Attention people of the United States of America. The US Supreme Court has usurped your right to choose the leaders of this country, and those members of the court should be impeached as well as their choice. The warmonger George W. Bush was the candidate of the rich and his policies will lead to the ruin of this nation and of your personal lives and fortunes. If impeachment fails, one logical alternative is armed revolution. But, the citizenry itself is not equipped for such a task and so the fate of this country is sealed. And, we each have to accept our own fate. I'm fairly certain that most Americans don't care about the rights of others, but only their own personal privileges. Another alternative is to leave the country, because the avarice of its people will be its undoing. Welcome to your worst nightmare, America, land of the Gestapo, at war with the world. And, if you receive the mark of the beast, your torment will be great.
Trust The People
The Feeling of a Coup
6/11/2001 from The Daytona Beach News-Journal Online:
Rhetoric can't conceal state's election failures
News-Journal editorial
Thursday, June 07, 2001
"...This is the bottom line. Florida voters who were
entitled to vote, who wanted to vote, who tried to vote,
had their vote taken away. ...Some lost their vote
because a court ordered that they wouldn't be counted.
Others never made it to the voting booth because of
mistakes -- or state policies seemingly aimed at keeping
them out. ... An estimated 180,000 ballots were thrown
out uncounted. ...The report includes particularly harsh
language for Gov. Jeb Bush and Secretary of State
Katherine Harris, who clearly knew about many of these
problems before November and chose to do nothing. It
condemns the Florida Legislature, which refused to
address glaring inequities in the state's election law,
even after the national embarrassment of the November
election. ...It isn't essential that the abuses were
intentional. It is important that they were foreseeable,
and that state officials ignored all the warning signs
-- and fought tooth and nail to defend the system even
after its flaws were exposed. That inaction is, as the
commission rightly points out, "grossly derelict." ..."
6/30/2001 from AP:
Eugene Attorney Tries to Impeach High Court
By AP Staff
June 26, 2001, 08:30 AM
A former member of Congress launched a campaign to
impeach the five conservative Supreme Court justices who
voted to stop the presidential ballot recount in Florida
last year -- but admits it's a long shot.
Charles Porter, an 82-year-old attorney in Eugene, said
the Supreme Court ruling was so clearly influenced by
politics that under the Constitution there may be
grounds to impeach the justices for bias. ...
"They did wrong, they voted politically to stop the
election," Porter said. ..."We say they tarnished the
integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court," Porter said. ...
More than 600 law professors around the country have
signed a petition decrying the Supreme Court decision,
and some have asked the Senate to refrain from ratifying
any appointments to the court while President Bush is in
office. …
How Bush Took Florida: Mining the Overseas Absentee Vote
House Republicans Pressed Pentagon for E-Mail Addresses
of Sailors
Florida's Flawed Ballots
Absentee Vote Did It for Bush
Jeb Bush's Recount Role Examined
Study Says 2000 Election Missed Millions of Votes
7/19/2001 from msnbc and others:
In the tense weeks after Election Day, lawyers for each
candidate argued over how to count votes, as GOP
Attorney Fred Bartlit did over military ballots.
Evidence is mounting that GOP operatives used aggressive
pressure tactics--in court and out--to boost the Bush
vote and depress the Gore vote.
Fundamentally corrupt?
Evidence mounts that GOP used every trick in the book
By Eric Alterman
July 15 - Following an exhaustive, six-month
investigation featuring 24 reporters interviewing more
than 300 voters in 43 countries and examining thousands
of pages of documents, the New York Times has discovered
mounds of evidence of unequal treatment of overseas
ballots in Florida on behalf of the Republican candidate
George Bush. Its report provides additional evidence to
demonstrate what almost all of us know but precious few
are willing to admit: the process that determined the
outcome of the 2000 election was fundamentally corrupt.
Republicans dominated the public relations battle, the
behind-the-scenes political struggle, and ultimately the
fateful Supreme Court decision that handed them their
tarnished victory. ...
8/29/2001 from The Palm Beach Post:
Harris sought state money for GOP operative
By S.V. Dáte, Palm Beach Post Capital Bureau
Thursday, August 23, 2001
TALLAHASSEE -- Secretary of State Katherine Harris tried
to have the state pay $12,000 to a Republican operative
who she has maintained was a volunteer working out of
her Capitol office during last year's presidential
recount. ... Critics, particularly Democrats, have said
it was inappropriate for Harris -- herself a former
co-chair of George W. Bush's campaign in Florida -- to
seek the advice of partisan political consultants when
she was supposed to be acting in the interest of all
Florida voters, not just Republican voters during the
weeks following the November presidential vote. …
11/12/2001 from The Nation:
One year after Florida debacle: Jesse Jackson Jr.
presses for fundamental election reforms
November 7 @ 11:52am
by John Nichols, The Nation, The Online Beat:
"... U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill.
The outspoken congressman marked the anniversary by
setting up a podium in front of the Supreme Court and
announcing that he would ask Congress to endorse a
series of dramatic voting reforms.
"The disputes in Florida and other states showed us that
we need one national standard for voting and one
national standard for counting votes," said Jackson.
"But they also reminded us that there are more basic
reforms that are needed."
Among the reforms Jackson seeks is a constitutional
amendment to guarantee all Americans an explicit right
to vote.
"Most Americans will be shocked, appalled and outraged
to learn that their Constitution does not grant them the
right to vote. The 15th, 19th and 26th Amendments
prohibit 'discrimination' in voting on the basis of
race, sex and age -- but does not extend to (Americans)
the right to vote," Jackson said, recalling Supreme
Court Justice Antonin Scalia's admonition to Al Gore's
lawyers during last year's Florida dispute that no such
protection exists. "Even though the right to vote is the
supreme right in a democracy, the Supreme Court in Bush
v. Gore told Americans there is no explicit fundamental
right to suffrage in the Constitution." ... "
Election 2000
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