not saying there is reason and sanity involved in all this. In my mind, it's not an option to be lightly considered. The consequences would be frightening to anyone, I would think.
Posted on Friday, August 02, 2002 - 5:40 am:
an old article from AP: Tuesday December 18, 2001 7:26 PM ET
http://dailynews.yah oo.com/h/ap/20011218 /pl/mini_nukes_1.htm l
Officials Back Low-Yield Nuke Strike By H. JOSEF HEBERT
"WASHINGTON (AP)- A low-yield nuclear strike may be the best way to destroy underground stockpiles of chemical and biological agents, Defense officials said in a report to Congress. The report concludes that it would be impossible for conventional weapons to destroy the most deeply buried facilities of a terrorist group or hostile state that contain chemical or biological weapons, and that a low-yield nuclear device could do the job. But the United States has no ``bunker-busting'' nuclear warhead that can penetrate deep enough and with enough accuracy to destroy such an enemy stockpile. And since 1994, the government has been barred by Congress from development of any new nuclear warhead. Despite the ban, the report shows that the administration views a nuclear strike as ``an intrinsic part'' of dealing with deeply entombed enemy targets and ``is essentially doing all the preparation'' for future full-scale research and development program for a new mini-nuclear warhead, said Martin Butcher, director of security programs at the Physicians for Social Responsibility. This kind of warhead, even at low yields, is ``the dirtiest kind of all. It's highly radioactive,'' said Butcher, whose group as been a leading voice in the nuclear nonproliferation debate. It sends ``the wrong signals'' and will add to the risk of nuclear proliferation. The report sent to key committees in Congress by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in October provides a general outline of U.S. capabilities for dealing with what defense officials believe is a growing gap in U.S. military response: The ability to attack deeply buried, hardened enemy targets that are suspected of housing weapons of mass destruction. ...A copy of the report was distributed by Nuclear Watch of New Mexico, based in Santa Fe, on its web site. ... www.nukewatch.org"
Posted on Sunday, August 04, 2002 - 3:54 am:
At Stop Bush's 'Wag the Dog' Invasion of Iraq! Petition:
James Holmes, Jacksonville FL (8/06/02)
I almost expect a "dirty bomb" to go off in the US and blamed on Saddam Hussein. I think Bush is probably going to nuke Baghdad soon.
(08/07/02 I can't find my name on that petition anymore. Maybe it's been deleted. I hope we can live without nuclear war and war throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, but it's not certain that mankind will.)
From the BBC: Saturday, 9 March, 2002, 17:01 GMT
US 'has nuclear hit list'
The Bush administration has reportedly ordered the Pentagon to prepare contingency plans for attacking seven countries with nuclear weapons. Quoting a secret Pentagon report, the Los Angeles Times newspaper names China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria as potential targets. Furthermore, the military have apparently been directed to build smaller nuclear weapons for battlefield use. ... The report clearly referred to nuclear arms as a "tool for fighting a war, rather than deterring them" ...
From The NYT: April 28, 2002
U.S. Blueprint to Topple Hussein Envisions Big Invasion Next Year
WASHINGTON, April 27 - The Bush administration, in
developing a potential approach for toppling President
Saddam Hussein of Iraq, is concentrating its attention on a
major air campaign and ground invasion, with initial
estimates contemplating the use of 70,000 to 250,000
troops. The administration is turning to that approach after
concluding that a coup in Iraq would be unlikely to succeed
and that a proxy battle using local forces there would be
insufficient to bring a change in power. But senior officials now acknowledge that any offensive would probably be delayed until early next year, allowing
time to create the right military, economic and diplomatic
conditions. ...
In his public speeches, President Bush still sounds as
intent as ever about ousting Mr. Hussein, making it clear
that he will not let the Middle East crisis obscure his
goal. ...
In November, Mr. Bush ordered that the government's
Strategic Petroleum Reserve be filled to capacity. ...
From Reuters, Aug 3, 5:52 pm ET
'Nothing's Changed,' Bush Says of U.S. Iraq Policy Randall Mikkelsen
" ... "I'm a patient man. I'll use all of the tools at our disposal" to deal with the threat, Bush said, referring to U.S. charges that Saddam is developing weapons of mass destruction. ... "I can assure you I understand history has called us into action and this country will defend freedom no matter what the cost." Bush accuses Saddam of being a menace to the region and said this week he was "looking at all options, the use of all tools" to deal with the Iraqi leader."
From The Guardian (UK): Wednesday August 7, 2002
By Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Detailed war plan handed to Bush - UN critic says attack decision has been made
From the NYT: August 9, 2002 By ERIC SCHMITT
Hussein Foes Hold U.S. Talks as Capitol Hill Unease Grows
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 — Leaders of Iraqi groups that oppose Saddam Hussein were meeting today with senior administration officials amid growing signs of unease on Capitol Hill over the prospects of war against Iraq.
The opposition leaders conferred with high-level State and Defense Department officials only hours after the House majority leader, Representative Dick Armey, warned that an unprovoked attack against Iraq would violate international law and undermine world support for President Bush's goal of ousting President Hussein.
Mr. Bush said today he has not decided whether to order a military strike against Iraq and has not even given himself a timetable for deciding. "And if I did, I wouldn't tell you or the enemy," Mr. Bush told The Associated Press in a brief interview at his ranch in Crawford, Tex. ..."
From AP: Fri Aug 9,11:17 AM ET
Swedish foreign minister speaks out against Iraq attack
"STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh has warned that a U.S. attack on Iraq could turn Saddam Hussein's enemies into his allies and damage the global fight against terrorism. ... "The United States should not and cannot act unilaterally," Lindh said. "It would lead to rather serious rifts between countries in different parts of the world and that would be serious for the common fight against terrorism." "
From CNN: August 9, 2002 Posted: 1:12 PM EDT (1712 GMT)
Schroeder: We won't strike Iraq
"BERLIN, Germany -- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has ruled out joining in any U.S.-led military action against Iraq, saying the German army is already overstretched. ...
Schroeder's stance has left British Prime Minister Tony Blair as the most probable ally of U.S. President George W. Bush in any strike on Iraq. But Blair is facing opposition at home to any such move, even within his own party.
Leading Pentagon analyst Richard Perle told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper on Friday that he expected Blair to rally to the cause.
"I have no doubt Bush would act alone if necessary. But he will not be alone when the time comes," wrote Perle, head of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, an influential U.S. think tank. ... "
From Reuters: Sat Aug 10,10:20 AM ET
Bush Calls Iraq an 'Enemy Until Proven Otherwise'
By Steve Holland
"WACO, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush on Saturday described Iraq as an "enemy until proven otherwise" but said he had no timetable for deciding whether to use military force to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. ...
In his State of the Union speech at the start of the year Bush described Iraq, Iran and North Korea as an "axis of evil" seeking weapons of mass destruction. In a June 1 speech at the U.S. military academy at West Point, Bush outlined a new U.S. policy of preemptive strikes against emerging threats. ... "
From the NYT: August 11, 2002 By MICHAEL R. GORDON
Iraqi Opposition Gets U.S. Pledge to Oust Hussein for a Democracy
"WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 — Vice President Dick Cheney told Iraqi opposition leaders today that the Bush administration was determined to oust Saddam Hussein from power and replace him with a democratic government, Iraqi resistance leaders said today. ... It suggests that Washington is committed to bring about sweeping changes in Iraq and depose not just Mr. Hussein but the entire ruling structure. ... "
From MSNBC: 08/13/02
Arab states oppose U.S. Iraq strike
"The Arab League said Tuesday that all Arab states are opposed to a U.S. military strike on Iraq ... "
Beyond Baghdad: Expanding Target List By Roy Gutman and John Barry
Washington looks at overhauling the Islamic and Arab world
NEWSWEEK - Aug. 19 issue — While still wrangling over how to overthrow Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, the Bush administration is already looking for other targets. President Bush has called for the ouster of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. Now some in the administration—and allies at D.C. think tanks—are eyeing Iran and even Saudi Arabia. ...
Rice presses case for ousting Saddam
Aug. 15 — Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is an evil man who will wreak havoc on the world if the West does nothing to stop him, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said in an interview broadcast Thursday. ...
From the BBC: Thursday, 15 August, 2002, 11:49 GMT 12:49 UK
Israeli nuclear strike on Iraq 'possible'
From AP: Aug 16, 8:42 AM (ET)
Israel Urges U.S. to Attack Iraq By JASON KEYSER
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel is urging U.S. officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq's Saddam Hussein, an aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday. ...
From the NYT: August 16, 2002
Top Republicans Break With Bush on Iraq Strategy
From AP: Tue Aug 20, 3:25 PM ET
U.S. ambassador criticizes German stand against military campaign to oust Saddam Hussein
Canada May Not Back Attack on Iraq
TORONTO (AP) - Canada is unlikely to join a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq unless proof emerges that Saddam Hussein plans to attack the Western world, Defense Minister John McCallum said.
From Reuters: Wed Aug 21, 1:09 PM ET
Top Republican Rallies Support Against Iraq By Andrew Clark
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prominent U.S. lawmaker Tom DeLay on Wednesday chastised would-be "appeasers" for insufficient zeal in supporting the Bush administration's goal of removing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, underscoring discord within the ranks of the president's own party. Seeking to rally support for a possible U.S. attack on Iraq, DeLay, the No. 3 Republican in the House of Representatives, said critics of military action were guilty of "wishful thinking and appeasement" and war was now inevitable. ...
From Reuters: Thu Aug 22,12:29 PM ET
Former Secretary of State Wary of Iraq Attack
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, part of a Republican faction with reservations about attacking Iraq, said on Thursday he was not convinced that the time was right for military action. ...
The United States would have to use overwhelming force to make sure a military operation succeeds, at a cost of tens of billions of dollars, and would have to stay in Iraq as an occupying force for years to come, he said. ...
Washington's European and Arab allies and friends are almost universally opposed to military action. Even Britain, the European country usually closest to U.S. foreign policy, said on Thursday that its aim in Iraq was to get U.N. weapons inspectors back in. ...
Eagleburger said he would however support Bush wholeheartedly if Bush produced evidence against Saddam. ...
From AP: Fri Aug 23, 2:45 PM ET
Russian defense minister reiterates opposition to Iraq attack,
calls for inspections and more information from United States
From The Washington Post: Monday, August 26, 2002
Bush Aides Say Iraq War Needs No Hill Vote By Mike Allen and Juliet Eilperin
Some See Such Support As Politically Helpful
Lawyers for President Bush have concluded he can launch an attack on Iraq without new approval from Congress, in part because they say permission remains in force from the 1991 resolution giving Bush's father authority to wage war in the Persian Gulf, according to administration officials. ...
From MSNBC: Aug. 26
Cheney fires back at Iraq critics
U.N. weapons inspections would be futile, he says;
‘we must take the battle to the enemy’
Aug. 26 — Rebutting skeptics of a pre-emptive strike on Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that the United States would take whatever action President Bush deemed necessary to prevent Saddam Hussein from using his weapons of mass destruction or sharing them with al-Qaida terrorists. he declared. “We must take the battle to the enemy.” ...
From The NYT: August 28, 2002
Bush Assails Hussein, but Saudis Are Firm in Opposing War By DAVID E. SANGER
CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 27 — President Bush told Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States today that Saddam Hussein was "a menace and a threat" to both his Middle East neighbors and the United States. But after a meeting that lasted several hours, Saudi officials said their position was unchanged — that war was not acceptable and they would not cooperate in any military action. ...
Rumsfeld Says Allies Will Support U.S. on Iraq
Iraq Speech by Cheney Is Criticized by Schröder
From MSNBC: Aug. 28
U.S. stays course on Iraq campaign
Rumsfeld sees U.S. going it alone; Armitage expects allies will be swayed
Aug. 28 — Shrugging off the critics, top U.S. officials have signaled that the United States is prepared to attack Iraq on its own if necessary, although it’s also convinced that allies can be persuaded to back the ouster of Saddam Hussein. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said Wednesday that Washington will make a “compelling case” for striking Iraq after Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned it may not wait for full allied support before launching an attack. ...
On Tuesday, two key Arab allies — Egypt and Saudi Arabia — voiced their objections to U.S. military action against Iraq and on Wednesday, the world’s most-populous countries weighed in with their concerns. ...
From Reuters: Wed Aug 28, 6:07 AM ET
U.S. Keeps War Pressure on Iraq, Says Case Strong By Stuart Grudgings
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said on Wednesday that Washington was confident it could convince skeptical allies to back military action against Iraq, and would be "moving forward" at the right time. ...
Earlier on Wednesday, China reiterated its opposition to the use of force against Iraq, joining a growing list of countries voicing unease with Washington's apparent determination to topple the Baghdad government through military action. ...
Kyodo news agency quoted Taku Yamasaki, secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, as saying Tokyo had a duty as an ally to oppose Washington.
"If the U.S. attacks alone it will produce distrust of the United States throughout the world. As an ally, we should oppose this," he was quoted as saying.
Earlier on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan was quoted by official media as saying that the use of threats or force against Iraq was "unhelpful." India also reiterated its opposition to military action against Iraq. ...
U.S. Threats to Iraq Contested by Friend and Foe
U.S. Wants Saddam Out, with or Without Inspections
From Reuters: Sunday, September 01, 2002
Assad Urges Mideast Unity Against U.S. Threats
From AP and Reuters: Monday, September 02, 2002
Saddam: America hates Iraq because it stops it from controlling world oil
By WAIEL FALEH, Associated Press writer
BAGHDAD, Iraq - President Saddam Hussein gave his own explanation Monday of why the United States was insisting on removing him from power — because Iraq was preventing it from controlling Middle East oil. "America thinks it must control the world," he was quoted as saying to an envoy from Belarus. "America thinks if it controls the oil of the Middle East then it will control the world," ...
U.S. Rejects Iraq Offer on Arms Experts
Mandela 'Appalled' by U.S. Policy on Iraq
From Arab News: 4 September 2002
Gulf states warn of global chaos over war on Iraq
JEDDAH, 3 September — The United States risks plunging the world into chaos by attacking Iraq, Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Yussef ibn Alawi warned yesterday as the Gulf states met to review Washington’s threats to overthrow the Baghdad regime. ...
From AP: Sep 3, 5:37 PM (ET)
U.S. May Offer More Iraq Evidence By PAULINE JELINEK
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration has secret information supporting its claims that Saddam Hussein poses an unacceptable threat to the world and is close to developing nuclear weapons, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said Tuesday. ...
"What the president wants to do, and will do, in his own time, is to provide information he feels is important with respect to any judgment he decides to make" about taking action against Iraq, Rumsfeld said. ...
From The NYT: September 3, 2002
Rumsfeld Doubts Talks With Iraq Will Satisfy U.S. Concerns By DAVID STOUT
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld sought today to dispel rumors of dissension within the Bush administration on what to do about Iraq. At the same time, he was deeply skeptical of any suggestion that America's problems with Saddam Hussein could be resolved at a conference table.
"What's important is what the president says," Mr. Rumsfeld said. "What's important is what he decides." ...
From Reuters: Tue Sep 3,11:00 PM ET
Blair Prepares Britain for War with U.S. on Iraq
From The Washington Post: Wednesday, September 4, 2002; Page A21
Heading for Trouble By James Webb
Do we really want to occupy Iraq for the next 30 years?
Thursday, September 5, 2002; Page A31
The Troubling New Face of America By Jimmy Carter
"Fundamental changes are taking place in the historical policies of the United States with regard to human rights, our role in the community of nations and the Middle East peace process -- largely without definitive debates (except, at times, within the administration). ... there is no current danger to the United States from Baghdad. ... "
From The Guardian (UK): Thursday September 5, 2002
The real goal is the seizure of Saudi oil
From The NYT: September 6, 2002
Congress Now Promises to Hold Weeks of Hearings About Iraq
" ... Neither the timetable presented by the inspectors nor that of Congress, which could spill into the fall election campaign, is likely to satisfy administration officials, who have begun to press their case publicly that the threat presented by Iraq's weapons programs is urgent. White House officials have said that their patience with Congress would not extend much past the current session. With no guarantee that members would return for a lame-duck, post-election session, officials said they expected a resolution of support before adjournment. ... "One thing is for certain — I'm not going to change my view" about the need to remove Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader, he (George W. Bush) said to applause in Louisville, Ky. "And my view is, we cannot let the world's worst leaders blackmail America, threaten America, or hurt America with the world's worst weapons." ... "
From The Washington Post: Saturday, September 7, 2002; Page A01
Disarm Iraq Quickly, Bush to Urge U.N. Failure to Move May Lead to U.S. Action
By Karen DeYoung and Mike Allen
President Bush plans to tell world leaders at the United Nations next week that unless they take quick, unequivocally strong action to disarm Iraq, the United States will be forced to act on its own, senior administration officials said yesterday. ...
White House: Bush misstated report on Iraq
Sept. 7 — Seeking to build a case Saturday that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction, President Bush cited a satellite photograph and a report by the U.N. atomic energy agency as evidence of Iraq’s impending rearmament. But in response to a report by NBC News, a senior administration official acknowledged Saturday night that the U.N. report drew no such conclusion, and a spokesman for the U.N. agency said the photograph had been misinterpreted. ...
Bush officials: First-strike justified
Sept. 8 — After a former U.N. weapons inspector said Sunday that America would be making an “historical mistake” by attacking Iraq, top Bush administration officials used the morning talk shows to argue that the United States would be justified in striking first. ...
From The NYT: September 9, 2002
Bush Officials Say the Time Has Come for Action on Iraq By TODD S. PURDUM
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 — Led by Vice President Dick Cheney, who warned grimly that "time is not on our side," President Bush's top national security officials said nearly in unison today that Saddam Hussein's efforts to build an arsenal of immensely destructive weapons left the United States little choice but to act against Iraq. "There shouldn't be any doubt in anybody's mind that this president is absolutely bound and determined to deal with this threat, and to do whatever is necessary to make certain that we do so," Mr. Cheney said. ... "This problem has to be dealt with one way or another." ...
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard B. Myers, like other officials, took care to say that Mr. Bush had not yet decided on a military attack. But he said on the ABC News program "This Week" that Iraq's military capacity was considerably weaker, and the United States' stronger, than in the gulf war a decade ago. He said there were many ways, besides door-to-door urban fighting with high casualties, that the United States might proceed militarily. "I mean, there are other ways to get the effects we want, and this is probably as much as I ought to say," he said. ...
From The Boston Globe: 9/10/2002
Iraq war hawks have plans to reshape entire Mideast
From the BBC: Wednesday, 11 September, 2002, 11:31 GMT 12:31 UK
US threatens world peace, says Mandela
From The Washington Post: 9/10/02
Democrats Unconvinced On Iraq War
From Reuters: Wed, September 11, 2002 8:48 PM ET
Bush to Challenge UN with High-Stakes Iraq Choice
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Bush will challenge the United Nations on Thursday to a high-stakes choice between taking action to enforce its resolutions on Iraq or risking irrelevance, U.S. officials said. ...
From The White House: September 12, 2002
President's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly
From CBS News: Sep 12, 10:10 pm ET
President Urges World Leaders To Get Tough On Weapons Inspections
From AP: Fri Sep 13, 6:30 PM ET
U.S. says it has evidence Iraq has mobile chemical or biological weapon labs
From Reuters: Sep 14, 4:21 pm ET
Cuba Warns U.S. Attack on Iraq Would Destroy U.N.
Sep 14, 7:01 pm ET
U.S. Ready to Go It Alone on Iraq
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush made clear on Saturday he would act against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein with or without world support, and was said to be ready to strike within four or five months. ...
Bush said the United Nations deserved "another chance to prove its relevance" and "show some backbone," but he added:
"Make no mistake about it, if we (the United States) have to deal with the problem, we'll deal with it." ...
A British newspaper reported that Bush's main foreign ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair, would directly link Saddam to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda group and accuse Iraq of rebuilding germ and chemical warfare plants in a dossier to be published shortly. ...
From the
Sunday Herald - 15 September 2002:
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President
By Neil Mackay
A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.
The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'
The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'.
This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'.
The report describes American armed forces abroad as 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'. The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document written by Wolfowitz and Libby that said the US must 'discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role'. The PNAC report also: ... spotlights China for 'regime change' saying 'it is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia'. ... calls for the creation of 'US Space Forces', to dominate space ...
Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP ... said: 'This is garbage from right-wing think-tanks stuffed with chicken-hawks ... 'This is a blueprint for US world domination -- a new world order of their making. ... '
From The Washington Post: Sunday, September 15, 2002
In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue
From AP: Sep 16, 6:55 PM (ET)
Iraq to Accept Weapons Inspectors By DAFNA LINZER
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Iraq unconditionally accepted the return of U.N. weapons inspectors late Monday, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said. ...
From Reuters: Mon Sep 16, 9:00 PM ET
U.S. Calls Iraq Offer Tactic That Will Fail By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Monday dismissed Iraq's unconditional offer for the return of U.N. weapons inspectors, calling it a tactic that would fail and insisting a U.N. resolution requiring Iraq to disarm was still needed.
White House officials heaped scorn on Iraq's offer, made under world pressure and a threat of U.S. military action, to allow U.N. weapons inspectors back into the country, and urged the Security Council not to be swayed against taking tough action on Iraq.
"This is a tactical step by Iraq in hopes of avoiding strong U.N. Security Council action. As such it is a tactic that will fail. It is time for the Security Council to act," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. ...
From Reuters: Tue Sep 17, 1:47 PM ET
Bush Ignores Iraq Offer, Says U.N. 'Must Act'
From MSNBC: Sept. 18
Bush resolves to tackle Iraq alone
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 — With the United Nations wavering in its support for tough action against Iraq, President Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sent a strong message Wednesday that the United States is resolved to move against Saddam Hussein on its own. After meeting with congressional leaders at the White House, the president said lawmakers had agreed to consider a resolution approving military action against Baghdad. On Capitol Hill, Rumsfeld said the approval must come before the U.N. Security Council votes on a return of arms inspectors to Iraq. ...
From Reuters: Thu Sep 19, 3:12 PM ET
Bush Ready to Go It Alone, Iraq Blasts 'US Lies' By Steve Holland and Evelyn Leopold
WASHINGTON/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - President Bush warned on Thursday the U.N. Security Council must deal with Iraq or the United States and its allies would act alone as Iraq accused Washington of lying to gain control of Middle East oil. To hammer his message home, Bush asked the U.S. Congress to endorse a possible attack against Iraq and the ouster of its leader President Saddam Hussein ... With chief U.N. arms inspector, Hans Blix, expected to meet Iraqi officials on Sept. 30 in Vienna to discuss practical aspects of how inspections will work, Bush was skeptical. "First of all, there are no negotiations to be held with Iraq .. The negotiations are over," Bush said...
From MSNBC: September 19, 2002
Text of Bush’s draft resolution on Iraq Proposal sent to Congress (bottom line):
"The President is authorized to use all means that he determines to be appropriate, including force, in order to enforce the United .Nations Security Council Resolutions referenced above, defend the national security interests of the United States against the threat posed by Iraq, and restore international peace and security in the region."
From MSNBC: Sept. 20, 2002
Bush: U.S. strikes first from now on
" ... “In keeping with our heritage and principles, we do not use our strength to press for unilateral advantage,” it said. ... “While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting pre-emptively against such terrorists to prevent them from doing harm against our people and our country,” ... "
From The White House: Sept. 20, 2002
The National Security Strategy of the USA, 35 page pdf file
From The NYT: Fri Sep 20, 4:39 PM ET
Bush Outlines Doctrine of Striking Foes First By DAVID E. SANGER
" ... It sketches out a far more muscular and sometimes aggressive approach to national security than any since the Reagan era. It includes the discounting of most nonproliferation treaties in favor of a doctrine of "counterproliferation," a reference to everything from missile defense to forcibly dismantling weapons or their components. It declares that the strategies of containment and deterrence staples of American policy since the 1940's are all but dead. ... "
From Reuters: Fri Sep 20, 6:42 PM ET
Bush Plan Seeks Lasting U.S. Military Superiority By Randall Mikkelsen
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should strive for lasting military superiority and defeat terrorism by "destroying the threat before it reaches our borders," the Bush administration said on Friday in a new strategy document. ...
The United States will work with allies to smash terrorist networks and punish states that harbor them, but will act alone "when our interests and unique responsibilities require," ...
The United States will maintain the military dominance it has held since the end of the Cold War, the report said. "Our forces will be strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military buildup in hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United States," it said.
In particular, it cautions China against a military expansion. "In pursuing advanced military capabilities that can threaten its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific region, China is following an outdated path that, in the end, will hamper its own pursuit of national greatness," it said.
Nevertheless, the report portrays Washington's Cold War adversaries Russia and China as diminished threats, and a senior U.S. official said there was now the potential for an era of great-power cooperation rather than rivalry. ...
From AP: Mon Sep 23, 6:41 PM ET
Gore Decries Bush's Iraq War Push By IAN STEWART
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Al Gore harshly criticized President Bush's push for war against Iraq, saying it has hurt the United States' standing and could dangerously undermine the rule of law around the world. "After Sept. 11, we had enormous sympathy, goodwill and support around the world," Gore said Monday. "We've squandered that, and in one year we've replaced that with fear, anxiety and uncertainty, not at what the terrorists are going to do but at what we are going to do." In his first major speech on the Iraq situation, the once and possibly future Democratic presidential candidate accused Bush of abandoning the goal of a world where nations follow laws. "That concept would be displaced by the notion that there is no law but the discretion of the president of the United States," he said. "If other nations assert the same right, then the rule of law will quickly be replaced by the reign of fear," and any nation that perceives itself threatened would feel justified in starting wars, he said. ...
From Reuters: Sep 26, 6:06 pm ET
Bush Team Charges Iraq with Al Qaeda Ties
From Reuters: Thu Oct 3, 7:41 PM ET
Bush Threatens End Run Around Recalcitrant U.N.
By Evelyn Leopold and Randall Mikkelsen
UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush faced hardened resistance in the United Nations on Thursday to a war against Iraq and threatened to lead a coalition against Baghdad if the global body failed to back him. ...
From AP: Mon Oct 7,10:16 PM ET
Bush Calls Saddam 'Murderous Tyrant'
From Reuters: Mon Oct 7,10:13 PM ET
Bush Fears Iraq Would Hit U.S. with Chem Weapons
From Reuters: Oct 9, 8:42 am ET
Iraq Cautions Arabs as Bush Threatens 'Full Force' By Will Dunham
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush vowed to use the "full force and fury" of the U.S. military if necessary to make Iraq disarm, but Baghdad warned fellow Arab states on Wednesday that any such strike would rebound on them. ...
From AP: Thu Oct 10, 5:58 PM ET
House passes Iraq war resolution, Senate poised to do same By TOM RAUM
WASHINGTON - The House voted 296-133 Thursday to give President Bush the broad authority he sought to use military force against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein — with or without U.N. support. The Senate was poised to do the same and to deliver Bush a major national security policy victory. ...
From The NYT: October 11, 2002
U.S. Has a Plan to Occupy Iraq, Officials Report By David E. Sanger & Eric Schmitt
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 — The White House is developing a detailed plan, modeled on the postwar occupation of Japan, to install an American-led military government in Iraq if the United States topples Saddam Hussein, senior administration officials said today. The plan also calls for war-crime trials of Iraqi leaders and a transition to an elected civilian government that could take months or years. In the initial phase, Iraq would be governed by an American military commander — perhaps Gen. Tommy R. Franks, commander of United States forces in the Persian Gulf, or one of his subordinates — who would assume the role that Gen. Douglas MacArthur served in Japan after its surrender in 1945. ...
Washington Post Staff Writers: Friday, October 11, 2002; Page A01
Congress Passes Iraq Resolution By Jim VandeHei and Juliet Eilperin
Overwhelming Approval Gives Bush Authority to Attack Unilaterally
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