Bush and China
From The Washington Post: Wednesday, November 19, 2003; 1:44 PM
China Responds to U.S. Quotas on Textile Imports Accuses U.S. of Violating Fair Trade
By Peter S. Goodman, Washington Post Foreign Service
SHANGHAI, Nov. 19 -- China on Wednesday accused the United States of violating the principles of fair trade, a day after the Bush administration imposed emergency quotas to stem a surge of textile imports from the world's most populous country. A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce expressed "China's strong opposition" to the Bush administration's action, asserting that it violates "World Trade Organization principles of free trade, transparency and nondiscrimination," according to a dispatch carried by the official New China News Agency. "China reserves the right to lodge lawsuits to safeguard the interests of Chinese industries." ...
From AP: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 10:56 PST
China says use of force may be 'unavoidable' if Taiwan pursues independence
By STEPHANIE HOO, Associated Press Writer
BEIJING (AP) -- " ... Taiwan separatists will "pay a high cost if they think we will not use force," Wang told the China Daily, an English-language newspaper with a wide foreign audience. "If the Taiwan authorities collude with all splittist forces to openly engage in pro-independence activities and challenge the mainland and the one-China principle, the use of force may become unavoidable," said Wang (Zaixi), vice minister of the Chinese Cabinet's Taiwan Affairs Office. ...
"The United States continues to urge Taiwan as well as the People's Republic of China to refrain from actions or statements that increase tensions or make dialogue more difficult to achieve," the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said in a statement. "The United States does not support Taiwan independence." ... "
From The NYT: November 28, 2003
Taiwan Steps Back From Confronting China By KEITH BRADSHER
TAIPEI, Taiwan, Friday, Nov. 28 — Taiwan's legislature took a half-step back on Thursday night from an immediate confrontation with China, passing a bill that would allow national referendums on constitutional and sovereignty issues only under very narrow circumstances. Chinese officials had tried to dissuade Taiwanese politicians from endorsing any bill to provide for referendums, but had devoted most of their criticisms to a rival measure, supported by President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan, that would have made it easy for him to call referendums. Most provisions of that bill were defeated in the legislature on Thursday night. Chinese and American officials had feared that legislation permitting a referendum on Taiwanese independence from the mainland would lead to a showdown in the Taiwan Strait that neither China nor the United States wants now. ...
From Reuters: Fri November 28, 2003 04:54 AM ET
China 'Gravely Concerned' Over Taiwan Bill By Benjamin Kang Lim and Tiffany Wu
BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - Communist China said on Friday it was gravely concerned by Taiwan's referendum bill and would never tolerate any attempt to separate the self-ruled, democratic island from the mainland. But analysts said there was no immediate risk of confrontation after Taiwan's parliament passed a watered-down bill that fell short of allowing a vote on independence by an island China considers a runaway province. In Taipei, Premier Yu Shyi-kun said the cabinet was considering overturning the bill. ...
From Reuters at MSNBC:
Taiwan premier says may overturn referendum bill
TAIPEI, Nov. 28 — Taiwan Premier Yu Shyi-kun said on Friday the cabinet was considering overturning a day-old referendum bill, saying the watered-down bill is contradictory and may violate the island's constitution. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Dec 03, 2003
US vows not to "sugarcoat" proliferation differences with China
WASHINGTON (AFP) The United States said Wednesday it would not "sugarcoat" its differences with China on weapons proliferation, less than a week before Chinese premier Wen Jiabao is due in Washington. ...
From AFP at The National: Thursday, December 04, 2003
China warns US on Taiwan moves
BEIJING: With just days to go before its premier departs for a US visit, China yesterday warned the United States against encouraging Taiwan to seek independence from the mainland. Premier Wen Jiabao is set to begin a three-day visit to the United States on Sunday, and Taiwan will be high on the agenda, Vice Foreign Minister Zhou Wenzhong said.
“Of course, there are problems in our relationship that need to be taken seriously by both sides, with the Taiwan question being the most important and most sensitive one,” he told reporters at a briefing in Beijing. ...
From Online Journal: December 16, 2003
Chinese mega-bucks for Bush brothers By Margie Burns
Many observers were surprised last week when George W. Bush came down in favor of the People's Republic of China, against a democratic referendum in Taiwan. His weighing in on behalf of mainland China becomes more questionable at a time when well-connected Chinese companies are funneling large sums of money to Bush's brothers. News reports reveal that Shanghai-based Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing, a multi-billion-dollar company co-founded by a son of China's former president, has presidential brother Neil Bush under a $2 million contract. ... An even bigger Chinese company recently moved in ways that benefit youngest Bush brother Marvin P. Bush. The company is Hong Kong-based Cheung Kong Holdings, a gargantuan real estate and investment conglomerate now branching into biotechs. ... Cheung Kong's portfolio now includes Critical Path, Inc., a California-based software and Internet-messaging services company that lost money for the first nine months of this year. The company's SEC filings list as a significant shareholder Mr. Purnendu Chatterjee, acting for Winston Partners LP, a company co-founded by Marvin P. Bush. ...
From Reuters: Wed December 31, 2003 12:51 AM ET
China Condemns Taiwan's Political 'Holy War' By Benjamin Kang Lim
BEIJING (Reuters) - China condemned Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian Wednesday for waging a "holy war" against the mainland, calling him immoral and accusing him of fanning anti-Beijing sentiment to win votes in presidential elections. Newspapers in Taiwan, which China regards as a renegade province, quoted Chen as telling a campaign rally in southern Taiwan Saturday the March 2004 elections were a holy war by the Taiwan people against the Chinese Communists. ... Tension has been simmering since Taiwan passed a controversial bill in November allowing referendums, which China sees as a cover for separatist elements on the island. Beijing has threatened force if Taiwan drags its feet on reunification. In Taipei, an adamant Chen ignored U.S. warnings and signed the bill into law Wednesday as expected. "Today is a historic day," Chen said in a statement. "Our dream has come true." President Bush bluntly warned Taiwan this month against unilaterally changing the status quo with China, pouring cold water on Chen's drive to hold a referendum. ... Chen has vowed to push ahead with a "peace referendum" alongside the presidential elections, calling on China to dismantle missiles aimed at the island of 23 million. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jan 15, 2004
US cautions of "very large" Chinese missile build-up opposite Taiwan
BEIJING (AFP) - The top US military officer said Thursday China has built up a "very large" missile arsenal facing Taiwan and cautioned that Washington was committed to helping the island defend itself. "The US is committed to helping Taiwan maintain its ability to resist the use of force or coercion to solve this problem," chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers told journalists as he wrapped up a two-day visit to China during which he met the country's top military brass. ... Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian plans to hold the island's first ever referendum alongside presidential polls on March 20, demanding Beijing remove hundreds of ballistic missiles targeting the island. Last month, US President George W. Bush publicly rebuked Chen's plan and Myers repeated the stance Thursday, but also warned China the US would not stand by if it used force. ...
From Asia Times: Jan 16, 2004
CHINA: HUNGRY FOR POWER - Part 3: It is about oil By Qiu Xin
HONG KONG - China's energy crisis caused by shortages of coal and hydroelectric power is compounded by a worsening oil shortfall. Though the world's fifth-largest oil producer, China has fallen from being a net oil importer in 1993 to becoming the world's fastest-growing importer. Its estimated exploitable oil reserves would last about a week. The energy crisis has sounded a national alarm, requiring China's leadership to confront the power famine head-on, review its energy policies and develop a long-term, sustainable energy policy. An abundant energy reserve - or a sound energy security policy - is a precondition for big-power status. With its oil reserves virtually non-existent, its energy security precarious and no coherent energy policy, China's national security cannot be guaranteed - let alone its sought-after rising-power status, according to analysts. ... Although the official media give few details about the oil shortage, knowledgeable sources estimate China's maximum exploitable oil reserves at only 13 billion to 16 billion tons - at best comparable only to one medium-sized oilfield in Iran. ... It is estimated that China will need 5.8 million barrels of oil a day in 2004, in effect replacing Japan as the world's second-biggest oil-consuming country, according to China's official Xinhua news agency. China consumed 250 million tons last year and this year is expected to consume 300 million tons. The United States consumes 1 billion tons of oil a year. ...
From The Washington Post: Sunday, February 15, 2004; Page A01
Libyan Arms Designs Traced Back to China Pakistanis Resold Chinese-Provided Plans
By Joby Warrick and Peter Slevin, Washington Post Staff Writers
Investigators have discovered that the nuclear weapons designs obtained by Libya through a Pakistani smuggling network originated in China, exposing yet another link in a chain of proliferation that stretched across the Middle East and Asia, according to government officials and arms experts. The bomb designs and other papers turned over by Libya have yielded dramatic evidence of China's long-suspected role in transferring nuclear know-how to Pakistan in the early 1980s, they said. The Chinese designs were later resold to Libya by a Pakistani-led trading network that is now the focus of an expanding international probe ...
From AP: Feb 25, 6:25 PM (ET)
U.S. Cites China, Russia on Human Rights By GEORGE GEDDA
WASHINGTON (AP) - China has been "backsliding on key human rights issues," the State Department said Wednesday in a report (its annual report on the state of human rights worldwide) that also accused Russia of manipulating elections and making threats against opposition parties. ...
From AFP: Sun Feb 29, 9:42 PM ET
China slams US human rights record, cites war in Iraq, Afghanistan
BEIJING (AFP) - China has published a scathing attack on the human rights situation in the United States, retaliating for a similar report issued by Washington last week that accused Beijing of backsliding on its rights record. ... "In recent years, the United States has practiced unilateralism on the international stage, wantonly engaged in military adventures, violently invaded the sovereignty of other nations and left the mark of rights violations everywhere," the 2003 US Rights Violation Record said. "Since the United States initiated the war on Iraq, 16,000 Iraqis have been killed including 10,000 citizens," the report said. With a 400 billion dollar defense budget, US defense spending is bigger than military expenditures of the rest of the world combined, while the United States is the world's biggest seller of arms. It was responsible for more than 48 percent of all conventional weapons sales to the developing world in 2002, the report said. ... "The United States leads the world in gun ownership, guns are everywhere and crimes involving guns are on the rise," it said. ... The report also soundly blasted the US Patriot Act which has empowered the government to violate the rights and freedom of ordinary citizens, most notably American minorities, "in the name of national security and fighting terrorism," it said. ... The report further slammed US democratic politics as the politics of the rich and cited the 113 million dollars spent by George W. Bush's election campaign in 2000 and the projected 200 million dollars for this year's presidential elections. It also blasted the US social welfare network and cited the growing numbers of poor and homeless people. "The richest one percent of the US have wealth that is equal to the 40 percent of the poorest people in the country," it said. ...
At The NYT: March 14, 2004
China Changes Constitution to Address Rights Issues By CHRIS BUCKLEY
BEIJING, March 14 — China's Parliament formally approved today constitutional amendments that address private property and human rights, while the country's new prime minister promised to rein in the overheated economy. ...
From AFP: (18/03/2004)
US files first WTO complaint against China
WASHINGTON (AFP) The United States filed the first World Trade Organisation case against China, attacking tax breaks for the integrated circuit industry, officials said. "US manufacturers of semiconductors and other products have a right to compete on a level playing field with Chinese firms," said US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick. But China flouted WTO rules by providing preferential tax treatment to integrated circuits produced in China, thereby disadvantaging US and other imports, he said. ...
From Radio Free Asia: 2004-03-19
Taiwan president, VP shot on eve of poll
TAINAN, TAIWAN-Taiwan’s president and vice-president both escaped an apparent double-assassination bid Friday as they campaigned a day ahead of the island’s presidential election, RFA reports. The Chinese media waited more than six hours to report the shootings. President Chen Shui-Bian was shot in the stomach while Vice President Annette Lu was wounded in the knee in the southern city of Tainan. Both were hospitalized and then sent home to recuperate. Both broadcast messages of reassurance to the island and urged Taiwan voters to cast ballots in the election on Saturday. Officials said the election, along with a controversial referendum on defense, would go forth as planned. ...
From Radio Free Asia: 2004-03-22
From Reuters: Mon Mar 22, 2004 02:55 PM ET
U.S. Seeks U.N. Condemnation of China Rights Abuse
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States urged a U.N. watchdog on Monday to condemn China's "backsliding" on human rights despite Beijing's warning the move could affect warming Sino-U.S. ties. As expected, the United States proposed a resolution at the annual session of the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Commission and sought to win supporters for its draft, particularly from the European Union, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said. ...
At Reuters: Fri Mar 26, 2004 08:57 AM ET
China Says Won't Sit by if Taiwan Turmoil Worsens By John Ruwitch
From AP at My Way News: Apr 10, 12:52 AM (ET)
Cheney to Promote Nuke Reactors to China By H. JOSEF HEBERT
WASHINGTON (AP) - On a trip to China next week to talk about high-stakes issues like terrorism and North Korea, Vice President Dick Cheney will have another task - making a pitch for Westinghouse's U.S. nuclear power technology. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Apr 23, 2004
China more than doubling budgeted military spending this year: Pentagon
WASHINGTON (AFP) China is more than doubling its budgeted defense spending this year as part of an aggressive military modernization strategy, including deterring any moves by Taiwan to declare independence, the Pentagon said. ...
From AP at News.com.au: April 27, 2004
China kills HK democracy hopes
BEIJING killed Hong Kong's hopes for quickly attaining full democracy, ruling overnight that the territory cannot directly elect its next leader because it could stir social and economic instability. ...
From the Washington Post: Monday, May 17, 2004; 4:48 PM
China Warns Taiwan's President Against Moves Towards Independence
By Philip P. Pan
Beijing Offers Benefits if 'One China' Policy Affirmed
BEIJING - The Chinese government warned Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian on Monday to pull back from a "dangerous lurch towards independence" or face "destruction." But it also offered economic, diplomatic and other benefits if he acknowledges Taiwan and the mainland are part of "one China." ...
From Reuters: Mon May 17, 2004 08:44 PM ET
White House Rebukes China, Vows to Help Taiwan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House rebuked China on Monday for threatening Taiwan and promised to fulfill its obligations to aid in the island's defense. ...
From Reuters: Tue May 18, 2004 10:07 PM ET
China Breathes Fire on Eve of Chen's Second Term
BEIJING (Reuters) - China cranked up the pressure on Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian on Wednesday, the eve of his inauguration, telling him not to underestimate its warning that it will crush independence moves at any cost. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: May 19, 2004
Powerful quake rocks Taiwan
TAIPEI - An earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale hit Taiwan Wednesday, shaking buildings in Taipei, the Seismology Center said. There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties. ...
From AFP at Yahoo: May 20, 2004 9:26pm ET
Taiwan offers olive branch to China, says independence off agenda
TAIPEI (AFP) - Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian struck a conciliatory tone with China as he was sworn in for a second term by vowing not to push for independence, but his olive branch was instantly dismissed by Beijing. Unveiling proposals for constitutional reforms he plans to introduce in 2008, Chen ruled out any change to the status of Taiwan, which China regards as part of its territory to be re-unified by force if necessary. ... But an unimpressed Beijing reacted by branding Chen's policies the "greatest threat to peace and stability" in the region. ...
At Bloomberg: May 24, 2004
China May `Pay Any Price' to Keep Taiwan From Independence
From AFP at SpaceWar: May 24, 2004
China warns it will 'smash' Taiwan military jets entering its airspace
BEIJING (AFP) - China will "smash" Taiwanese military jets if they try to enter Chinese airspace, a mainland official warned Monday, accusing the the island of constantly trying to create military incidents. ...
From Xinhua (www.chinaview.cn): 2004-05-30 23:04:53
Commentary: Stopping "Taiwan independence" activities key to safeguarding cross-Straits peace,stability
BEIJING, May 30 (Xinhuanet, by Shi Lujia) -- Recent remarks by a senior US official on the issue of Taiwan is not only in violation of the one-China principle and the three Sino-US Joint Communiques, but also constitute interference in China's internal affairs. ...
From AP at The Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Monday, May 31, 2004 · 7:07 a.m. PT
U.S.: China rethinking strategy on Taiwan By ROBERT BURNS
WASHINGTON -- China is reassessing how it would counteract the U.S. military in a potential conflict over Taiwan, based on what it saw in the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Pentagon says. ... The report is an annual assessment to Congress of Chinese military power and strategy and was posted on the Pentagon's main news Web site late Saturday night. Other aspects of the Iraq war have reinforced the Chinese belief that the United States' long-range strategy is to dominate Asia by containing the growth of Chinese power, the report said. ... "China's leaders appear to have concluded that the net effect of the U.S.-led campaign (against terrorism) has been further encirclement of China," specifically by placing U.S. military forces in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian nations, and strengthening relations with Pakistan and India, the report said. The Chinese also believe, partly from its assessment of the Bush administration's declared war on terrorism, that the United States is increasingly likely to intervene in a conflict over Taiwan or other Chinese interests, according to the Pentagon analysis. ... In Beijing on Sunday, officials said President Bush had reassured Chinese officials that Washington will stick to its "one-China policy" toward Taiwan. ...
From Reuters at Lycos: Monday, May 31, 2004 8:05 a.m. ET
China Accuses U.S. of Pushing Taiwan Independence
BEIJING (Reuters) - China accused the United States of damaging relations across the Taiwan Strait by encouraging independence seekers and repeated its threat to use force to seize the island if it drags its feet on reunification. ... "If the United States really wants to help maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, it should not have made irresponsible remarks on China's military deployment...as an excuse to keep selling advanced weapons to Taiwan," it said. "Any attempt to separate Taiwan from China is doomed to fail and Taiwan will eventually be reunited with its motherland. The United States should sober-mindedly understand this."
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jun 02, 2004
Taiwan seeks extra 18.24 bln military budget amid tensions with China
TAIPEI (AFP) Taiwan's cabinet on Wednesday approved an extra military budget of 610.1 billion Taiwan dollars (18.24 billion US) for the purchase of advanced weaponry amid tensions with rival China. The cabinet approved the draft bill aimed at overriding the restrictions of existing laws governing official budgets, government spokesman Chen Chi-mai told reporters. ... US President George W. Bush offered the sales in April 2001 as part of the most comprehensive arms package to the island since 1992. Taiwan's approval of the special military budget came one day after the United States warned China over its arsenal of weaponry targeting Taiwan, including approximately 500 short-range ballistic missiles. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jun 03, 2004
Taiwan holds live fire drill ahead of China's large-scale wargames
TAIPEI (AFP) Taiwan staged a live fire military drill ahead of large-scale wargames to be held by rival China, officials said Thursday. ... The exercise came after the Beijing-based New Express Daily said China was gearing up for large-scale military wargames aimed at "taking control of the Taiwan Strait", with 18,000 troops and the amphibious landing of tanks. ...
From Reuters: Sun Jun 6, 2004 10:10 PM ET
GM to Pour Billions Into China
BEIJING (Reuters) - The world's top car maker, General Motors Corp., said on Monday it will invest over $3 billion in China over the next three years and more than double capacity as it ups the stakes in its battle with market leader Volkswagen. General Motors, which expects China to be its second-largest market in the world this year, would also introduce almost 20 new models in the country over the next three years. "With the world's fastest-growing vehicle market, success in China is crucial to GM's global success," GM's China head, Phil Murtaugh, said in a statement. ... GM has downplayed its rivalry with Volkswagen, saying it also has to compete with others such as Ford Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. ... Between them, foreign auto makers will spend some $13 billion over the next few years on factories to crank out some six million cars annually, raising fears of a margin-sapping glut just down the road. ... GM sold about 70 percent more cars in China in the first quarter than in the year-earlier period, topping 122,000 units. Its sales in the United States over the same period grew just five percent. ... Profits from its Chinese joint ventures nearly quadrupled to $162 million in the first quarter. If its sales growth and margins continue at those rates, China would produce about a quarter of the group's $4 billion in profits forecast by analysts for this year.
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jun 09, 2004
China may attack, says Taiwan vice defense minister, seeking budget boost
TAIPEI (AFP) Taiwan's Vice Defense Minister Tsai Ming-hsien said Wednesday the Chinese communist forces might attack the island in the coming years and called for the passage of a special budget seeking to boost the island's military might. ... Taiwan government spokesman Chen Chi-mai said Tuesday that China's military spending had risen at a double-digit rate each year, amounting to between 50 billion US dollars and 70 billion US dollars last year. ... In its 2004 report to Congress on China, the US Defense Department said: "Since Taipei cannot match Beijing's ability to field offensive systems, proponents of strikes against the mainland apparently hope that merely presenting credible threats to China's urban population or high-value targets, such as the Three Gorges Dam, will deter Chinese military coercion."
From Haaretz By Reuters: 15/06/2004 09:16
Congressional report: Israel arms sales to China concern U.S.
WASHINGTON - The United States would face an increasingly lethal Chinese army modernized by Washington's friends and allies if it had to defend Taiwan in a war with Beijing, said a U.S. study released on Tuesday. Russia's arms exports to China are more sophisticated than ever, and Israel -- recipient of some of America's most advanced technology -- has an increasingly worrisome defense relationship with Beijing, the report said. Moreover, if the European Union lifts its arms embargo on China as some members want, that could "dramatically enhance China's military capability," added the report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. ... The commission, created by the U.S. Congress in 2000, said a key to China's modernization had been "extensive" acquisitions of foreign military technologies, with Russia as the top supplier and Israel as No. 2. ...
From The Straits Times: June 30, 2004
US plans huge show of force in Pacific By Ching Cheong
Seven aircraft carriers to move within striking distance of China;
Taiwan forces slated to join in drill
HONG KONG - The United States is planning a massive show of force in the Pacific Ocean near China to register a point with Beijing. In an exercise codenamed Operation Summer Pulse 04, it is expected to arrange for an unprecedented seven aircraft carrier strike groups (CSGs) to rendezvous in waters a safe distance away from the Chinese coastline - but still within striking distance - after mid-July. This will be the first time in US naval history that it sends seven of its 12 CSGs to just one region. ... Sources in Beijing say China's reading is that Summer Pulse is being mounted with it as the target audience, a suspicion reinforced by reports that Taiwanese forces are slated to join in the drill. ...
From AFP at Channelnewsasia: 07 July 2004 0200 hrs (GMT + 8 hours)
Strong quake rocks Taiwan as island struggles with floods
From Bloomberg: July 8, 2004 21:13 EDT
U.S. Tells China It Stands by Commitment to Help Taiwan Defense By Rob Delaney
July 9 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. government told China in talks in Beijing that it will stand by commitments to help Taiwan defend itself from attack. U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice stressed in meetings with Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, who now heads the military, that the U.S. won't support independence for the island, said a Bush administration official traveling with Rice's delegation, who didn't want to be identified. China pledged to keep pressure on North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons program, the official said. ... Jiang told Rice that China is unhappy about U.S. plans to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan and that Taiwan remains the ``most vital and most sensitive issue in Sino-U.S. relations,'' the official Xinhua news agency reported after the two met. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jul 12, 2004
China to demonstrate air superiority in Taiwan war games
BEIJING (AFP) - China will use military drills this month to demonstrate its ability to dominate air space over Taiwan, an essential element in any invasion of the island, state media and analysts said Monday. Joint sea, land and air drills will take place this month at Dongshan Island, just 150 nautical miles away from Taiwan's Penghu Islands, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jul 13, 2004
China warns US to stop arms sales to Taiwan
WASHINGTON (AFP) - China urged the United States Tuesday to stop selling advanced arms to Taiwan and cut military links with the island if it wanted any improvement in bilateral relations. ...
From Reuters: Thu Jul 15, 2004 06:45 PM ET
Pentagon War Game Based on China Threat to Taiwan By Jim Wolf
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A crisis-simulation drill based on a growing Chinese military threat to Taiwan was played out this week by U.S. decision makers, Pentagon officials said on Thursday. ... Pentagon officials cautioned against reading anything into the timing of the strategy drill or into the deployment of seven U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups worldwide simultaneously. ... The scenario in the U.S. exercises, ninth in a series prompted by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, "specifically examined responses to an increasing possibility of military action by China against Taiwan," the National Defense University said. ...
From The Los Angeles Times: July 15, 2004
Sailing Toward a Storm in China By Chalmers Johnson
U.S. maneuvers could spark a war.
Quietly and with minimal coverage in the U.S. press, the Navy announced that from mid-July through August it would hold exercises dubbed Operation Summer Pulse '04 in waters off the China coast near Taiwan. This will be the first time in U.S. naval history that seven of our 12 carrier strike groups deploy in one place at the same time. ... Needless to say, the Chinese are not amused. They say that their naval and air forces, plus their land-based rockets, are capable of taking on one or two carrier strike groups but that combat with seven would overwhelm them. So even before a carrier reaches the Taiwan Strait, Beijing has announced it will embark on a crash project that will enable it to meet and defeat seven U.S. carrier strike groups within a decade. There's every chance the Chinese will succeed if they are not overtaken by war first. ... But a strong mainland makes the anti-China lobby in the United States very nervous. ... These ideologues appear to be trying to precipitate a confrontation with China while they still have the chance. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jul 23, 2004
Military contact with Taiwan must stop: China tells US Pacific chief
BEIJING (AFP) Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing Friday told the commander of US forces in the Pacific that military exchanges with Taiwan must stop given the "seriousness" of the cross straits standoff. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jul 25, 2004
Taiwan deploys missiles on island off China: Jane's
TAIPEI (AFP) - Taiwan has built a major missile and radar complex on an island off China aimed at restricting its rival's air force and naval capability in the Taiwan Strait, the authoritative Janes Defence Weekly says. The report comes as both China and Taiwan conducted wargames amid fresh tensions between the arch foes, prompting the United States to call for restraint. The new complex, located in Tungyin Island which is part of the Matsu group just 16 kilometers from the Chinese coast, includes two separate radars for the navy and army, according to the article to be published Wednesday. The complex is armed with 100km-range (60 miles) Hsiung Feng 2 (Brave Wind) anti-ship missiles and Tien Kung 2 (Sky Bow) medium- to high-altitude surface-to-air missiles. "These place several vital Chinese air bases, missile launch sites and naval facilities under Taiwan's missile umbrella," the London-based journal says. Taipei has long held off from positioning missiles on Tungyin over concerns that this could violate a tacit agreement with Beijing over deploying missiles past the halfway point in the Taiwan Strait. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Jul 29, 2004
Taiwan's Chen pushes for new submarine deal to protect against China
TZUOYING, Taiwan (AFP) - Taiwan's president, struggling to convince parliament of the need for expensive new weaponry, said Thursday new submarines were essential for the island to defend itself from attack by mainland China. ... The deal to buy an unspecified number of US-built submarines is part of a controversial budget of 610 billion Taiwan dollars (18.2 billion US) to update Taiwan's military with weaponry including anti-missile systems and anti-submarine aircraft over a 15-year period from 2005. ...
From AFP at Yahoo: Tue Aug 3,11:35 AM ET
US will not back down from arms sales to Taiwan, senators say in China
BEIJING (AFP) - A US senate delegation has had "strong words and very forceful discussions" with China over Taiwan, telling Beijing that Washington would not back down from selling arms to the island, a leading American lawmaker said. ...
At Reuters: Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:57 PM ET
China Tests New Guided Missile Amid Taiwan Tensions
From AFP at SpaceWar: Sep 02, 2004
China, US close to deal on nuclear technology trade: report
WASHINGTON (AFP) - China and the United States have nearly settled a dispute over nuclear technology, a move that would allow US companies to sell nuclear reactors to China, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. The deal could mean billions of dollars for US companies that have lobbied hard to get Washington and Beijing to reach agreement. ... The business daily said Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong told visiting US Vice President Dick Cheney in April that China will build 24 to 30 nuclear-power plants by 2020, at a cost of 1.5 billion dollars each. A spokesman for Westinghouse, one of the firms that pressured the administration of President George W. Bush to reach a deal, said that firm plans to bid on two projects which already have been approved by Chinese officials, the daily said.
From Bloomberg at The New Zealand Herald: 29.09.2004
Single bidder tipped for $12b China nuclear deal
SYDNEY - A single foreign bidder may get the US$8 billion ($12 billion) contract to build four nuclear reactors for China. Areva, Westinghouse Electric or Siemen are leading contenders as China undertakes the world's biggest nuclear-power construction programme. ...
From The BBC: Friday, 1 October, 2004, 06:22 GMT 07:22 UK
China's thirst for oil gets into top gear By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
From Reuters: Mon Oct 25, 2004 07:01 PM ET
Powell speaks of China, Taiwan 'reunification'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on Monday spoke of the eventual "reunification" of China and Taiwan, a comment likely to annoy Taiwanese officials who regard the island as an independent nation. On a tour of Asia, Powell also said Taiwan does not enjoy "sovereignty as a nation" -- a long-standing but quietly held U.S. view whose blunt expression may irk independence-minded Taiwanese officials. "We want to see both sides not take unilateral action that would prejudice an eventual outcome, a reunification that all parties are seeking," Powell told CNN International, according to a State Department transcript released in Washington. ...
From AFP at SpaceWar: Nov 13, 2004
China urges calm after Japan demands apology for submarine intrusion
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