The New Iraq
The Iraqi Standard Example
At Axis of Logic: Nov 3, 2004, 09:19
The people of Falluja appeal to the UN By Kassim Abdullsattar al-Jumaily
Also: http://english.pravda.ru/mailbox/22/101/399/14549_Fallujah.html
From AAP at news.com.au: November 4, 2004
US planes strike Fallujah
US aircraft equipped with cannons and machine guns have launched a major attack on the Iraqi city of Fallujah. The airborne assault is the heaviest attack on the rebel stronghold in several weeks, and could mark the beginning of a long awaited offensive on the city. Witnesses say the attack by US AC-130 aircraft were accompanied by continuous shelling by tanks. ...
From The Washington Post: Saturday, November 6, 2004; Page A01
Battle Near, Iraqi Sunnis Make Offer By Karl Vick
Major Shift Includes New Interest in Vote
BAGHDAD, Nov. 5 -- As Marines step up preparations for military offensives on two major Iraqi cities, a number of Sunni Muslim leaders are forwarding a plan to establish the rule of law in those areas through peaceful means, with the promise of reducing the insurgency across a large swath of the country. ...
The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad offered no reaction to the proposal, which it received this week. A Western diplomat emphasized that any decision lay with Iraq's interim government. In separate interviews, senior U.S. and Iraqi officials were privately skeptical of the overture and indicated it was unlikely to avert a military offensive on Fallujah and Ramadi, which commanders say could begin at any time. ...
From The Washington Post: Saturday, November 6, 2004; Page A19
Annan's Warning On Fallujah Dismissed By Dafna Linzer
NEW YORK, Nov. 5 -- The United States, Britain and Iraq on Friday angrily dismissed a warning from U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan that a military offensive in the Sunni stronghold of Fallujah could jeopardize the credibility of upcoming elections in Iraq.
In letters dated Oct. 31 and addressed to President Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and interim Iraqi leader Ayad Allawi, Annan said using military force against insurgents in the city would further alienate Sunni Muslims already feeling left out of a political process orchestrated largely by Washington. ... Bush administration officials said they were livid about the letter, which was sent two days before the U.S. presidential election. ... The contents of the letters were made public Friday in an article in the Los Angeles Times. ...
From The Washington Post: Saturday, November 6, 2004; Page A20
Talks to Avoid Fallujah Offensive Break Down By Jackie Spinner
NEAR FALLUJAH, Iraq, Nov. 5 -- Negotiations between the interim Iraqi government and insurgent leaders who control Fallujah have broken down, Iraqi officials said Friday, as U.S. Marines and soldiers began final preparations to retake the city. ...
At The Times Online: November 06, 2004
US throws a ring of steel round Fallujah By James Hider and Michael Evans
From The Guardian: Saturday November 6, 2004
US ready for Falluja assault By Ewen MacAskill, and Michael Howard
US forces were last night awaiting final orders to storm Falluja, the resistance stronghold, in what is expected to be the bloodiest assault since the invasion of Iraq last year. ...
From Reuters: Sat Nov 6, 2004 07:47 AM ET
U.S. Bombs Rain on Falluja, Rebels Attack in Samarra By Fadel al-Badrani
FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. forces poised to assault Falluja bombarded the rebel stronghold on Saturday, while insurgents launched deadly attacks that killed 34 people in Samarra, another city in Iraq's Sunni Muslim heartland. The fiercest U.S. air and artillery strikes on Falluja in months destroyed a hospital, a medical warehouse and dozens of houses, dazed residents said after a sleepless night. Hospital staff said ambulances had been unable to go out as the city shook to explosions. Later they collected two dead and seven wounded civilians, among them women and children. With a U.S.-led offensive on Falluja apparently imminent, insurgents hit back with car bombs and attacks on police stations in Samarra, 100 km (60 miles) north of Baghdad. ...
From Reuters: Sun Nov 7, 2004 07:26 AM ET
Iraqi Interim Government Declares Martial Law
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's interim government on Sunday declared a state of emergency for 60 days, the spokesman for interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi announced. He said the state of emergency, equivalent to martial law, would apply to all of Iraq except the Kurdish north. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Nov 08, 2004
US-led forces unleash 'Phantom Fury' to regain Fallujah
FALLUJAH, Iraq (AFP) - US and Iraqi forces Monday unleashed an all-out offensive to seize Fallujah from the hands of rebels, with marines advancing on the city's heart following massive strikes by artillery and warplanes. The skies above Fallujah burned red as operation Phantom Fury began with an aerial bombardment and a major ground offensive, after a go-ahead from Iraq's Prime Minister Iyad Allawi ...
Commentary in Inter Press Service at Common Dreams: November 9, 2004
'Phantom Fury' Poised to Become Phantom Victory by Jim Lobe
From AP at USA Today: 11/9/2004 2:44 AM
Sunni party withdraws from Iraqi government in protest over Fallujah
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — A major Sunni political party has quit the interim Iraqi government and revoked its single minister from the Cabinet in protest over the U.S. assault on the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah, the party's leader said Tuesday. The Iraqi Islamic Party wields significant influence over the country's Sunni community and its withdrawal from the government will likely be a blow to Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi. ...
From AFP at Yahoo: Tue Nov 9, 8:42 AM ET
Iraqi insurgents mass in centre of Ramadi as US snipers withdraw
RAMADI, Iraq (AFP) - Rebel fighters massed in the centre of the restive Iraqi city of Ramadi after US military snipers withdrew from their positions following 24 hours of clashes ...
From Reuters: Tue Nov 9, 2004 07:08 PM ET
U.S. Forces Tighten Grip on Falluja, Sunnis Angry
By Michael Georgy and Fadel al-Badrani
FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. forces backed by Iraqi troops surged into the heart of Falluja on Tuesday, taking a grip on Iraq's most rebellious city after a day of intense street-to-street combat. The Pentagon said at least 10 U.S. and two Iraqi soldiers had died in the offensive that began Monday night when some 10,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines and 2,000 Iraqi troops stormed the Sunni Muslim city to regain control from insurgents. But the assault on Falluja, where residents say wounded children are dying from lack of medical help, food shops are closed and power is cut, angered Sunni clerics who urged Iraqis to boycott January elections seen as vital to peace. Insurgents carried out a series of retaliatory attacks in other cities, killing several people. U.S. officials said al Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had probably left Falluja. ...
From AP at Excite: Nov 11, 12:02 PM (ET)
U.S. Launches Second Phase in Fallujah By EDWARD HARRIS
FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) - U.S. forces backed by an air and artillery barrage launched a major attack Thursday into the southern half of Fallujah, trying to squeeze Sunni fighters into a smaller and smaller cordon. The military estimated 600 insurgents have been killed in the offensive but said success in the city won't break Iraq's insurgency. The Fallujah campaign has also sent a stream of American wounded to the military's main hospital in Europe. Planes carrying just over 100 bloodied and broken troops were arriving Thursday at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. They join 125 wounded soldiers flown there already this week. The large number of wounded sent to Germany suggests that fighting may be more intense - at least in some areas - than the military had initially indicated. Only seriously wounded troops are flown to Landstuhl.
Even as the military claimed successes in Fallujah, insurgents continued a wave of violence elsewhere. A car bomb ripped through a crowded Baghdad commercial street, killing 17 people, police said. In the north, guerrillas overwhelmed several police stations in Mosul and battled U.S. troops. ...
Commentary at Information Clearing House: Nov. 11, 2004
Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal By John Pilger
http://www.newstatesman.com/site.php3? newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200411150006
From The Independent: 12 November 2004
Violence grips Iraq as Fallujah battle rages
By Kim Sengupta in Camp Dogwood and Charles Glass in Suleimania, Iraq
Waves of devastating violence swept through Iraq yesterday with US forces still mired in streetfighting in their attempt to capture the rebel stronghold of Fallujah. ...
From Reuters: Fri Nov 12, 2004 06:13 PM ET
U.S. Battles for Control of Falluja By Michael Georgy and Fadel al-Badrani
FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S.-led troops battling to take control of Falluja ran into pockets of fierce resistance Friday and the United States said it would not stop until all insurgents in the Iraqi city had been wiped out. ...
From AFP at Channel News Asia: 13 November 2004 2305 hrs GMT + 8 hours
Iraq says 'mission accomplished' in Fallujah, 1,000 rebels killed
BAGHDAD : The military operation to regain control of Fallujah has ended and there are just "malignant" pockets of resistance left to clear up, with more than 1,000 rebels killed, Iraq's national security advisor said. "Operation Fajr (Dawn) has been achieved and only the malignant pockets remain that we are dealing with through a clean-up operation," Qassem Daoud told a news conference in Baghdad. ...
From AFP at Yahoo: Sun, Nov 14, 2004 3:28am ET
US troops tackle die-hard Fallujah rebels, threat of Mosul assault looms
From Reuters: Sun Nov 14, 2004 02:18 PM ET
U.S. Troops Hunt Falluja Rebels, Keep Aid Out By Michael Georgy and Omar Anwar
FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces hunted rebels in the devastated Iraqi city of Falluja on Sunday as fighting subsided after a ferocious six-day-old assault. ...
From AFP at Channel News Asia: 15 November 2004 1706 hrs GMT + 8 hours
Warplanes pound Fallujah as US death toll reaches 38
FALLUJAH, Iraq : Warplanes struck Fallujah as US-led forces hunted for diehard rebels after taking almost total control of the city in a week-long battle that killed 38 US soldiers and more than 1,200 insurgents. ...
From Reuters: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:03 AM ET
U.S. Forces Launch Assault on Iraqi Rebels in Mosul By Maher al-Thanoon
MOSUL, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi forces launched an offensive in Mosul on Tuesday to retake control of rebel-held areas after a week of anarchy that has seen insurgents attacking across Iraq's third largest city. "Offensive operations have begun on the western side of the river to clear out final pockets of insurgent fighting," said Captain Angela Bowman, spokeswoman for U.S. forces in the north. "It's a significant operation to secure police stations in the area and make sure they can be put to use again."
While U.S. forces have focused large numbers on an offensive in the city of Falluja for the past eight days, insurgents have struck in Mosul and elsewhere in Sunni Muslim areas north of Baghdad. ...
From Reuters: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:43 AM ET
U.N. Rights Boss Urges Falluja 'Abuses' Probe By Stephanie Nebehay
GENEVA (Reuters) - Top U.N. human rights official Louise Arbour called Tuesday for investigation of alleged abuses in Falluja, Iraq, including disproportionate use of force and the targeting of civilians. ... Controversy over the Falluja offensive has been fueled by video footage showing a U.S. Marine shooting dead a wounded and unarmed Iraqi in a mosque in Falluja Saturday. ... a spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross insisted in Geneva Tuesday there were civilians still in the city, in need of food, water and medicine. "The ICRC is very worried about the humanitarian situation in Falluja, because we are receiving information from families that are still there that the injured have no access to medical care," Rana Sidani told Reuters. ...
From Reuters at news.com.au: November 17, 2004
Rebels, residents starving By Ibrahim Mohamad in Fallujah
From Reuters: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:03 PM ET
U.S. Pounds Falluja Diehards, Violence in North
By Michael Georgy and Fadel al-Badrani
FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. artillery pummelled Falluja on Wednesday and troops hunted guerrillas still fighting days after Washington said its offensive had destroyed rebel control of the Sunni Muslim city west of Baghdad. ...
From AFP at Yahoo: Thu Nov 18, 2:00 PM ET
Fallujah fighting takes more lives as wave of violence engulfs Iraq
BAGHDAD (AFP) - A US marine and an Iraqi soldier were killed in Fallujah, as 17 other people died in attacks elsewhere in Iraq and marine intelligence warned that the insurgency would grow despite massive offensives to crush the rebels. The marine and soldier died during continuing mop-up operations in the former insurgent bastion, raising the coalition toll in the fighting to retake the city to 51 US dead and eight Iraqis, the top US marine commander there said. ...
From AP at Yahoo: Fri, Nov 19, 2004 12:40pm ET
U.S., Iraqi Troops Storm Baghdad Mosque By TINI TRAN
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi forces, backed by U.S. soldiers, stormed one of the major Sunni Muslim mosques in Baghdad after Friday prayers, opening fire and killing at least three people, witnesses said. In the battle for control of Mosul, Iraqi forces raided several areas overnight, killing 15 insurgents, Iraqi and U.S. military officials said. ... It appeared the raid at Abu Hanifa mosque, long associated with anti-American activity, was part of the crackdown on Sunni clerical militants launched in parallel with military operations against the insurgent stronghold of Fallujah. On Thursday, the Iraqi government warned that Islamic clerics who incite violence will be considered as "participating in terrorism." A number of them already have been arrested, including several members of the Sunni clerical Association of Muslim Scholars, which spoke out against the U.S.-led offensive against Fallujah. ... U.S. troops also raided a Sunni Muslim mosque in Qaim, near the Syrian border, a cleric said ... A raid overnight at a hospital allegedly used by insurgents in Mosul — Iraq's third-largest city — led to the arrests of three suspected terrorists, the military said. ...
From AP at ABC News: Nov 20, 2004
Violence Breaks Out All Over Baghdad
One U.S. Soldier Killed, Nine Wounded in Clashes
From The NYT: November 21, 2004
Rebels Keep Up Attacks in Central and North Iraq By EDWARD WONG
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 20 - Violence surged through central and northern Iraq on Saturday as a tenacious insurgency led by Sunni Arabs kept up relentless assaults in several major cities, including Baghdad, Ramadi and Falluja, which the Americans devastated during an intense weeklong offensive aimed at routing the insurgency. ...
From Aljazeera: Sunday 21 November 2004, 18:28 Makka Time, 15:28 GMT
Falluja women, children in mass grave
Residents of neighbouring Saqlawiya village have told Aljazeera that they helped bury the bodies of 73 women and children who were burned beyond recognition. "We buried them here, but we could not identify them because they were charred by the use of napalm bombs used by the Americans," said one Saqlawiya resident in footage aired on Sunday. ...
From The Washington Post: Monday, November 22, 2004; Page A01
Iraq Force Is Seen As Likely To Grow By Bradley Graham
U.S. Plans Require Boost, Officers Say
BAGHDAD, Nov. 21 -- Senior U.S. military commanders in Iraq say it is increasingly likely they will need a further increase in combat forces to put down remaining areas of resistance in the country. ...
From AP at The Guardian: Tuesday November 23, 2004 1:46 PM
Mass Offensive Launched South of Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Some 5,000 U.S. Marines, British troops and Iraqi commandos launched a new offensive Monday aimed at clearing a swath of insurgent hotbeds south of Baghdad, the U.S. military said. ...
At Reuters: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:45 PM ET
U.S., Iraqis Sweep Through 'Triangle of Death'
From The Independent: 24 November 2004
Witnesses say US forces killed unarmed civilians By Kim Sengupta
Allegations of widespread abuse by US forces in Fallujah, including the killing of unarmed civilians and the targeting of a hospital in an attack, have been made by people who have escaped from the city. ...
From The Daily Star (Leb): Friday, November 26, 2004
2,000 dead in Fallujah as U.S.-led forces sweep area
Top Sunni party may boycott election
US-led forces rounded up scores of suspected rebels in Iraq's "triangle of death" on Thursday as officials said the death toll from the this month's massive operation in Fallujah was more than 2,000. ...
From Reuters at swissinfo: November 26, 2004 3:30 PM
Turk lawmaker says US in Iraq worse than Hitler By Gareth Jones
ANKARA (Reuters) - The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group has accused Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolf Hitler, in remarks underscoring the depth of opposition in Turkey to U.S. policy in the region. The United Sates embassy said the comments were potentially damaging to Turkish-U.S. relations. "The occupation has turned into barbarism," Friday's Yeni Safak newspaper quoted Mehmet Elkatmis, head of parliament's human rights commission, as saying. "The U.S. administration is committing genocide...in Iraq. Never in human history have such genocide and cruelty been witnessed. Such a genocide was never seen in the time of the pharoahs (of ancient Egypt), nor of Hitler nor of (Italy's fascist leader Benito) Mussolini," he said. "This occupation has entirely imperialist aims," he was quoted as telling the human rights commission on Thursday. ...
From The Guardian: Tuesday November 30, 2004 4.30pm
Charity blames invaders for Iraq 'health disaster' By Sarah Left
The US-led war in Iraq has created a healthcare disaster in a country where 20 years of war, mismanagement and sanctions had already left public health in a fragile state, a UK-based medical charity said today. Medact reported that the health of Iraq's people had deteriorated since the 2003 invasion, both as a direct result of violence and through the collapse of medical facilities, public health provision and essential infrastructure such as water supplies. The report specifically blamed the tactics of the US-led occupying forces for exacerbating the country's health problems, particularly the decision to sideline the UN, which has traditionally handled humanitarian relief efforts. Medact cited a nationwide survey of nearly 1,000 Iraqi households, published in the Lancet, as evidence that the war had caused around 100,000 deaths since the US and British invasion in April 2003. "Violence accounted for most of these deaths, particularly air strikes by coalition forces. More than half of those reportedly killed by coalition forces were women and children," the Medact report said. ...
From the Associated Press at The Guardian: Thursday December 2, 2004 10:16 PM
Bush Adamant on Iraq Election Schedule By SCOTT LINDLAW
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush rejected calls for a delay in next month's Iraqi elections, insisting Thursday that the vote was too important to put off even though violence and chaos still grip much of the country. ``It's time for the Iraqi citizens to go to the polls,'' Bush said. ...
From The NYT: December 7, 2004
2 C.I.A. Reports Offer Warnings on Iraq's Path By DOUGLAS JEHL
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 - A classified cable sent by the Central Intelligence Agency's station chief in Baghdad has warned that the situation in Iraq is deteriorating and may not rebound any time soon, according to government officials. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Dec 13, 2004
US warplanes strike Fallujah after eight US marines killed
FALLUJAH, Iraq (AFP) - US forces launched air strikes on Fallujah Monday after eight US marines were killed in weekend clashes with Iraqi rebels in Al-Anbar province despite claims that the insurgency was being defeated. ...
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