Archived News Articles: NMD and Foreign Policy
6/27/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010627/pl/arms_russia_dc_3.html Russia Tests Old Missile in Apparent Hint to U.S. Wednesday June 27 6:12 AM ET MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia test-fired a 26-year-old ballistic missile on Wednesday, hinting the weapon could gain new life as a ``hydra-headed'' countermeasure if the United States pressed on with President Bush's defense plans. The Russian military said it had test-fired a huge Stiletto missile from Russia's space base at Baikonur in Kazakhstan. ...
6/29/2001 from Reuters: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010629/wl/arms_russia_usa_dc_1.html Russia Open to ABM Changes, Top General Says Friday June 29 8:35 AM ET MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is open to changes to the 1972 ABM treaty, which bans a missile defense system planned by the United States, news agencies quoted a top Russian general as saying on Friday. Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, a military hawk in charge of international cooperation, said Russia ``does not rule out amendments to this agreement, but what the United States is demanding will lead to the collapse of the entire accord,'' RIA news agency quoted him as saying. ...
6/29/2001 from the LA Weekly: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/laweekly/20010629/lo/26047_1.html Physics of Folly http://www.laweekly.com/ink/01/32/news-bearman.shtml Why a Missile-Defense System Can Never Work By Joshuah Bearman LA Weekly Writer Friday June 29 05:00 PM EDT " ... Ted Postol, a physicist and former Pentagon adviser who is now a professor of science, technology and national-security policy at MIT, is a leading critic of missile defense. Building a $60-billion-plus system, he argues, provides the worst of both worlds: no effective defense and less international stability. In a telephone interview from his MIT office, Postol explains why the so-called kill vehicles won't kill anything, why having them will make the world more dangerous, and why the whole scheme is as dumb now as when Ronald Reagan was seduced by the Star Wars fantasy. ..."
6/29/2001 from U.S. Newswire: http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/0628-165.html Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers Experts Criticize Bush Plan to Deploy Rudimentary Missile Defense by 2004 http://www.clw.org/coalition/
7/4/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/world/AP-Russia-US-Nuclear.html U.S. - Russia Center Opening Delayed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS July 4, 2001 Filed at 10:24 a.m. ET MOSCOW (AP) -- The opening of a Russian-U.S. center that would expand cooperation on preventing accidental missile launches has been delayed because of organizational problems following the change in the U.S. administration, a Russian official said Wednesday. ...
7/6/2001 from AP:
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010706/wl/russia_arms_reduction_1.html Russia Initiates Arms, ABM Talks By JOHN IAMS, Associated Press Writer Friday July 6 8:10 AM ET MOSCOW (AP) - Russia has invited the four other leading nuclear powers to start a permanent consultation process that would encourage deeper nuclear arms cuts and help preserve the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, a senior Foreign Ministry official said Friday. ... The Foreign Ministry's chief spokesman, Alexander Yakovenko, said in a statement released Friday that the proposed consultation process involving Russia, the United States, Britain, France and China - all permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - must focus on ways to ensure strategic stability. The consultations should address Russia's proposal for
Moscow and Washington to cut their nuclear arsenals to 1,500 nuclear warheads each, he said. ...
7/6/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010706/pl/missile_defense_1.html Pentagon Sets Missile Defense Test By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Friday July 6 4:40 PM ET WASHINGTON (AP) - After months of delay, the Pentagon said Friday it will attempt to shoot down a missile outside the Earth's atmosphere on July 14, the first missile defense test of its kind since a failed intercept one year ago. ...
7/6/2001 from AP: http://dailynews.netscape.com/mynsnews/story.tmpl? table=n&cat=50700&id=200107061902000168750 Bush Wants to Cut Global Warming Aid Friday, July 6, 2001 WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, after faulting the Kyoto climate treaty for excluding developing nations from its requirements, wants to cut U.S. aid for helping Third World countries combat global warming. ...
7/7/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/07/world/07NUKE.html White House Wants to Bury Pact Banning Tests of Nuclear Arms By THOM SHANKER and DAVID E. SANGER July 7, 2001 WASHINGTON, July 6 - In its first six months, the Bush administration has been examining ways to escape permanently from an unratified international agreement banning nuclear tests, just as it has moved to scrap the Antiballistic Missile Treaty and has rebelled against a global warming pact that it believes would cripple American industry. But State Department lawyers told the White House that a president cannot withdraw a treaty from the Senate once it has been presented for approval. So, administration officials said, President Bush has resolved to let the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty languish in the Senate, where its supporters concede they do not have the votes to revive it. ...
7/8/2001 from AP: http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010708/12/missile-defense Rumsfeld Charts Missile Defense Course By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Updated: Sun, Jul 08 12:49 PM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration wants to greatly expand the number and kinds of testing it believes is needed to build effective missile defenses, and is willing to spend billions more to do it. ... Having declared the ABM treaty a Cold War relic, the administration plans to go ahead with testing without regard to treaty limitations ...
7/10/2001 from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/10/politics/10MISS.html Pentagon to Seek Money for Testing Missile Defense By JAMES DAO July 10, 2001 WASHINGTON, July 9 - The Pentagon is preparing to ask Congress for money to build a missile defense test site in Alaska that could also become the command center for a working antimissile system as early as 2004, military officials said. If it becomes operational, the site will be a clear violation of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, which allows some testing of antimissile technology but forbids deployment of a shield against long-range missiles in any state except North Dakota. ... ... the Pentagon would also build silos and missile storage facilities for about five interceptors at Fort Greely, which military planners view as the likely base for a system of ground-launched interceptors ...
7/10/2001 At the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace http://www.ceip.org/files/news/lievennuclear.asp?from=newsnews A Delicate Nuclear Balance By ANATOL LIEVEN
7/11/2001 from MSNBC and AP: http://www.msnbc.com/news/598717.asp?pne=msn Human embryos created for research Novel stem cell source sparks controversy MSNBC STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS July 11 - For the first time, researchers have created human embryos in the lab for the sole purpose of harvesting their stem cells. ... http://news.excite.com/news/ap/010711/14/news-stem-cell-research Virginia Lab Creates Human Embryos
Updated: Wed, Jul 11 2:20 PM EDT NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Scientists at Eastern Virginia Medical School have created human embryos from donated eggs and sperm for the sole purpose of harvesting embryonic stem cells for research, according to a study published Wednesday. ... The results of the work by researchers at the medical school's Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine appear in the July issue of the journal Fertility and Sterility, the official publication of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. ... A biotech firm, Applied Cell Technology of Massachusetts, has done something similar since early last year, but while it uses donor eggs it does not fertilize them with sperm cells. Instead, it replaces the nuclei of the donated eggs with genetic material from adult cells, and then clones the results. The company calls the subject of its research an "ovumsum," not an embryo. ...
7/11/2001 from The Washington Post: http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/nation/specials/nationalsecurity/
Funding Gap For Defense Is Predicted Rumsfeld Plan Faulted On Cost and Priorities By Vernon Loeb, Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 11, 2001; Page A02 The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said yesterday he doubts there is enough money to pay for the Bush administration's proposed $328.9 billion defense budget for fiscal 2002 without running a deficit, dipping into the Social Security trust fund or cutting important domestic programs. ...
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